My Favorite Keyword Tool
About two months ago, I spent over a thousand dollars to generate free traffic to my Web site. How does it even work? Is it free traffic supposed to be free? Yeah, but I actually wanted to make this test really fair since I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for over 20 years and made lots of money online. I know a lot about this industry. So I decided to outsource the article writing to normal people that just write some articles to see what would happen and see what kind of traffic I would get. So I got over 34 different articles and posted them on my Web site and the results I got were actually better than I anticipated. Which is why I splurged and spent seven dollars on my fancy new shirt. And in this video, I’m going to take you through all the results. I’m going to
show you the articles. I want to show you what we did and show you how the free traffic is rolling in each and every day on autopilot. But first.
You see an old saying in business says that when the tide rises, all boats rise and I want you to think of each and every one of these little boats as the keywords you want to get. Sometimes you might go for a big keyword, but it’s better to go for little ones. And as you go for all these different keywords and write little articles for each and every keyword, they’re going to start to grow. And the key has to do with getting the right keyword. Some of the keywords you go for might get you a couple visitors a day. Some might get you a hundred and other big words might get you a thousand visitors a day or more. But as you grow and add more articles and more keywords, everything is going to start to pile up and your traffic is going to start
to grow. And as they say, the rising tide raises all boats. And if you do this long enough, you’re going to start to see some results.
All right. So let’s dove right in and take a look at how this all works. First and foremost, what I did is I ordered about a thousand dollars worth of content through get Web site content dot com. This is the site I go to get on my Web site content. You can see how much these articles cost. Now, as part of this challenge, I tested different things from like the cheap article to the expensive article to see if there was any real difference and to see how it would work with my search engine rankings. Now this list of twenty five articles is just half, about half the list of the total amount of articles that I got for my thousand dollars. This represents about six hundred and twenty seven dollars in total. And we have some others that we have coming as well. I just
haven’t done all the editing yet. Now we have all this here and we could see the ones that are highlighted are actually articles that I’ve already posted on my blog. Now in a little bit, I’m going to get into the ranking techniques and the super secret method that I used to get multiple rankings per blog post, which is really, really cool. And you could use that to get a lot more traffic now over in this column. These are articles that I personally wrote. There were some that I was like, yeah, I kind of want to really hone in on this keywords. So I’m going to write the article myself.
Now, it’s important to note that this entire process with all of these articles getting them outsourced and everything took me less than 10 hours total, which is pretty good for the rankings I’m showing so far.
And then over here we have some ideas that I have for upcoming articles. Again, the idea is the whole boat thing where if we can get a lot of keywords, get a lot of rankings, we can get a lot of traffic. And I’m actually starting to see quite a bit of traffic coming in. And we are only like less than two months into this, which is really, really cool.
Now, it’s important to note that this method relies 100 percent on the keyword choice. Notice how I could have gone for big competitive words like affiliate marketing affiliate programs or make money online. Now these words are super competitive, so I would not stand a chance in getting a ranking for these. So instead I went for much simpler words that have the same visitor intent. They’re all people looking for affiliate marketing and making money online, even if they’re searching for Amazon. Affiliate Program Review. Wal-Mart affiliate program. Lyft affiliate program. Free Affiliate marketing course or anything like that. Pay attention to this because when you go out there to write articles, you want to make sure that your keywords are super noncompetitive. Stay tuned and I’ll show you what I mean.
So let’s go ahead and hop over to the search engines. And if I do a search for my site, I’ll do site colon and my domain name. No WS or anything like that. Just site colon and your domain name. And then what we’re going to do is we’re going to do a date. So I did the date from the day that I started this challenge on December 5th. To today’s date, which is February 3rd. Now what this is showing me is, is pages that Google has picked up, pages they know exist and they’ve actually ranked on the search engine and the dates. Right. So we can go in here and we could see that a lot of these have been picked up like we have won for Lyft and classifieds and all this other stuff. And you could see that they are starting to get
picked up in Google. We have about, I think, 20 new pages that were picked up in Google, a lot of them that were the outsourced articles, which is really cool. Now, when we go to Google and we search for stuff, we could search for our various keywords and and see that they are starting to pick us up. Right. We could see that this one is actually picked up yet, but Google knows it exists. So that’s going to be picked up pretty soon here. Right. We can also see what the articles look like. So the articles are pretty basic. Most of the articles are around a thousand to two thousand words, which is usually pretty good for the search engines and not too difficult to write even when I wrote these myself. It only took like an hour to an hour and a half to write.
Now, if you’re new to your market one, your market’s probably gonna be a lot less competitive than mine. But if you’re new, you could do the research. Maybe I’ll take you three hours or so to put one of these up. And, you know, if it makes you money, then it’s three hours well spent, which I think it’s going to be if you do it right. Very important. Now, if you want to learn more about the keyword tactics and how I found the keywords to write. These articles on make sure you check out video, no one in this series, which I’ll put in the description and you can find that very important, you want to check that one out as well. You can also find that at free traffic skills dot com. Now, this is an example of an article we have Lyft, an Uber affiliate
programs was going for both keywords in one because I know it’s not that competitive.
