
Details Coming Soon… if you KNOW you want to join the bootcamp post a comment below or contact us via live chat or

Its been almost 5 years since we have done a “Simple Sites Bootcamp”

this was a hands on training course i used to offer where we took a handful of students under my wing for 16 weeks and helped them build sites and learn affiliate marketing.

it was wildly successful and many people got some great results.

i am thinking about bringing that back this year… if you are interested let me know.

i included an old testimonial video from one of our last bootcamps… it was great and we even had a live meeting where we all got together and shared everything…

Here Are The Details From The Last Bootcamp

Yes, Marcus! Please Sign Me Up For Simple Sites Bootcamp
And Hold My Hand And Personally Coach Me
For The Next Sixteen Weeks So I Can Profit Online With You

Here’s what I’m getting:

1.  Marcus’ Exclusive ‘Keyword Training’ That Will Forever End Your Problem Of Not Having Enough Traffic And Not Being Able To Convert Your Visitors Into Buyers.

This part of the course is the most valuable.  Once you learn how to convert your visitors into cash, you will be able to…


  • Profit from totally obscure NON COMPETITIVE niche markets and even turn them into full on business’
  • Compile Huge Lists Of Untapped Words, Build Simple Sites, And Profit Like Crazy (this has made me a ton)
  • Plus I’m giving you the keys to the vault in my EXCLUSIVE private swipe file.  Yes, I’m actually going to take you inside my adwords account, affiliate accounts, and my ‘free ranking’ sites so I can show you all the keywords I used, affiliate programs, websites, blogs, and more…

The idea here is to have me show you what works… yea live stuff that’s working NOW so you can tweak the process for your niche, throw up a site, and get paid.


This is not based on theory or fluff… this is everything i have been doing for the last 11 years to earn over $4.2 Million Dollars in personal affiliate commissions.

After you learn my exclusive keyword finding techniques and start to find untapped profitable niches in seconds its time to…

2. Get My Secret Site Types, Templates, And Themes That MAKE MONEY…


Listen, I’ve been doing this a long time.  I’ve spent OVER 1.5 Million On Paid Traffic, I’ve Generated Hundreds Of Millions Of Search Engine Visitors To My Sites ‘Organically’ I’ve Bought Banner Ads, Email Drops, The Whole Nine Yards…

And I don’t say that to be like “look how fancy I am.”

I tell you this because anyone who gets that much traffic (let alone pays for it) knows a thing or two about converting it.

So while your competitors are out there wasting time with articles, review sites, and all that other cookie cutter crap that doesn’t even focus on what people want… you will be all stealth like, converting your visitors to cash.

Heck I’m even gonna show you how to profit WITHOUT EVEN SELLING STUFF!!!

Which is funny because the most profitable stuff I have done online is….

3. Finding People Searching For ‘Non Buyer’ Keywords And Giving Them Free Stuff!

Selling stuff thru clickbank and amazon and using adsense is cool and all… but if you want to make real money (like more than $9 a month) then you need to learn how to find cool offers for your visitors that pay you when they get free stuff.

Its kinda like those newspapers where they have a little sample of shampoo or hand soap or whatever… those companies pay a fortune to GIVE THAT STUFF AWAY… and they don’t even know if people are interested… its just a guess.

How much more would they give you if you had a site getting traffic for something like “free samples without surveys” which gets like 27,000 searches each and every month.  Its not that hard to do 😉 and ill show you exactly how this works.

I’ll even show you how to build killer mailing lists FAST.  Like the one i made that got over 450,000 subscribers in just three months.  Or my super profitable one that I use every week to turn a huge profit.

