Ask Millionaires How To Make $1,000,000?

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50 thoughts on “Ask Millionaires How To Make $1,000,000?”

    1. Hi there Chip, and hi there Marcus my good man and mentor with the most. lol. Marcus do you mind, can I help you out and answer this one for you, sir? Like Marcus says you are overthinking it, my suggestion from someone that has the same issue at times is to find a niche you are most knowledgable in. Something you already know even if it’s not much you can always research more to get more knowledge and ideas to write about that have value. And since you already have a little knowledge about the niche it will be easier to write about. Or use a spinner (an ai writer) that will write for you but you will still have to rewrite it in a more readable and intelligent manner.

  1. Hi Marcus

    I learn a lot with you Men God bless you. So Puerto Rico. I See an opportunity here. People need yo learn about all this good stuf but I need Spanish info and when I go to spanish digital product. They don’t even reconice Puerto Rico. So we can not registered as an affiliate. So by your experience will you work it as Translating all English info to Spanish or let it go?

  2. I’ve had a lot of ‘aha’ moments because of your videos and I’ve just discovered that really no one is looking for my Niche. However I enjoy my niche and have done a degree and a masters in it. I’ve tried all the mindset / faith stuff but it has been illuminating to realise that people are just not searching for my stuff. Should I just ditch it?

  3. I’m thinking of making my first CPA site, but I’m confused if every offer on OfferVault is good to go? Or are there fake/scam offers as well.

    1. Specifically the offers that do not go to CPA platforms such as MaxBounty, rather they have hosted the program on their own sites.

  4. Hi Marcus my website is dedicated to detailing and washing RVs in the Phoenix area and also giving advice . I’m to the point in life where I don’t want to wash and detail RVs . I know there’s a ton of money in the RV industry so what else can I do with my website to make money and not have to detail and wash RVs . Thanks

  5. No they Will never give away their secrets…i had it with An uncle of mine…i asked him to train me one on one but didn’t want to ruin his time to make more money…i am busy now with farming and it makes more money then a lot of gurus combined make in a year. So i am happy with my career change and i try to do some of this internet money on the side,but i didn’t really worked for me yet.

  6. These types of questions seem irrelevent to me. Everyone starts from a different place with different skills, determination and a myriad of other variables that will affect outcome and as Mark says, they will never give away their secrets. Well, some might if you pay them enough. Even then you likely won’t get the full story.

  7. Markus, I get stuck because I can’t afford AHrefs. Is The Hoth a good alternative source to use while navigating thru business, such as when searching for DN’s? Thank you sir.

  8. Hi Marcus, Been with you now for a number of years now and still not getting results. For some reason I hate asking for help, must be inbred into me. One of my sites which I have driven targeted traffic to with google adds still got no results even with 144 visits to offer. Is the offer I’m promoting the problem, the traffic was exact match keywords.
    I’m lost again, Have been doing youtube videos with results not happening.
    Regards Francis

    1. I burnt myself out ttying to do this in 2006 and can’t believe I’m even trying again. The only reason is because I’m pretty much disabled and cant do anything else..I spent every waking hour for a solid yr oon this back then and it never worked.

  9. I have a terrible problem staying focused. I’ll be paying close attention to something and then, ten minutes later, I’ll realize that I’ve drifted off mentally onto something entirely irrelevant. I’ve thought that meditation might help me with that, but I find it very difficult not to fall asleep (I’m not making a joke). Do you meditate and, if so, is there a particular method you use or mentor you follow? Any other suggestions?

    1. Hi Lynn, I have had the same issue too. Today I think they call it ADD. My suggestion is to write out you schedule for the day, how many hours you want to spend on internet marketing and so on, and when you plan to work it. When you write a schedule down you are much more likely to follow it.

  10. I love all your videos, each one very inspiring. My question is if you want a fast start, and you have some good key words for offers, and want to do paid traffic, is Google adwords the best place to start? I have some money to advertise, so would love to kickstart something. Or would doing an paid advertising on Youtube be better?

