Buying And Selling Domains With Joe

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$1,600, $2000 bucks, $3,000. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to be talking about what I think is the easiest side hustle ever, but I got a confession. These results aren’t mine. These are my results. $1500, $2000, $5,000, $1500, $300. And the cool part is each one only costs me nine bucks. All right, ladies and gentlemen, the results that you saw earlier from this side hustle are from my buddy Joe over here. Joe actually took my domaining class last year and he’s been buying and selling domains like crazy. Some of these domains, he’s buying for what? Seven bucks and selling them for a thousand dollars. What was your biggest sale?

My biggest sale last year was $3000.

Cool. All right. And do you remember what that one cost you?


$300 bucks. So that’s like a 10X ROI?

Yes, it is. All

Right, cool. Now, aside from what I teach, how did you get into this? How did you start to look at domaining? How did you come across this whole side hustle?

Well, to go back to the beginning, you have to go back to when I started actually getting on Affiliate Marketing Dude, your blog profit network class.


So I started buying some domains and building them out, and then I realized that I could also couple domaining with building out sites.

All right. So you got into it where you’re looking at domains, buying them for the SEO purposes to build a blog.


Got it. Now, what was the shift? I know we had a class about domaining, but what was the shift from like, “Okay, I’m going to buy these and build them out,” to, “Hey, I’m going to buy these and sell them.”

Well, it was basically just watching you. Watching what you were doing in your videos, and I think you did a short video on buying and selling domains, and then that’s really when the light bulb popped in my head. So I started using the tools that you use as you taught to research, find out what the real values are found, find out what domains are selling for in general, and then taking your class last year back in, I think it was March or February, but that only added to my knowledge base and my skillset, and yeah, it was really just following what you had said to get the results.

Okay, cool. So I see here you got and you bought it for $180 bucks, sold it for $1600 bucks, which is pretty cool.


So on this one, when you looked at something … Let’s take a look at the tools. Let’s just show them exactly what we’re doing. So let’s say here you go over to the GoDaddy auctions and you have So what was it about this that told you, “Hey, I could risk $180 on this domain and be pretty safe?” Was it just because GoDaddy said so? Which obviously you sold it for more than GoDaddy said.

I did, and it was partly that, but realizing that the niche was very credible. It’s something that people can relate to on a daily basis. And I looked at a few factors too, but because it was such a short domain, it’s like 11 to 13 characters on the second level domain.

So we’re looking the niche, which is layover.


Now were you in the travel niche or what were you thinking?

No, I wasn’t even in that niche.


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It’s just by watching your videos and then attending the class, looking at how it could be profitable, that really is what caught my eye about it.

Okay, cool. So yeah, what we’re doing here is we’re looking at these. Another one, he’s got sold for $2,000, which is cool. So you paid $200 for that. Sold it for $2,000 dollars. Now that one, it’s an obvious one because of the breweries, however, sometimes putting best in front of it, if we go to the GoDaddy tool here, and we do best breweries like this, we’re going to see. Hopefully I spelled it right. I did not. Best breweries.

And ironically, it’s not spelled correctly.

Oh, it’s not spelled correctly.


Brewerys. Now, is that the right one? Brewerys?


That is this?

That is that.

So it is available again. Yeah, it looks like best brew, E-R … Oh, wait, I have an extra E. There we go.


Okay. So yeah, according to GoDaddy, this guy, he bought it from you for $2000. He’s trying to sell it for $3000. And actually you got the better end of the deal because you bought it for $200, sold it for two grand.


Pretty cool. And it looks like he’s sitting with it there.

The thing I knew I wasn’t going to build it out because a lot of these domains I bought with the intention of, “Hey, maybe I’ll build it out and make money that way through affiliate marketing or through some other channel.”


But then I’m thinking I can’t take all these projects on, and that’s another reason why I got into domaining, was because of that.


Because right now I’m a small operation, so I don’t have a big staff that can help me build all these out and market these. So why don’t I do the next best thing, sell the domain?

Yeah. And so over last year I think was your big year domaining. What did you make last year?

Close to $13,000.

$13,000. And I think according to your fancy spreadsheet, yes, ladies and gentlemen, he is way more organized than me. You spent about $1100 bucks.

I did.

