BIG Seo Ranking Secret For 2019 – How To Get Top Search Engine Rankings The Easy Way

Oh hi there. It’s Marcus the affiliate marketing dude.

And today I’m going to teach you the biggest SEO secret. If you want to get free traffic. And I got to tell you it doesn’t have anything to do with writing more content or getting back links or even your page speed. In other words this has nothing to do with what the other guys are telling you works. This is something diabolical that works like a charm. Hop in the back yard office and I’m gonna show you exactly how my number one SEO trick works like a charm. Time and again to get you more traffic. For free.

All right. Welcome inside. I’m glad you’re here.

Today we’re going to talk to you about the biggest free traffic secret ever. And I got to tell you I feel like this kind of stuff. Make sure you subscribe and click the little bell. That way you get my latest videos and you can join us live and ask questions on Wednesdays right here on the channel. We do a big live presentation where everyone hops on and ask questions and everything like that. So subscribe click the bell for right now let’s dive in and let’s talk about this big secret now. The first thing that must be noted which you should probably already know by now is that the keyword is everything all right.

That’s not the secret but you got to get a kind of preface it with that. The keyword is everything having the wrong keywords in SEO is going to make or break you. That’s plain and simple. Now once you have your keyword list how are you going to rank forum and how you get ranked on Google and other search engines literally like instantly or within a couple of minutes.

Because you know I’m kind of impatient and I like to wait around for months and months and months to get my first visitor to my site. So you’re going to notice some icons here we’re going to cover these icons in just a minute. Well let’s go over to Google let’s take a look at what’s going on.

The biggest secret for SEO stuff is to go to Google here and type in your keyword. All right. So bear with me bear with me. All right we’re going to type in our word. Let’s say we’re going for chicken parmesan recipes. Here’s the thing. Google actually tells you exactly what it wants because what it wants is ranking on the first page. If they didn’t want it. It wouldn’t be there. Now what do I mean by that. Well what I mean is here for chicken parmesan recipes you can see the competition’s pretty hefty. You got some kind of recipe up here some recipes down here and other things like that. OK. So very cool. So we can see that they like recipe type sites.

We can go through we could look at these sites and be like OK yeah. They want recipes. The average recipe article is this long and this is how it’s laid out. Very simple right. We could see that they obviously have ratings. So having a rating is probably gonna get you as well. Now this is where it gets even better. Like if we do something like how to make chicken parmesan what we’re going to notice here is it starts to switch things up a little. We’ve got the recipes like on the one before but now we’ve got videos. Hey pretty cool right. I can actually literally put a video up and I can pop up there if I do it right.

Very very fast but Marcus how do I make a video. Well you literally just read the article you were going to write for SEO and put some screenshots to it. [00:03:11][9.7]

[00:03:11] OK. So very cool. We see videos there now on some other search terms. It will change as well.

We have a list of different recipes here. We got our videos so obviously we want to structure our SEO strategy around what’s already out there.

OK really cool really basic I know it’s pretty easy but we’re going to get into some more detailed stuff in just a minute and we’re going to go through and take a look at another keyword. Let’s say we want to go for something like make money online. Now again we see some ads up here. We see some kind of article here. We see videos again really important. And we can keep scrolling down and see if there’s something like a forum or something like a message board where people are posting and commenting and stuff like that where you could actually get involved in your market. Right.

So you go out there and you can get back links and hopefully it will work or you could go to a site that’s already ranking put your own back link up there get traffic instantly and then eventually you’ll start to get ranking as well but you’re going to get traffic instantly which is cool. Now also notice here on Make Money Online we also have images right. Really really important to get images down here which is really cool right. So a lot less competitive for images than it is for actual search engine rankings. OK. So we can get our image ranked pretty easily. Now let’s say we wanted to search for something like Italian food. Now first of all spell it right unlike me and we look at Italian food and now we could see Italian food near us which is like the map thing. So obviously if I wanted to rank for this I would need to get involved in those maps.

Now here’s something kind of interesting. I didn’t really expect to see for Italian food. But we got to remember the word Italian food overall in the entire world gets a lot of traffic. So we got to look at this and we got to think and put our thinking caps on. Right now we’re going to see down here. Hey check this out. It says top stories. So there’s actually stories news stories about Italian food and they get ranked on Google which means that if I did a press release which is a news story about Italian food I could probably start to get picked up for some of my keywords like that.

Yes that’s exactly what I mean. Check it out. There’s not that much competition for Italian food like this one was June 7th. June 6 May 31 right. Not a whole lot of stuff and it’s not directly related to the word Italian food. So like this is something you can do right. This way to get in on trends and get lots of traffic. It’s a lot better than spending months to get your first visitor right. I mean.

I. Said I like to do. Now here’s an interesting one for like body building workout log. You can see images pop up here which is really cool. We got forums that pop up that we can get involved in and start answering questions and lead people back to our site. Here’s some more forums more forums and then hey check this out. There’s actually a PDF that ranks for a bodybuilding workout log. Interesting. We also have Amazon that’s ranking which means I could put up a simple bodybuilding workout log put it on Amazon and probably use Amazon to rank my thing and give it away for 99 cents or something like that.

Here’s another PD F here. Right. So we could actually see exactly what Google wants by doing a little search and then we literally just give Google what it wants and we start to rank really really really fast. Now this doesn’t work on super competitive words like make money online but you might be able to get something like bodybuilding workout log which will get you a decent amount of traffic while you’re trying for the bigger word.

So what I want you to remember is that for each search term you’re going after there’s going to be certain things on Google that literally is like a road map telling you what Google wants whether it’s something like an image whether it’s something like news whether it’s a map type thing whether it’s videos whether it’s shopping sites for example if we go over here and we do cheapest laptop right you’re going to see shopping sites up here which we can get in the shopping sites like that you can see different review sites and things like that really really cool really easy. We could also see videos right. So you’re going to see different things that Google wants. And the other search engines one as well for this stuff that works really good.

You might see articles if you see articles what kind of articles are they. What is Google seemed to be ranking that’s how your content should be structured. You also might see things like review sites different types of attachments or PDA FS or spreadsheets or things like that. Facebook Groups oftentimes show up in the search engines and Pinterest as well. So what I want you guys to do is number one pick a good keyword. If you don’t know how to pick a good keyword check out the video that’s going to pop up at the end of this video. Also put it in the description. Very important for keyword research. That’s the one thing I’ve been doing for 20 years it’s made me the most money is picking the right keyword.

And that’s what you should do as well. And then also go through and look at what’s ranking. Follow along that guide. Give Google what it wants and watch your traffic grow. Pretty much overnight. If you do it the way that I teach you if you like this kind of stuff again make sure you subscribe click the bell notification and if you want me to teach you all the traffic methods and everything about affiliate marketing and SEO and everything like that personally. Check out our course over at simple sites bonus dot com. We teach you all the stuff in simple walking by the hand video classes that you can follow along with really easily. Thanks again for watching. I’m Marcus. Check out that keyword video next. And I’ll see you in the next video.

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