    Thanks for any help

  11. Marcus, ive wriiten a few articles, and since ive bought three sites from you when i look in AHrefs and on google it doesnt seem like anything is getting picked up at all. is there maybe something im doing wrong or do i just need to keep plugging away at posts on my site with good keyword research? Maybe my titles are incorrect? Ive found keywords with sub 10 KD and around 2500 volume but still showing nothing. unless im looking at it incorrectly
    Thank you

  12. Only need info on what to do, in a bullet list, without having to buy anything from you or any website you are affiliated with.
    Just info and facts

  13. After Iistening and watching Affiliate Marketing Dude channel for the past six months or so, it seems the formula to reaching a million dollars would be to earn your first $100, rinse and repeat what it took to make the $100. As you learn additional marketing and traffic methods per the channel, it’ll drive more traffic to your sites and offers which should increase your revenue more, figure out conversions, then drive more traffic. Eventually, over a period of 3-6 months, one can figure out how much revenue over that period of time and just keep doing the same actions over and over along with constant learning, adapting.

    The one thing that I’ve always understood from Marcus and is a common take away among many of his videos ..which will make our journey less difficult in making money online is to have the necessary tools such as keyword research, a website, hosting, etc …such tools (free or paid). Treat your desire to succeed in making money online as a business and not as a hobby!

  14. Landing pages,
    How can use a my landing page that I develop to get in the middle of a sale when I’ve found a company that doesn’t have a good online presence, but a good product that they will drop ship for me.

    *I want the landing page to look like there website with the appropriate calls to action and direct to a purchase on there site. The are okay with this. How can I track trough my landing page the sales,

    Always great information with your YouTube channel. Any suggestions much appreciated.

  15. Ok, Marcus, I have a million-dollar man question, Sir on the site The Referral Review what would you do to make it into a money-making million-dollar machine? That produces a great organically passive income that we all seem to desire.
    . Aha, I have an Aha moment Yes I do. And it may work with a touch of your data-driven touch of magic. I can already see the sight spitting out $1.00 bills lol That magically with the undying determination and passion of those who do succeed. You have to be willing to work beyond the beyond of the self-imposed limitations of the ordinary. (meaning the lazy folks) And do what I want it to do, unless someone puts in the work. Because it isn’t going to happen by itself unless? We all know it isn’t going to happen by sheer willpower or the clasical power of the brian waves. lol (Scientifically speaking) But…
    we can do it! Hey Marcus I was thnking maybe turning it into a platform where folks can come and write a review of products that they enjoyed and found value. Only the products that they would like to provide value and would like to refer their friends and family. See where I’m headed to. I know you see the dlollars in your head swrilling around like those dallor machines where they stick poeple in and what youcan grab and hold onto is yours to keep. LOL funny huh? What do you think Boss? come on talk to me. Yeah I know sometimes, I’m just a geniuos. lol Come on spit it out I can take the truth. lol

  16. Hello Marcus, if we were to go the paid traffic route would Google Ads or Microsoft Ads be more economical for ads spend. What type of offers would be best for paid and what offers would be best for organic. Lastly, what do you mean when you say build out the site? Again, thank for your knowledge and wisdom, I have learned soo much from you!

  17. ★★★❓ SHey Marcus, still cutting my teeth on affiliate but I’ve been RESEARCHING KEYWORDS on AHREFs. Often I find keywords that have a low difficulty score but the SERPs are dominated by high DA/DR websites. I’ve been in SEO a long time and I know some of these can sometimes be beaten but usually with high-cost guest post links.

    FOR EXAMPLE, I thought I’d start building content around mini 12V freezers that are great for camping and long road trips. Knowing better than to go straight for the commercial keyword like 12 Volt Freezer with KD12 but only 700 Volume and dominated by Amazon level DA websites.

    I TRIED THIS ONE INSTEAD: “How long does dry ice last” which has a KD of 9 and 9,700 and fewer high-power sites in SERPs.. We’ll see how long it takes my new site to gain any traction.
    QUESTION: Is there a way to filter keywords in AHREFs to get around what ends up being high competition websites ranking for low competition keywords?

    →❓THE QUESTION: Should I just press on and create a spoke of related articles to interlink with this one? I’m new at affiliate (not new at SEO) so I may as well fail faster but best to learn from you and maybe I have to do what the Yoda sign in your office says- “You must unlearn what you have learned.”