That’s pretty good. For a side hustle to be averaging over a thousand dollars a month with very little risk, I think this is something that pretty much anyone can do. This is something I do, but there’s a couple things that you need to watch out for and we’re going to talk about those right now. Because we look at this and we’re like, “Okay, is a domain worth it?” All right, I’m going to type in a domain here, which I actually bought for $15 dollars a couple years ago. Now, if you look at this domain, GoDaddy is saying it’s worth $1,000. Now, would it behoove you to know that GoDaddy was in fact wrong? Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, I sold this domain for $25,000. Now, this was a fluke. As we’ll notice, some of them sell, some of them don’t. But what we need to realize is our risk and reward structure.
Now what we’re doing is first and foremost, we are looking for domains in several different places. First of all, we’re going to use a tool like SpamZilla, or you can use, but is going to show you the names that drop. Every day over a hundred thousand domains drop. That means maybe I got a domain, I don’t want to do anything with it. I don’t register it again, and it goes in the expired domains. Now, this is one place we can look and we can also look in SpamZilla. SpamZilla is actually going to organize these based on SEO and different things like that. And this is a tool you use all the time.

SpamZilla is the number one tool that I use. And forgive me, I do use as well. Although the domains that I find that have a lot of teeth, a lot of back links and they’re higher worth are the ones you find on SpamZilla.

Yeah, I agree. And we need to look at this in a very specific thing because what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at Expired Domains. We are going to look at GoDaddy auctions and we’re going to look at Namecheap auctions. Now I want you to understand the differences between what’s going on here, because some of these, it’s like, “Hey, am I going to spend $26,000 dollars on this domain?” Not a chance. Now this one here, this was an interesting one and I was tempted to buy it, so let’s get your feedback on it. This was, which The Band Perry is a band name.

Yes. It is.

That’s their exact name.


And they’re pretty popular. And I remember years ago I came across Nicki Minaj’s domain, but it wasn’t, it was some name she had that her audience knew about. This is the exact band name, which is crazy. Is that worth $11,000?

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That is actually. Because I’m a country fan, so I know The Band Perry and that I can’t even believe that that is available.

Yeah. And in 50 minutes someone’s going to own it. Now, the interesting thing about that is you can actually see the history of it. If we do The Band Perry domain sale, we can see if it actually went on the auction sites, and the chances are it probably did, which means someone probably bought this for $15 and now they’re selling it. Based on this, it’s got an hour to go. We’ll watch it through this video to keep you guys in the loop, but I’m going to say this’ll probably go for $25, maybe even more. Definitely going to go for $15,000 I would think. Now, again, you have to look at this because what we’re talking about … I don’t know. I know that’s pretty solid, but I’m not going to risk $15K on it.

I would have to agree, I wouldn’t.

Well, and when you think about it’s like, “Okay, for $15,000, I can get 20,000 expired domains and my odds of making money are going to go up exponentially.” Now, disclaimer, don’t go out there and buy $15 grand worth of domains just because you think they’re going to sell. We need to be strategic about this because when we look at this, we need to say, “What is it I’m buying and why?” And when we look at some of the stuff we got here, we have a hundred wedding tips, seven figure mentor, about copper. These are domains that we know are going to work. Now, there’s two different types of domains that we are going to look at.
Number one is going to be good names. All right. A good name is a name that sounds good. Something that you think will sell,, anything like that, that is going to be good.
Now, you want to watch out for trademark terms because trademark terms could get you in hot water. Stay away from them. Don’t do it. With The Band Perry I don’t think it’s trademarked, but again, if I was going to invest in it, I would need to know for sure before I bought that thing. The second thing we’re going to look at is SEO purposes. There are domains out there as we talked about in my video last week, where the domain alone will get you search engine rankings, which are worth money as affiliate marketers, as business owners, and even on the resale market.
So what we need to understand here is exactly what we’re looking at. And when we look at SpamZilla, what you’re going to have is several different things and I’m going to have a link in the description where you can get the programs we’re talking about and different things like that. Now, when we’re looking at this, we need to understand that we can sort these based on Ahrefs traffic, based on back links, based on all sorts of different factors. Now right here I have a filter set, and do you have filters?

I do.


I have a lot of filters on SpamZilla.

Okay, You probably have more than I do.


Pretty close.

Yeah, pretty close. Pretty close.

