Affiliate Marketing For Beginners: Basic Three-Step Tutorial

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners ** Basic 3 Step Tutorial — affiliatemarketingmc at

What are the basics that you need to do to make money online? What do you need to have? What kind of skills? We’re breaking this down today.  

1. Start By Finding Your Audience First 

You need to find your audience first. Once you do that, you can make whatever product you promote an instant top seller. You want to own your audience. How do you find your audience? Use tools like the Google Keyword Planner or Facebook groups.  

When you find your audience, you have to learn about them. This is how you build your brand up into something bigger and provide value. 


2. Decide How You Will Reach Your Audience 

In your market, there are forums, groups, all kinds of places where people are talking to each other. They’re basically telling you what they want to buy, what they want to do, and what they’re interested in. We look at it all.

When you’re deciding how to reach your audience, ask yourself: What is the best way to get my audience to come to me? Is it feasible? What is it going to cost? 


3. Find Out How To Get Paid 

When you’re finding your audience, and finding ways to reach them, you are building yourself up as an authority. A lot of people say they don’t want to have their name out in the public. And that’s okay—you can build authority from behind the scenes. You can still build a following of people that will open your emails and check out your site. You can still get people to come back to you.  


If you tackle one group, one specific audience, you’ll make money for a long time with affiliate marketing. Whether you want to just get started, or whatever you’re doing, use this three-step marketing basics plan. 

Learn more and get Marcus’s affiliate training software at