Now, one of the things you’re going to hear a lot when talking about ranking on the search engines and SEO is keyword density. How many times should the keyword that you’re going after appear in your article? Obviously, you don’t want to have it too many times, but you could have it littered throughout your article. I found through this test that the best rankings have about one point five to three percent keyword density. That means that if I have a 100 word article, my keywords gonna show up about one point five times. If I’ve a thousand words about 15 times if I have ten thousand words. Well, you can do the math from there and see how it works. But I found the best keyword density to be about one point five to three percent.
And it’s just got a little overview. I put a couple of images in there, some screenshots of where to find the affiliate programs, and they wrote some article words about the different affiliate programs. OK, so really, really cool. That’s what they look like. Nothing fancy. And of course, what I did is I put my ads on the side. I put little links for them to download affiliate courses and things like that. So let’s take a look at what this looks like. We know Google knows these exist, but that doesn’t mean anything in terms of ranking. So let’s see what kind of rankings we’re looking at here. Now, if I come over here and I use this keyword tool by putting my domain in and then searching by volume, it’s very important that we go by volume because I want to see the ones that get
a lot of traffic and want to work on improving those. We could see that we started to show up for various keywords that we went for. Which site offer vault affiliate review, Amazon affiliate, Walmart affiliate. That was a good one that we got a number 18 ranking on just the other day. Amazon affiliate marketing blue host affiliate. And on and on we go. So there’s lots and lots of keywords that we’re starting to pick up, which is really good. Now, if I go through and I isolate these and I just go to the position and then go like zero to 20, what’s going to happen is I’m going to see the ones that do that are ranking in the top 20, because obviously we want to be on the top closest to number one as we can to get the most traffic possible. So I
could see we have like how to get started with Amazon affiliate program. We’re ranking 18 Wicks affiliate Blue host affiliate earnings. And some of these have a little bit of traffic, but you’ll notice that they’re combined, right. So like the Wicks affiliate, it’s going to have like a bunch of keywords. Wal-Mart’s going to have a bunch of keywords and that’s only one blog post. Right. So I didn’t have to make one for each and every keyword. I just made one for each group so we could see that we are picking up quite a few rankings. Dollar Tree Wicks affiliate, Wal-Mart affiliate. This is one I really like because if we can start ranking a lot higher on this, we’re going to start to get a lot more traffic offer vault or peaking. Top Ten affiliate mentor Rigo Assets Affiliate Program.
Now, you might be asking yourself, Marcus, how does the search engine find you anyway? And back in the old days, we used to have to submit our site to the search engine and wait months and months and months before it found out that it existed. Now we have what’s called web crawlers. And I hope you like my little spider and spider web. What happens is the web crawlers go out to find new Web sites that pop up on the Internet. The way that they’re found quickly is by linking in from other sites. So like if CNN or Fox News links to your Web site boob, Google is going to pick it up right away. Now, it’s very difficult to get a link on those types of Web sites. So what I do is I use a shared hosting account and Google will naturally figure out
that your site exists because other people are going to be on your shared account. And shared accounts are only like six dollars a month, which is really cool because you get the benefit of being able to pop up on the search engines pretty quick. We usually see this happen in less than a month. Where Google actually goes in an index is a new Web site without doing anything.
Christian affiliate programs, Uber affiliate marketing and on and on we go. So we could see that there’s actually a lot of keywords that are starting to pop up, which is really cool. Now, again, if we do this one by volume, you could see that some of them we are ranking for ones with really, really good search volume. And of course, once they start to show up. This is only 60 days old. We can start to build and rank and grow. For example, one of the ones this one here started out like a number 80 and we’re already at number 20. And it was just like a week after I did a little tweak, OK. Very, very cool. And I know that rhymed. All right. So we can go through and we could see click bank affiliate marketing regal assets again, Christian. A lot of stuff
here. So we’re starting to rank we’re starting to show up and we’re actually starting to get traffic every single day. I have a tracker on my site that shows me the keywords that people come from so I can see exactly what’s going on. So you could see in real time that. This is actually working in a competitive market and you guys can see the competition by K B, right, KDE equals keyword difficulty. So like this one’s a number 36, which is pretty difficult, right? It’s on a scale of 1 to 100. Number three, not that difficult. So you could see that we’re actually ranking, you know, for some that are difficult, some that aren’t that difficult. And on and on we go. Now, if you go into one of your markets, that’s like woodworking or maybe lots of sub niches for credit score. There’s gonna
be like lots of keywords that are zero to three. Right. So they’re going to have very little competition.