So what we’re going to do, I have my main filter and my main filter is going to go through. The main one is expired, net, org, info, and I think I might have one other TLD, that’s what they call the thing after the dot, that I use as well. But I’m not going to go buy .learn or .crypto. Those are okay, they can sell, but it’s like the NFT market where who knows? I don’t know one ape from another ape, I don’t know one of those from another one, which is going to be big. You don’t know. A picture of an ape, is it worth anything? I don’t know. Do you find the same kind of thing?

I do. And after taking your class, I don’t put stock in names that much anymore. There are exceptions, but I like to use SpamZilla. I like to use Ahrefs to make sure that my domains that I want to buy have legs and they actually are going to either A, make me money for resale or B, can I build it out?

Got it.

And make money that way.

Cool. So yeah, with this I’m going to look at what’s there and I could see, again, time is going to make you quick at this. We know what we’re looking for. And over time I’ll show you how it works. So if we do on this list, I see yard and garden structures stands out to me because it’s like, “Okay, you can sell it to some gazebo company.” A lot of these don’t complete or whatever that is. There’s a lot of weird stuff in here as well. And I think on this list, that’s probably the only one I would be interested in. Maybe directory bloom because a directory site might have back links and things like that.
But on this list, not a whole lot. Now what I’m going to do, I’ll let you guys in on a secret. I don’t know if you know this one, but what I’m going to do here is first and foremost, if I’m buying domains for SEO purposes and something that was popular, I’m going to go over here to Ahref’s positions, which is going to show me the ones, I have to click it twice, it’s going to show me the ones that actually have rankings in Google, like Now that one, in my experience, you tell me what you think, the domain alone, if I wanted to sell, I’d be shooting for $250 or less, I would think.

I would think so.

Yeah, and that would be I got to have the right buyer.

There’s a lot of people who want earbuds. Actually, I just bought a pair about a month ago because my old ones, they died on me.

Clunked out.

But you’ve got beats, you’ve got people who like the big clunky headphones, that’s what I call the, you have people all like me who want earbuds, but that actually is a hot niche.

It is. And the shop and the .net I would think, again, my rule of thumb, and I think you got this from me, and it’s really what helped you go to the next level, is what would I have to do to sell that right away for what I paid for it?


Because what I want is liquidity. I want to be able to say, “Hey, I bought this for $10 bucks. I can sell it for $10 tomorrow.” No questions. I bought this for $500. We look at rocket rental, you paid $300. I know for a fact you could sell that for $300 tomorrow if you had to.


And that’s what we’re looking at. And then also negotiating too, because a lot of these, rocket rental, I probably wouldn’t have taken less than $5,000 for it just based on the name alone. However, I think that was probably a pretty good negotiation. They probably started you at $150.

And true story, I was sitting around and I just got the phone call from the representative from GoDaddy, and I did start actually at six.

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I started at six and I was so excited. This is a rookie mistake. I don’t recommend anyone do this. Now that I’m a little more seasoned, I know better, but when they whittled me down to three, I jumped at it.

Okay, that’s good. So for me, it’s a risk factor.


On rocket rental they could probably go get rocket rentals, plural, for $15 bucks. That’s the risk. Because if you go, “Hey, $10 grand,” they could be like, “Well, we’re going to go buy the $15 one.”


Which means you ain’t got nothing.


So there is a risk factor. I have lost domains because I have been too high in the game, or lost sales rather because I’ve been too high in the game. But where I’m at, I can afford to sit and wait. For the majority of people doing this as a side hustle, which for you, you didn’t have to wait. You made $12 grand, you got domains in the pipeline you bought that you can still sell. It’s looking pretty solid, which I think is good. And then when we look at these, we need to understand what it is we want and what we’re going to do. CPD certify. So I don’t know what that is, but I want to figure out what CPD certify is because that might be a good one. So this is CPD certify for some training thing and accreditation, accredited, however you say it.


Yeah, there you go.

If you say it really fast, it comes out, no one knows what you’re talking about.

There you go. And one of us went to school, it wasn’t me. So we’re going to look at this, we’re going to be like, “Okay, this is something.” So it’s a success coaching and it was also a plumbing thing. So this here, CPD certified, wherever it’s at, there it is, Is that worth the $9 I can get it? What do you think?

