Adsense Profit Secrets – How To Make Money With Adsense 2019


What if you could get paid every time someone clicks on an ad on your website?

What if you could get like 10 cents, 30 cents, $1, $3, or even more?

Hi I’m Marcus and today we’re going to be talking about:

How to make lots of money with the Google Adsense Program

I decided to put out a new updated video about the Google Adsense ProgramHow it works and how you can start making money really fast with that program

How Adsense Works

Adsense works by taking all the ads that are on Google and funneling them into a system. When you’re an advertiser on Google, you show up on the Google Search as Ads By Google. You have an option to choose a little checkbox. If you check that box it means that you are going to be on the content network.

The content network is a network of a bunch of sites who are using the Google Adsense Program. It shows these ads on those site. You get a little code. You put it on your site. Google runs ads from their database of content network advertisers and put them on your site. You get paid when people click!

Who would like to get paid just when people click on ads? WE ALL WOULD. This is a program that I’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars with! It is by no means my top income source or even my top 5 income source or even a top 10 income source! But it is a very good supplement to my income!

First off, what we want to do is understand the way it works:

By putting a code on your site – RUNNING ADS; And when people click the ad, you get a check in the mail! or you get an amount. The amount is based on the search term

Now you’ll notice that there are some search terms like…

  • “funny cat” Funny cats has very little advertisers which means the amount you’re going to get per click on the word “funny cat” is very little. 
  • words like “mortgage refinance” are very expensive. If you get traffic for “mortgage refinance” you could get as much as $10 a click or more.

It’s very important to look at this because Google bases the amount you get on the content on your site and pulls it against the advertisers and what they’re willing to pay. This is all done automatically through a code.

We want to take a look at 3 things that are going to Increase The Amount Of Revenue you make on Google Adsense:

  1. You Have To Get The People To Click The Ad

It is against the Google Adsense Rules to say “Hey Click These Ads!” We don’t want to do that. We want the people to naturally click the edge. What we want to do is just PUT IT IN OUR CONTENT and MAKE IT LOOK LIKE CONTENT!

Tip: Make The Title Blue! Make the link blue, that way people will click on them

You always want to Use Text Ads! Because text ads 9/10 are going to out pull image ads! Text ads are big so we’re going to put a text ad!

  1. Multiplying Traffic

You see those sites out there like

  • Funny cats
  • I have a cheeseburger
  • Cat has a cheeseburger

These sites make a lot of money but they also get a lot of traffic. If you don’t have a lot of traffic, you’re not going to make a lot of money! The key is making as much as you can off of each individual visitor!

One of the ways to do that is to multiply your traffic! You want to take someone and you want to get them to click multiple pages on your site. The more pages they view, the more pages they visit, the more time they cvs, the more times they see the edge, the More Chances You Have To Make Money

There’s also very important factor. You’ll notice that if you go to the MSN homepage. They have lots of different little boxes of content like teasers. What they’re doing is: They’re Getting You To Click. They’re getting you to click on the content! That’s the same thing you want to do. You want to get them to click on the content! Here’s the caveat; the capture; THE THING THAT’S GOING TO MAKE YOU A LOT OF MONEY!

On MSN, people go to the MSN homepage to see and search for things. They want to search for things. Maybe, they want to look at news or maybe it’s just their default search engine. When they go to MSN homepage, they’re not that valuable. They’re not that valuable because we haven’t gotten them to be interested in something yet. Now, when they go and they click on like the “Donald Trump Mortgage” thing. They have expressed interest!

Once they express interest, the value of the click goes through the roof! All you have to do is get people to express interest in other things that are worth more money!

If they click on the mortgage thing, they’re going to go to your mortgage site, read some mortgage content and hopefully click on the ads about mortgages! They’re going to go to the car insurance site and click on ads about car insurance!

You can do this internally by leading them through your different pages. Lead them through the pages – they’re going to see more ads! They’re going to look at a lot of things!

This is exactly what I did in the mortgage market where I went to a programmer. I bought $150 worth of mortgage calculators. I put them on my site. They came to the home page for the word mortgage calculator, that cost me 30 cents per click or less. Once they were on my site, I had a list of mortgage calculator, refinance calculator… “How Much Can You Afford?”  “Loan To Value”

All these different calculators the people wanted to learn because they were looking for mortgage calculators!

The average person visited 8 PAGES ON MY SITE! If i paid for 100 people to visit my site, that would have been $30! I spend $30 getting in my site! This works with free traffic if you’re getting free traffic as well.

100 people x 8 times = 800 page reviews!

Out of those 800 page views, we got 10%-20% or sometimes even 30% to Click On Google Ads!

Which meant I made a lot of money! Some days we were making as much as $1400 in profit!

Now this is the way it worked, We Gotta Make It Look Like Links! MAKE IT LOOK LIKE CONTENT!

The worst thing you could do is have a banner that looks like a banner because… No One Wants To Click A Banner! If it looks like content and it looks good and it’s a good ad! BOOM! They’re going to collect!

The key is: RELEVANT – It’s got to be relevant to multiply the traffic. Get those people to click more pagesGet them to engage in more things. The more time they spend on your site, the more money you’re going to make!

  1. Flip The Click

You got to take whatever traffic you have and you got to assume that these people are interested in lots of other things.

  • If they’re looking at cat stuff, maybe you could get them to a site about pet insurance!
  • If they’re looking at mortgage to refi, maybe you can get them to look at other different things about mortgages as well.





My other videos on this channel are going to teach you what I call the “Flip The Market Method”

It takes people from something that is very inexpensive, to something expensive!

You take someone from Form 1099 – for those American Citizens, it is a Tax form. They look for it to calculate their taxes. Now, that’s cheap! People looking up the form – 5 cents a click!

You put that on your site and you get 100 clicks!

You’re not going to make anything…

But if I take people from Form 1099 and then put them through Tax Preparers in their area…  now, I have a lot more expensive click!

Same kind of thing if we have a hardship letter…

People are looking for sample hardship letters,

We Could Lead Them To Financial Advisors That Are Going To Help Them!

Same thing with people looking up a certain form about how to do an IRS payment plan. We can send them to tax lawyers; we can send them to tax advisors! Tax payment plan!

ALL KINDS OF STUFF BASED ON WHAT THEY’RE SEARCHING FOR. The key is to realize that these people are going to eventually want something else based on the intent of the keyword.

The Intent Of The Keyword Is Everything!!

If they’re looking to “remove exe”

The only reason someone would want to remove an exe is because they think they have a bad file or a virus. You can send them to virus stuff!! People looking for how to start a blog. They’re interested in hosting! Hosting is a $10 click!

People looking for all kinds of stuff!

There is literally everything!



I hope you enjoyed this!

I hope you Join Us On Wednesdays At 4 P.M. Eastern Time for our Live Webinars

Where we cover all this stuff and you’re going to want to join that!


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What we’re going to do is…

We’re going to talk about how to make all this work and we’re going to go into some Stealth Tactics!

Remember at the beginning of this? I said that Adsense is only like 5% of my income. We’re not only going to teach you how to do adsense – the ethical and right way that makes money! We’re also going to teach you how to make a lot of money with affiliate offers!


I hope you enjoyed this!

A lot of good takeaways

  • #1 Make It Look Like A Link
  • #2 Multiply Your Traffic
  • #3 Flip A Click

I hope to see you as a subscriber so i can give you tons of value and if you enjoyed this, hop over to AFFILIATEMARKETINGDUDE.COM

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