I promised I was going to talk to you about noncompetitive keywords. And one of the methods that I use is my trigger word method using this method. You can go instead of going for something like weight loss. You can go for the various weight loss books and different summaries or reviews. Or if you’re going for credit repair instead of using credit repair, you can actually rank for all the different credit scores that people have and make little articles to get them into different credit repair programs. And the cool thing to realize is that everyday people are searching for all kinds of different keywords related to their market. So while at first glance the market might seem competitive, there’s always a backdoor. And if you want to learn more about how to find a backdoor into literally any market, including the competitive ones, make sure you
subscribe and click the bell and check out my video on niche finding.
Now, I did this to show you that this does work in a competitive market with articles that I didn’t actually write, which is very important. This is to show you that you can do this, too, and you can actually see that if we search Google for one of our keywords, this is what I did for a affiliate program, not one I’m fond of. But you probably find out if you read my article. But we’re actually showing up here at number 20 at toggles between like number 17 and number twenty three. And you could see what it looks like here. Very simple. Again, right around the 2000 word range. And we just do a little explanation. We have some screenshots, stuff like that. Wasn’t that hard to do. This one took me about an hour and a half to write. And it’s actually getting me traffic
right now, which is really cool because of the fact that this one article, if I punch that into my keyword tool, you could see that we rank for over 60 different variations of the keyword that I went for. Right. We have page one here with a whole bunch of keywords. Page two here with a bunch of keywords and on and on we go. So it’s really, really cool. And you’re also going to notice that as you do this, some keywords you didn’t even intend to go for, you’ll actually start to rank for now.
Early on in my search engine ranking career, I found out something interesting and that is that if I had like a mortgage site or something that was location specific and I simply listed all 50 states on my Web site, it would start to paying for each word like mortgage California mortgage, refinance California mortgage rates, refinance California and Arizona and all the other ones, which is really cool. Now, when you go through and you find unintended keywords, what you want to do is you want to make a post about that word if it gets a lot of traffic and start to rank even higher. That way you capitalize on something you didn’t even know existed, which I’ve done quite a bit and made millions of dollars with.
For example, when I put this one up about how to copy and paste ads, I just listed some ad sites and I had no idea I was going to ranked number two for free ad forum. But this one’s actually ranking. It’s getting me traffic and I didn’t intend to get it. Another one I didn’t intend to get was a post that I wrote about how to make money writing book reports. And I just listed some example, books that have low competition keywords. And the funny thing about this is it’s it’s literally just a list of the different niches with a little bit of tax. We have all these text and stuff here with a list of the different books. And we actually started to rank for like Credit Secret’s book review, which is cool because if you look at it, it’s not even in the
title, which means that if I made a different post all about Credit Secret’s book review, I’d probably rank top 10 like that. And this is really where you’re going to find the gold is by putting this stuff up and seeing what starts to rank where and then improving on everything as you go along. And these little improvements take like 30 seconds to a couple of minutes and they can get you lots and lots of traffic when you do them right here, you can see we are actually top ten for Lyft affiliate program. And that same exact article got a top 10 for Uber affiliate program. So we had the right one to get both those keywords. And again, I see people coming on my site every day from these keywords. We also got a top 20 for a keyword. I really like, which is free
affiliate marketing course, which is really cool because it’s traffic that I actually want people that are looking for the stuff that I have to offer, which is very, very important because anyone could rank for a bunch of keywords. But you have to focus on the keywords that you actually want that are going to bring people that will buy your stuff, click your affiliate offers, or do whatever it is you want them to do. Otherwise they’ll just get a bunch of traffic and you won’t be able to make much money. So as you can see here, we are less than 60 days into this challenge and we’ve gotten hundreds of new search engine rankings, got traffic coming in every day. I haven’t even done close to half of the articles that I ordered.
Now make sure you subscribe and click the bell because I have lots of other videos on external links. Back links. Keyword density, making your articles, how to boost your rankings and get found quicker.
So if you go out there, you can either outsource the articles on, get website content dot com or you could start to write them yourself. And if you go for the right keywords like I showed you in video number 1, you’re really going to start to put this together and start to get some results. Now, if you like this kind of stuff and you want to learn more about it, actually have a private traffic class that I’m running right now where we got people that are going through it and getting results live as we speak, which is really cool because it doesn’t take that much effort. If you’re interested in that. Check out free traffic skills, dot com. Sign up for the traffic class. And of course, if you want to learn how to do all this stuff for free. There’s plenty of videos here
on my YouTube channel. Make sure you subscribe, click the bell and join us live every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time, where we have a live training to show you exactly what you need to know about how to make money online and make sure you watch video number one of this series again to learn the keyword stuff. I’ll put it up here on the screen for you. Thanks again for watching. I’m Marcus, the affiliate marketing dude. And I’ll see you in the next video.
Thanks Marcus
I’ve made my own review. What you think?
good start… not a fan of the formatting though.