Well, for me, you have to begin with the end in mind. What do you want to do with that domain? If people are into CPD, so look at the other half of the name, certified. What are you trying to do? Are you trying to be certified in CPD?

Exactly. And I think one of the other things too is people look at this number on GoDaddy as if it’s the gospel truth. They’re sitting in church and this thing is in the choir. That’s not the number I look at.


The number I’m going to look at is med certify, PMP exams, CDL permit. Now here I look at this and I’m like, “Okay, this has something that’ll work.” Now, I’m not super sold on certify, med certified would be worth more than med certify because it’s just a weird word. It’s like bikes versus bicycling. Bicycling isn’t going to be-

Sorry. Or CPD certification.

Exactly. Because it is a key word people look up. Now with this one, I would have no problem risking $9 bucks on that. Now again, results not typical, implied, or guaranteed, the average person makes nothing. Joe is an anomaly. He actually made it work. Are there lots of people that make it work? There are, but sadly the vast majority don’t get the intricacies, which we’re sharing with you right now for smashing the like button. So we’re going to look at this and we’re like, “Okay, we got all this stuff here.” Now when we go to auctions, it’s a different animal altogether because now we’re getting into the realm of now I’m buying one domain for $300. That’s a little scary. And I remember you came to me last year and you were like, “Hey, I bought this domain for $500.” And I’m like, “Okay, I hope it works out for you buddy.”
And it did because he was buying the right ones and understanding. Now, for you guys, if you don’t have $500 to spend, come on in, we’re going to have a little secret here. These are results that I had. So these are Joe’s results here. These results I had here on one day garden,, and this one, $1500, $2000, $5,000, $1500 and I don’t know what a dinger ball is, but sold for $300 bucks. All of these names were ones that I found on the expired list for $9.

I’m just hung up on that dinger ball one.

Dinger ball, I probably could have gotten more for it, but it’s weird. And I think it might’ve been a expired trademark, but I was like 30x to my money and that was within a month. So it was pretty cool.

Yeah. We’re having a good time here with that. I’m just trying to think, what could you have done with it? I want to build that out, Marcus.

That would be-

I want to join SimpleSites and I’m going to build out dinger ball. Can you help me with that?

Actually that is what I had in mind.


I was thinking, “Okay, one of my students can … ” You go down to the beach and they have that thing where they throw the ball on a little trampoline and it’s apparently some game. I tried it and it hit me in the eye. So it is dangerous. Be careful. But I was thinking it’s like that, it’s a frat game.

Hence the name dinger, if you get hit in the eye with the ball.

Exactly ,right.

On the beach.

And so I look at that and I’m like, “Okay, yeah, I can build it out.” And I want to thank Joe for bringing that up because one of the biggest things in domain buying that I have, and people say all the time, “Marcus, you’re the affiliate marketing dude. You have the advantage.” Yes, I do have some advantages. One of them is I always have a back out plan. And that’s not to say that you can’t either. When we look at these, or art of self-branding, audio tabs, when we look at these, you bought these and you probably had a back out plan of worst case scenario. I can build it and sell it or build it and use it.



With the wedding one, I told you guys before that I used to DJ weddings, MC. So I’m very familiar with with that niche. So that would’ve been easy for me to build out. It was more of a time and where I wanted to put my time. So that’s why I got rid of that one.

Cool. So the next thing we’re going to look at here is buying domains at auction, which again is risky. I think it’s funny because people look at me and they’re like, “Oh, you probably spend enormous amounts.” And actually the most expensive domain I ever bought was $3000 bucks, and that’s pretty inexpensive considering. And I bought that domain because I wanted it for me, I didn’t buy it to resell.


The most expensive one I ever bought to resell was I think $800. And it sold for five grand, which is pretty cool. So what we’re going to do here is we’re going to look at these domains at auction. And again, it’s a grind. You got to look at them every day. You have to remember. Half the time I don’t remember. I forget which is where.

Ironically, I’m obsessed. I know an auction is ending. The first thing I do in the morning is I’ll run through the computer and check to see if it’s bid up. So I have that obsession, I’m constantly checking sometimes the ones that I’m really interested in buying, although people might think it’s insane, almost minute to minute or hour to hour.

No, I do too. Yeah. Yeah, I will check.

You have to.