Bottom Line, If You Are Serious About Making This Work And Sticking With Me For At Least 90 Days… I’ll Help You…

Since I am offering personal support and coaching (which takes my personal time) let me be super clear up front and tell you that I do not want people who…


  •  Just Wanna ‘Try This Out’ And Screw Around (you can’t make it in this business messing around)

  • The Type Of Person Who Thinks Getting A Program Will Make Them Rich… Oh Sure I Have A WEALTH Of Knowledge In This Program But You Have To Actually Do Something To Make It Work…  Its not hard… but you have to be persistant…

  • The Person Who Knows RIGHT NOW That They Will Get A Refund For This Product.  Look, I Take My Refund Policy Very Seriously, By You Getting My Product You Are Taking Resources AWAY From My Business And Time Away From My Family And I Really Don’t Want To Work With You If You Are Gonna Waste Those Resources… So If You Are Looking for The “no questions asked refund policy” Go Find Another Program… Because I Ask Questions… And If You Want To Quit Sure I’ll Ask Why.


On The Other Hand.  If You Are Sick And Tired Of Putting All Your Effort Into Making Nothing, Tired Of Not ‘Getting It” And Serious About Making This Work, And You Are Done Messing Around… Then You NEED To… Take Advantage Of This RARE Opportunity To Work Side By Side And Internet Marketer Who Actually Cares About Your Success And Will Show You How To Profit Online Fast…

48 thoughts on “Bootcamp”

  1. I am very interested in working with you! My only problem is that I barely make enough cooking to cover my bills. Is there anyway I can join, please?

  2. The obvious question is “How much does this cost?” I am not expecting to get it for nothing but I did not see a price. I am on a monthly budget from social security and that is the only reason I am asking about the cost. I like your videos and I believe I can learn from this type of format. I am not looking to get rich nor make a million dollars with one click buttons. I just want to learn how I can make a few bucks on the internet and be able to do it whenever I want.

  3. I would absolutely love to be a part of this. I have been following Marcus on YouTube and then recently purchased the simple sites big profits course. I have been going through the course and will be launching my first site this weekend but I would love some intense training!

  4. I work a Job can only do night training is this possible.Or get the recorded verison
    Like know how do this.Also what’s the cost

  5. Hello Marcus, of course I’m interested, right now I’m working on my Simple Site which I joined in late April. Your information is outstanding and I believe in you and what your are sharing with all of us. If I can I will be a part of the boot camp, keep me in mind. God Bless You..

  6. Hey Marcus, sounds good, I’m interested.

    I’m still working during the day What will the schedule be?

  7. I’m totes down and super excited about this boot camp, I will keep my fingers crossed that you offer some sort of payment plan… :D. Pretty please…

  8. I am interested Marcus, i look forward to your next invitation mail.

    My challenge however is the cost.

    I hope i can afford it. But you will make me very happy if you do it for me free or at an affordable fee.

    Thanks Marcus, you are the best, always wanting to lift people to financial freedom!!!

  9. I am interested Marcus, i look forward to your next mail.

    My challenge however is the cost.

    I hope i can afford it. But you will make me very happy, if you can do it at an affordable fee.

    Thanks Marcus, you are the best, always wanting to lift people to financial independence.

  10. Hello Marcus I am interested to earn some money really really fast I know it takes some work on my part however I need some simplicity in setting up sites

  11. I am totally interested. If you can just get me into a niche without real issues, like mortgage ads with very limiting mortgage-specific ad laws, then I would finally be off to the races as a two time Simple Sites customer. Hopefully you have another technique like your trigger words or more mindset training to find opportunites that have all of the pieces of the puzzle aligned.

  12. Yes id love this. Just bought a cpl high ticket niches from u and need to try to make some money first but id be in soon as i can

  13. hi —ive been a student of yours for at least two years…you guys have helped me when i called in…havent made any money yet.. had to keep stopping for health reasons…i need to make this work…need to stay home and make money….how much is your boot camp?.

  14. I’m in Marcus, I’m looking forward to our first session putting the puzzle pieces together !

  15. I have limited money and you don’t post how much I would like to join I live in TX and I don’t walk to well please let me know the details and I will see if I can do it or get a ride’

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