    One thing I have “unlearned” recently is my habit of ignoring good content and depending on links to push through. It has actually helped my SEO clients a lot more than I thought it could.

    I’ve posted an initial page that scored 74 on Kyle Roof’s Page Optimizer Pro. It still needs work but should rank OK once it’s indexed. Maybe by the time you read this question, it will be indexed or maybe not. The article is at The domain is an old PBN of mine which has lay dormant off and on since 2004 as a “business directory” the kind Google never really liked. It has a DR of 14 with links from 80 domains including a few pretty good ones. This is the first time it has been used as something other than a link source but when I built it fresh starting over, Google indexed the new content the next day.

    SORRY THIS is so long- I’m trying to be thorough. If links are not allowed, please feel free to remove.


  18. As a newbie trying to get accepted by affiliate networks should i build a site first around an offer then apply to a affiliate network

  19. Marcus, what are the concerns you have with affiliate marketing? I mean what kind of stuff keeps you up at night thinking about the continued success of your business? Is there anything that you are worried about that might shut your business down?

  20. Hi Marcus

    As Mark has asked ,how to make some side internet money?I have emailed you a while back,obviously you cant answer all personally.?Cheers Justin

  21. My name’s Thomas. I’m a Addict. I’m 33 years old. I have three kids, Damien is 13 and lives about an hour away. I haven’t seen him since he was 6 months old. Collin is 12 and that kid is my rock. I raised him by myself until he turned 5 and then his mom came and got him. I didn’t know about the laws and shit back then. I started using at 9. Homeless by 11. Junkie at 13. I lived homeless all over the country. Denver, Vegas, Seattle, New York. When she came to get him I went on a deep dive into addiction, I tried crack and penis in the same day. Niether are for me. . I’ve done ever drug you can probably think of. .
    I got clean in 2017. Went to rehab, first thing I’ve ever completed in my life. Iop next. . Then a year later I got a job working at the same treatment center. . I was working there, turning my life of liabilities into an asset of hope for others. Then I met her. The one. I lost my job because of her. . But I was cool with it cause at last I had everything I wanted. . When I got to where I was going, I got complacent. I wasn’t working a program and she left. . I took her presence for granted and now I’m haunted by her absence. . I relapsed. . I died on my couch in everyway, and I begged for the physical death, just for a relief.. DOC is IV meth use and weed. . I don’t know what to do with me. There’s allot more that I can go on about. .
    Today, I’m about to lose everything I have by Friday. I have to come up with a exorbate amount of money that I have no way to do. . My car was stolen a few months ago, then my house was broken into a week later, they took everything I had. .
    So now I’m sitting here with no ride, no food (haven’t ate in days) and I’m going on 5 months clean. . But if I got to be homeless again, I will die. I just know it. I have no family, no one to ask to help me or to loan me the money needed
    I own 2 domain names. and I’ve got an awesome grand strategy to make a business to help recovery addict. I know what it’s like to have no one and no one will ever feel that when ik around. . So Marcus. I need help, will you give me some one on one couching and help me come up with the money I need? Also like if anyone wants to donate you can email me at or text me at 731 298 8616.
    Like I’m willing to do the work if your willing to help me help myself. I’ve been threw allot and it’s not to fail. . Please man, i seriously want better. . Looking forward to hearing from you
    Addicts Attire is a recovery clothing store andnteciveryunchainend is

  22. How long did it take you to make your first million? Was this with one site at the beginning or did you have many sites to make a million? I’m assuming it was affiliate marketing that made you your first million of course…was it?

  23. I’m purchased the Simple Sites course. I also signed up for ahrefs. Which I won’t be able to afford of I don’t make something soon. WordPress has been a pain for me. It won’t allow me to use any of your themes with lout giving me a fatal error. I’m just frustrated. I have chronic pain and need to find an income source but the combo of chronic pain and nothing seeming to work is a double whammy.
    I don’t have anymore money to spend on this.