What I’ll do is I’ll set a timer. I know there’s ways to auto-bid, but I’m not smart enough to figure those out. But what I’ll do is I’ll set a timer or if I have an employee working that day, they’ll set a timer and we literally have a giant screen there, which is specifically horizontal because that’s how GoDaddy is laid out. And I’ll just have it there. And it’s funny because GoDaddy called me last year and they were like, “You’re one of our top domain buyers.” And I’m like, “Really? Me?” I’m not spending that much. I think last year I think I spent $60K on domains, but again, I’m doing this at a giant level and I know what I’m buying and where. You spent $1100 on domains last year. Now how much is in your surplus? So you made 11x your money, and how many domains do you have left from the $1100 you spent?

That is a very good question. And full disclosure, I have a portfolio right now of close to 300 domains.

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So you still have 300 domains. Yes. So you spent $1100, you got $13,000 and you got 300 domains, which worst case scenario, you can sell all of them for $9 and recoup your money back and get another three grand.


But chances are, if you wait, someone’s going to come find you about those domains. And that’s what a lot of people ask me, “Well, Marcus, you buy these at auction, where do you sell them?” And the funny thing is that I found with Joe and myself is these people come to us.

They do.

And it’s weird because when they come to you, it’s a whole different ballgame, because they want what you have which means with the caveat of what it’s actually worth, you can name your price. And they come all the time, “Oh, we’ll give you a hundred bucks for your domain.” And I’m like, “No, I’m not going to do it.” And then you start high. If someone came to me for a hundred, let’s say we were going to sell rocket rental. If they came at a hundred, I’m going to highball them at $10K. And then they’ll be like, “Oh, well we need to walk that back. We’ll give you five,” and we’ll meet in the middle somewhere.
But if we look at this, what I want to look at is with a side hustle, with a business like this, how do we do this as low risk as possible? Because Joe had pretty much his risk was $1100 bucks. Most people spend more than that for some guru course about Shopify. But you spent it on something that actually matters. And I might be shooting myself in the foot here because I would like you to buy my courses and stuff, namely the domain one, but you’d probably be better off instead of buying some Shopify flashy, shiny object just buying domains and doing it smart.

That would be correct. And one thing I can add on to that is if you get a phone call from someone from GoDaddy or whoever, don’t jump at the first number that you hear. I’ll give you an example. is a company that, and this just doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s a company that sold putters. Anybody who knows golf, you know what a dog leg is, it’s a golf course. You have your fairway, and when it breaks off to the right, they call it a dog leg. Don’t ask me why. I play golf. I’m horrible at it. I just know that.
So when I bought it, I had it with the idea of building it out. So that was my end game. When I got the phone call phone, the GoDaddy representative said, “We’ll give you $300 bucks for it.” And I said, “Okay, let me think about it.” And then got his information, hung up the phone, did my research, came back, I said, “I want $2000 for it.” They came back, they said, “No more than $1500.” I said, “$1800, I’m done. We’re done and it’s good.” They bought it and now it’s live and they’re selling putters.

And let me give you guys a tip also. Of the thousands of domains that I’ve sold, I did one by phone one time, and it was the one for $25,000. And that was back when I answered the phone. Now I don’t answer the phone, unless it’s my wife. You have to call answer when she calls.

I would think so.

Otherwise, you know ain’t going to sell nothing. I do all of mine via email. They might try to call the number, but email I find is best because one, there’s an intimidation factor. And I would say that the representative trying to sell the domain is going to be more intimidating than you trying to sell it or the guy trying to get you to buy it or whatever it is. So that’s like when I do car deals, I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m five feet tall, but sometimes I’m intimidated by people and car dealers are intimidating.
And so I have learned do it all via email and you get a better deal because hey, it’s papers, there’s no emotion, there’s no nothing. So if you’re worried about that process, your buddy Marcus does not get on the phone for domains. It is all 100% via email, numbers back and forth. That’s the end of the deal there. And when we start to understand exactly what’s going on, and we’re like, “Wait a minute, there are literally millions and millions of dollars in assets that are out there that people don’t know are worth it.” Case in point, years ago when I used to be a preacher, there was this guy who was my buddy, and we’d go preaching together and he always drove a 280Z, the old Nissan 280Z.


And I’m like, “Why do you drive these? You can’t even fit a backpack in them. And they break more than they’re on the road.” And he’s like, “Well, I buy these at auction for $200 because I know how to fix this electrical part and then I can resell them for three grand.”


