Ad Writing Secrets For Affiliate Marketing – How To Write An Effective Ad

Writing Ads


A lot of people write ads. You see a lot of ads out there, right?


People put ads out on the internet. They put ads on social media. They make fancy graphics and fancy ads.


But no one clicks. No one does anything.


A lot of people write ads, but a lot of them are junk ads.  And a lot of them don’t work.


The key to making a living online is understanding how to write an effective ad. Understanding what to say, and how to say it.


Are you ready to learn how to write ads that make lots of money? Well in this training, that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you. I’ll show you exactly how to profit with simple, tiny little advertisements.


The whole idea of your ads is to sell the click. We’re going to teach you how to get the click.


We’re going to discuss how writing ads work. We’re going to show you lots of helpful words that you can use in your ads. And we’re going to show you lots of examples. You’ll even see some templates that you can use to write ads.


These are things that I’ve over the last 20 years that have made me millions of dollars in a really, really simple way. So, we have to look at it and see exactly what’s going on.



My Magic Ad Story


Back in 1999, when I first started my business, I used to be a magician. I found out that being a magician was kind of tough. It was hard to get bookings. I was trying to get shows, I was trying to make more money, and I was trying to figure out how to get more people interested.


So, I came across an ad in a magic magazine.


(Yes, that’s right! We magicians have our own magazines. Crazy, right?)


I found this ad, and it said:


“Do you want to get more bookings to your magic shows?

Write me and I’ll send you some letters about how to do this.”


It was a full-page ad.


So, I called the guy on the phone, and I told him,


“Hey man, I want to get more magic show bookings. I want more people to join my magic shows. I want people to book m so I can make more money.”


And at the time, my advertisement said,



“Magic, balloons, comedy, and fun. Call Marcus.”


And then it had my phone number.


I ran that ad in a magazine. It cost me about $170 in the local parenting magazine. And off of that ad, I was able to make anywhere from $5 to $600 a month in bookings, which meant I put around $430 in my pocket at the end of the month.


Once I called that guy and asked him what to do, he said,


“Marcus what you need to do is you need to change your ads. So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to teach you how to write an ad. Okay? And I want you to write this ad.


And when you change your ad and you get a lot of bookings, then I want you to call me and I want you to get one of my courses.”




I said, “Fair enough, man. If this stuff works, then obviously, you got yourself a customer for life.”


And it did.


Then he went on to work for Dan Kennedy as his ad guy. (I learned a lot from Dan Kennedy, as well.)


He told me to change my ad from this:


“Magic, Balloons, Comedy, and Fun!”


To this:


“Make Your Child’s Party Unforgettable!”


So I changed the wording of my ad. The ad cost the same amount to run. It was in the same magazine at the same time.




And all of a sudden, the little ad that was getting me five to six shows a month now was getting me 20 to 30 shows a month.


It was the same ad! The only change was words on paper.


You might be asking yourself, “Words on paper can be the difference between a little money and a lot of money?” The answer is yes. Absolutely.


This is one of the skills that you need to learn if you want to be a marketer. If you want to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing, with internet marketing, with anything, the key is words on paper.


The words that we say make a difference.

The words that we say make an impact.


And you’ve probably heard the old saying that “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.”


Well, that might be true on a first date, face-to-face, but in the marketing world, that’s not true at all. It’s 100% what you say.



Commanding Attention


One of the things you can study is the news. Watch what they do. You’ll see that on most news stations, whatever news they’re talking about is breaking news.


It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be an old lady crossing the road. Everything’s breaking news.


They do that for a reason.


Why? They do that because they’re testing. They’re testing with millions and millions of people watching. They are testing and trying to find out what is getting your attention.




Now, think about TV in the old days. Think about when you had five different channels, and you had to walk up and turn the channels and move the antennas (bunny ears).


These channels would fight for your attention. They would say, “I want you to watch this. I want you to watch that.”


Why is this important?


Because the more attention you get, the more money you’re going to make, if you do it correctly. Some people out there go do stupid stunts and try to make money that way, and that’s all fine and good, but it doesn’t always work.


What we’re talking about is how to get attention with words on paper. How do you write an ad that’s going to command attention?


One time, I was in a movie theater.



I’m sitting there in my seat, and there’s a group of people in front of me, and there’s this person on their phone. And they’re scrolling through Instagram.


They’re scrolling through Instagram so fast, I don’t even know how their mind can compute what they’re seeing. I have no idea. It’s like, how do you even see that?


But that is your audience.


Your audience is scrolling the internet fast. They get bombarded by stuff every day. Their Facebook feeds are bombarded with ads, with information, with all this stuff every single day.


So what are you going to say to get someone to stop scrolling?  What are you going to do to get someone to stop searching?


What are you going to do to stand out?


This is important if you’re doing banner ads. This is important if you have your website and you already have traffic. This is important if you’re doing YouTube, because your thumbnails need to stand out.


You need to look at human nature.