    1. I tried affiliate marketing back in 2006. Worked at it e ery waking hour and never made any progress. Wrote tons of articles submitted to exine articles etc for page rank. Etc. Would get traffic. Had targeted keywords but never any sales. Got soooooo burnt out I can’t believe I’m even trying again. I couldn’t have worked any harder at it than zi did at that time. I’m basically disabled and have no choice. But I don’t see how I can make it work now…if I couldn’t back then… 🙁

  24. Hi Marcus, i am feeling stuck in my online journey and wanted to know from you. After buying an expired domain. What content should I be posting or uploading first fresh content (finding new low competition keywords and creating posts on them) or previously Ranking keywords with unique content and redirecting the old links to new unique posts. Your reply to this will be really helpful thanks!

  25. WHERE do you place keywords on a site? In meta tags?

    These domain sellers are always trying to pitch us domain protection for $19. a MONTH!!! Is it unnecessary?

    If we go to and sign up for bluehost then create a site … does it stay on or is connected to or that was just to help us build it?

    Thanks. Bye the way we love when you mock the gurus. Can’t wait till the next “episode.” 🙂

  26. Marcus,

    this is Tony. we had mentioned bundling the domain masterclass with bootcamp during Saturday’s meeting. would you please let me know the price of this option and a deadline?

    i am currently living in the streets, off of hand outs and dumpsters. my phone was gifted and i’m able to reach you through open wifi (starbucks is my friend, lol)

    after watching your fiverr video, i have posted a gig to find expired domains. this required me to take their seo certification test. failed the first time, as i was not familiar with terminology. studied some free seo guides and passed the second time. my gig is now live and i’m stoked to have a way to cover the costs of tools for the trade. much appreciate all your help and guidance.

    i’m asking for a price and a deadline so i have clear goals to reach for. i already have 24 impressions and one click on my fiverr gig!! no sales….yet. i will beg, borrow and steal to get whatever you ask for this bundle. i have recognized through your teachings (love your humor, btw) this is all right up my alley. turning trash into treasure, promoting and investing into others…being able to set people up and being a part of their success stories has always been my way. i ran into trouble in the early 2000’s by setting up a successful business with illicit substances to achieve those things. spend a few years in prison for it and watch the families that were being supported by it crumble.

    it’s obvious to me i keep myself on the streets. you have shown me i can have a place in society that provides value, while still doing what i have passion for.

    couple ideas to mention; is any help your looking for at this time, that i would be able to do a work trade for? also, would you be willing to risk a student loan on me? all the monies from the website we will be building together would go towards repayment 10x or until you feel compensated before i took a cent.

    if there are any ways that come to your mind to get me under your wing, let me know.

    again, just tell me how much and by when. i’ll make it happen!!! i mean…this is my life we are talking about!

    thanks again for all you do and are for everyone….you truly are a value creator.

  27. Hey Marcus,
    Rex here Iv’e been following you sense you were a baby online made whole $5.55 in ad sense. My question is – HOW DID YOU OVER COME COLLECTING INFO FOR LATER BUT NEVER GOING BACK TO USE IT?? I screen shot everything but dont do the work to move forward with it.

  28. Hello Marcus we’re back and hungry for more…, You’ve touched on this a little bit, (re: Jan. 28th, 2022-ppc ad arbitrage) I would like to see more of an in-depth breakdown about how you make a profit from other company ads and how you put this all together. Much Appreciated, Thx. 👍

  29. Hi Marcus,
    I already made a Decision to completely consistently follow through with your courses and HTNs and make them work as long as it takes. Thank you for all your free & paid trainings. I have over 100 domains and I HAVE to upgrade (or else) from a Shared server to a VPS. I’ve had my current host for several years. I’m considering changing Hosting using
    Question: Why did you move from Hostgator to BlueHost?

  30. Does a site need much content to run Google ads to it? Or can you post an article or landing page and redirect to an offer?

  31. I have been following a guy, Kinghuman, for about 10 years. Just ran across your youtube channel recently. I like your approach, it is more linear you seem to have courses you can really sink you teeth into. Instead of asking the typical newbie questions, I am going to look around your site and see how I want to move forward. Do you have testimonials of your students that are successful? Do you ever offer contests for your students to compete?

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