So he just knew that that’s what was wrong. He bought them cheap and sold it. So literally there was millions of these cars sitting there or however many there were, and he knew how to fix it, which made it worth more money. And when you understand that, “Hey, I know what to buy, which makes it worth more money, I know what I’m looking for.” And when we understand, “Okay, I’m looking for stuff that A, I could sell to a business, B, has back links,” which we’ll talk about, there’s some links in the description that go into more detail here.
But when we look at this, we’re like, “Okay,,” maybe. I probably wouldn’t buy that one. It does have some back links though. It is in Spanish, which is what this is. So I’m going to keep going and I’m going to be a little picky about what I’m looking at. Now, where did my brain go on that one? It went to that Restoration Furniture store. And I’m like, “Ah, okay. This is something that would probably sell.” Would I buy it for $200 bucks? No. Would I buy it for $15? Yeah, I probably would.


Now, again, remember $15 plus $20, so you’re actually $35 in on that one.

See that’s funny because I thought of car restoration.


Yeah. It would be behoove you to research what the niche was with that domain name. If you’re going to buy something like that, Marcus’s mind went to furniture, mine went to cars.

Yes. And again, we’re going to use our keyword word tool to see what the actual thing is. And you can use Ahrefs, you could use The HOTH Keyword Tool. Actually, let’s use The HOTH Free Keyword Tool just for those that want free info. What we’re going to do is go to The HOTH. We’re going to go to keyword SEO ranking checker, like this. We’re going to put in the domain, and this is going to show it what it ranks for. Now, if you have the money to buy Ahrefs or something like that, it’ll actually show you a history and everything. But we could see here, this is about safety. So restoration authority, we were both off, and it actually ties to a more expensive niche. What this is about is fire damage and water damage.

Oh, okay.

Now that I’m thinking, “Hey, these guys pay a fortune for affiliate marketers and things like that.” And that’s got some good stuff with it, and it’s a sellable domain, which is pretty good. And then when we go through, again, odds fanatic, that would be good for a sports betting site. Okay, let’s see, what else do we have? Food irradiation. Don’t know what that is. 104 price and different things like that. And again, what we’re looking at now is auction domains. If you want to do the cheap guys, which again, they sell, we can look at main, and then you can even isolate. Do you ever isolate like, “Hey, I want a limo domain?”

I actually do.


A lot of times I get the ideas from your videos.


Yeah. Then I just start writing things down and the ideas start popping into my head again. Because I have shiny object syndrome sometimes and I’m like, “That’s a good niche. That’s a good niche. That’s a good niche,” but I should be writing this down. Or I’ll put it in my smartphone. But yes, I do have filters for specific niches.

Exactly. And sometimes we can look at stuff that’s really easy, like this, that for $9 bucks I’d be all over that. You can go to $4 apparently at GoDaddy. Thank you, GoDaddy. They are cheaper today. But we can get something like that and make it work. And it’s something that’s sellable to a plumber who wants to make a course or hey, you could reach out to a plumber, you can make a course with them on how they did their business or whatever, split it with them. And there you go. Or you can be an affiliate. Type in plumber course affiliate, build the site out, and guess what? You run the site. Eventually someone might come and want to buy the domain and you have a big payday, which is pretty cool. You can type in maybe limo or maybe you’re going to do something else.
You have a limo Atlanta. And again, a lot of these I wouldn’t buy, wouldn’t even look at him. However, there’s something here like I know beast is a popular word. Limo is a popular business. There you go. Pretty simple. Or if there was Atlanta express limos, I would buy that for $9. If it had back-links, I’d probably buy it for more. Here’s one limousine Atlanta. and we could see here that this has all kinds of back links as well. Car service, back links, and on and on we go. So would that be worth $9? Yeah, because of the back links it probably would. And we can do all kinds of things like hosting. What other ones do you do?

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I do a lot in the golf niche.

Golf, okay, cool. Nope, not gold, golf. There we go. Yeah. So the golf niche here, you have different golf courses. This is actually something that’s pretty interesting. Sometimes golf courses get bought and sold or just discontinued. And when you buy those domains, they’re going to have all the links of all the people that pointed at them, which is going to help you get rankings, and you can convert those sites into different types of sites. Here’s Lake Orlando golf course. That one I could probably sell without even thinking about it. Lake Orlando Golf course.