You need to understand what people are interested in.

You need to understand what people are doing.














Writing Your Own Ads


Here are some things you must do if you want to write an effective ad.



  1. Learn Random Facts


The first, most important thing that you can do is learn random facts.


You might ask, “What does that have to do with ad writing? What does it have to do with anything?”


Learning random facts and knowledge is going to give you a leg up on the competition. It’s going to tell you something that your market doesn’t know.


Learning random facts and knowledge is very good. You want to learn statistics.


You want to learn different kinds of knowledge that people don’t know, and you want to learn things that people haven’t heard of. You want to learn numbers.


Begin to learn different things about your market. Dive into your market. Start to understand what your market’s about. Start to understand what your market’s into.


What keeps them up at night? Start to understand what kind of things they’re going to worry about.


You might need to learn information that you’re not really interested in, but the majority of people are. You might not pay attention to certain things, but most Americans do.


And we have to realize, if most Americans are paying attention to something, then there’s something we can learn here.




  1. Appeal to Emotion


We need to start writing ads that make people feel.


We need to get people to feel an emotion.

We need to get people to think.

We need to get people to feel so that they take action.


Because something that’s true in life, and many of you can probably agree, is that a lot of people are stuck.


And they like to feel stuck. It’s harder to move to the next place in life than it is to be stuck.


And people like comfort. If you look at someone who’s comfortable, you might find that they’re kind of unhappy, but they’re comfortable.


They’re going to stay there. It’s hard to get them to move.

We need to get those people to feel something, too.


Here is another personal example.


Recently, I was dealing with arm pain and back pain. I asked myself, “What the heck is going on?”


So, I started searching the internet. And all of the sudden, a click bait ad came up. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we can learn from click bait.


The ad had a picture, and it said, “Warning signs of lung cancer.”


A lot of you guys know that I smoke, so sometimes, that is a worry. And in the picture was a guy holding his arm. I didn’t know that was a symptom.


Think about the power of that ad to a guy like me.


Here I am, reading the internet passively, checking my stats.



All of a sudden, I see this ad, and my heart drops. And I go, “Oh shit.”


“Is this something that I have?”


Now, it turns out that in reality there are a bunch of other symptoms that you have to have as well. But I’m one of those hypochondriac guys who searches the internet endlessly to try and find out what’s going on with me.


That guy did a good job of an ad. Would you agree? That ad did a good job because it had a symptom that a lot of people could possibly have.


How many of you guys have gone through that? Where you think, “Wow, I’ve seen an ad that’s made me feel something.”


So many people are doing passive ads. They sell from their heels. They waffle it.



They just say, “Hey man, I got this really cool thing, and I’m going to sell some cryptocurrency, and yay.” And nothing happens.


And then you see some guy who’s just a total hack job, and he says something like, “Here’s a picture of my bitcoin account,” or something like that.


I don’t do bitcoin, but I know some of those kinds of ads will get responses.


Keep your eye out for those different kinds of ads. When people are on social media, watch what they say. Watch what gets the most comments.


Usually, it’s something that piques curiosity, or it’s something polarizing. Polarizing people isn’t a good thing to do. But polarizing facts? That can be a brilliant thing for marketing.




Can you go through and polarize an audience, in a good way, to get them to feel something? And then to take action?


Here’s another way to think about advertising and emotion.


It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter how smart you think you are. It doesn’t matter how logical you think you are.


Every major buying decision you make is based on emotion.


People buy based on emotion, and then they back it up with logic. They say, “I bought this. Here’s why I bought it. Here’s why it’s a good investment.”


So, we have to appeal to emotions and appeal to curiosity. Curiosity is big. People are curious.


And here’s another thing:



People in America are bored out of their minds. They go to work and they’re bored. They come home and they’re bored.

For some people, the most exciting thing they’re doing today is reading your ads. That’s pretty sad, but it’s the truth.


And if you can provide them some kind of relief from their boredom, your ad is going to work.



  1. Use Trigger Words


There are certain words that you use with your audience that are going to stick out in their mind. These are called trigger words.


Trigger words will get your audience to take action.






They make people stop and decide that they’re going to read what you have to say. They spark an emotion, and they get people to think. They make your ads stand out from the other ads.


Here are some examples of trigger words.


How to. This is a very good one. When you don’t know how to write an ad, or when all else fails, you can start with how to. Examples:


“How to write an ad that gives people desire.”


“How to write an ad that floods your bank account with money.”


“How to write an ad that will have people calling you day in and day out.”




“How to write an ad that’ll sell your car faster than anyone on the planet.”


See how we can use something like a “how to” ad to stop people dead in their tracks?



Truth. The truth about this. The truth about that. Examples:


“The truth about diets and weight loss.”


“The truth about arm pain.”


“The truth about making money online.”


“The truth about divorce.”





Hidden. Hidden is a good one, too. Examples:


“Hidden secrets of advertising executives.”