Sure. Golf lessons, golf swing. Again, I got lucky with dog leg right, because there you had somebody who was a hot buyer and their company made putters and they wanted it back. They lost the domain.


Somebody was sleeping at the wheel, and I’ve profited from it.

Exactly. And when we look at it’s like, “Okay, there is some Lake Orlando.” Lake Orlando, and this is Lake Orlando Golf. Where’d it go to go? Lake Orlando Golf Course right here. It’s got some back links. It looks pretty good. So it really has to do with knowing what to buy Again, there’s going to be some videos that go more into detail in the description, and I want you guys to understand that this side hustle is something that works like crazy. Joe got into it last year. He pretty much, I think you made your first sale, what? Couple months after?

I received the phone call and I was sitting out on my patio and when the switch flipped. Now getting calls isn’t typical, but yeah, I got the call from go from the GoDaddy representative, and basically when I made that first sale, when you make that first sale, you are going to feel like King Kong on caffeine. It’s going to be so good. And that’s what set me off. That’s what said, “Hey, listen, I can do this if I keep following the same plan.” Because you have to have a plan. If you follow your plan, work it and do it consistently and are smart, then you’ll make money with this.

Cool. And now how long after you were like, “Hey, I’m going to domaining,” did you get your first sale?

Actually, it was only a few months.


It was when I had my mind set on it, it was the beginning of last year.

That’s awesome. And there’s one other thing I want to mention too is we were waiting around for calls on the domains. We haven’t even talked about proactively seeking people. I could go out there with Lake Orlando Golf Course, I can find all the little golf courses in the area, or maybe there’s a golf trainer in the area and I’m like, “Hey, you want this domain?” And I buy it for $9 bucks. I don’t think I couldn’t sell it for a hundred or more.


And that’s 10x.


Boom. Again, results not typical, implied, or guaranteed, but if I proactively try to sell these, you could do really, really well. We did this with a case study on Anniston septic. It was a city I knew in Alabama, and it was the word septic. And I was like, “Okay, this will sell.” And it’s something that other people were paying like five grand for. And I think I bought that at auction for $70, so it cost me $90 because of a fee. But it’s very, very simple and very easy if you understand it. Again, links in the description. Now, Joe, before we let them go watch the other videos on the side hustle, what would your advice be to someone who’s like, “Hey, you know what? I got a couple hundred bucks, but that’s about it. I want to get into domaining. How would I start?” What is the number one thing you would want them to know?

There’s actually a few things. First, begin with the end in mind. When you look at a domain, what do you want to do with it? Second, do your research. Just because GoDaddy says it’s worth $3,000 dollars is really worth $3,000 dollars? And then thirdly, I would actually sign up for Marcus’s course because everything that I learned and I’m practicing, I learned from Marcus. So with no pun intended, the man knows what he is doing. And actually, when you start and you get your first sale, you’ll understand the nuances of how to work your plan. But that’s the biggest advice is have a plan.

Awesome. Cool. And well, I do appreciate that plug. Tomorrow we are having a free domain class where you can come ask whatever you want. This isn’t like a webinar where it’s like, “Hey, welcome to my webinar with my slides,” this is where I fire up the computer, you ask questions, I answer them. So if you want a free class on that, we’re having one tomorrow, I’ll put the link in the description. I think it’s also going to be That’s It’s a free training. It’s going to be at three o’clock eastern time. You hop on the webinar, you ask the questions, show up live, and you could even bring domains and we’ll talk about them. But I’m just going to show you behind the scenes of how it works, and we’ll hang out and talk domains. Very, very important. Also in the comments, let’s give a thanks to Joe for being here. He drove all the way up from Miami, which I don’t even like driving down the street, so we appreciate that.

Well, thank you for having me.

Absolutely. And congrats on your success. I look forward to seeing a lot more.


And sharing with you guys how this works. So you want to be a domain side hustle person? Check out the links in the description. See you tomorrow.

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1 thought on “Buying And Selling Domains With Joe”

  1. Great interview. Thanks, Marcus.
    I have a question:
    How and where can you find a GoDaddy Representative or Domain Broker?
    PS: I own a portfolio of over 1200 Premium Aged Domain Names For Sale (mostly .com domains).

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