“Hidden secret a 30-year-old woman used to lose 90 pounds after having a baby.”


“The hidden secrets the mortgage companies don’t want you to find out.”


See how the last one is more emotionally charged than, “I’m going to save you $50 on your mortgage.”



Secrets. Examples:


“Secrets that the top lawyers don’t want you to know about.”


“Secrets of losing weight.”


“The secret of how to write an effective ad.”



New. New is a good one. It makes people think, “What am I missing?” Fear of missing out, they call it FOMO. Fear of missing out is huge. Example:


“New method makes $150 a day on autopilot and it only took 20 minutes to set up.”


If I said this to get you guys to come to a live training, you’d be like, “Woah, Marcus has something new? Crazy. Let’s check that out. Let’s see what’s going on.” You would respond to it. You wouldn’t want to miss out.



Experts. You see this in TV advertising all the time. Examples:


“Nine out of ten experts say that this works best. “


“All the experts are wrong.”


“What the experts are hiding from you about how to really lose weight.”


“The experts are deliberately keeping this from you, and it keeps you fat.”



Facts. Examples:


“Unknown facts that will help you do X.”


“The fact that stops you from losing weight.”


“The number one fact that keeps you from X.”






Breaking. Examples:


“Breaking! New method reveals how to make more in a shorter time.”


“Breaking new law teaches you…”


“Breaking new law saves seniors thousands on healthcare.”



Revealed. Examples:


“Revealed, the best way to lose weight.”


“Revealed, the best way to invest in your retirement.”


“Revealed, the top tricks the tax guys know to save you money.”


Hate. I don’t personally like this word, but it does stop people in their tracks. Examples:


“Rich people will hate this new law.”


“Poor people will hate what is happening here.”


“If you hate this, then you’ll like this.”


“Do you hate this?”


“Top things single parents hate.”


“Top things kids hate to eat.”


Consider an ad that says, “Top five things you can do to make a woman love you.”


Then, think about this.



“Does every woman hate you? … This is why.”


Nine times out of ten, people are going to click that over the other one.



Announcing. Announcing is a very good one as well. Examples:


“Announcing the newest way to make a living.”


“Get this, announcing a better way to retire.”


“Announcing the top 50 states you can retire in.”



Breakthrough. Examples:


“Breakthrough: new method that stops acne cold.”



“Breakthrough new method that will help you lose weight.”


“Breakthrough new method that’ll help you write better ads.”


“Breakthrough new method that’ll do this, this, and this.”



Amazing. This is a powerful word. Examples:


“Amazing new results for people who want to lose weight.”


“Amazing new results for people want to save money.”


“Amazing new results for people who want to pay their credit cards off.”


Life. Examples:


“This could change your life.”


“Do you need to change your life”


“How to stop hating your life.”


“How to start loving your life.”



Protect. Examples:


“Nothing is more important to a parent than protecting X.”


“You want to protect your investment.”


“You want to protect your kids.”



“You want to protect your livelihood.”


“How can you protect this?”


“How can you protect that?”



Yes. I use this as a headline starter a lot. Examples:


“Yes, you can learn to write ads and make a living online.”


“Yes, you can lose 30 pounds in two months.”


“Yes, you can fit into that bathing suit next month.”


Free. This one everyone knows about. It’s overused and abused, but it still works. And you want to charge it with a feeling. Examples:



“Free report reveals X.”


“Free report reveals how to make ads that will flood your bank account with money, get you more customers, and keep you rich for life.”



With these words, as we’ve said, you’re trying to think of how to stop people in their tracks. This is known as a pattern interrupt.


People are passively reading stuff on the internet. If someone’s passively reading stuff about a certain topic, how do you get them to stop? How do you interrupt their pattern? How do you interrupt their thinking?


You use these words to stop them and say, “Hey, you need to read this. If you don’t read this, see what’s going to happen. This little thing will change your life.”



And when we talk about these words, we have to tread a thin line between good ads and clickbait. A lot of people say that a good ad equals clickbait. No. A good ad is a good ad.


Clickbait is not a good ad. Clickbait is when you don’t deliver on a promise.


So if I have an ad that says, “Secrets to making $150 a day,” and I take people to a site that says, “Buy this thing,” that doesn’t really deliver on the ad. I need to tell people the secrets I was talking about.


Now, when I get into it, I do want to tell them the secrets in a way that gets them to buy what I want them to buy. But that’s not the same thing as clickbait.


These words have power. They have power because people make them have power.




A lot of these words have power because advertisers make them have power. That’s pretty crazy when you think about it. Advertisers literally hijack the brain and make people think differently.



  1. Make Your Ads Truthful


Obviously, when you do advertising, you want to make your ads truthful. Always do truthful ads. Whenever you use numbers, use specific numbers and use true numbers.


Don’t go messing around and making stuff up. Be ethical and be true. Focus on what works and give people good stuff.



  1. Make Your Ads Short


Make your ads short and to the point. Don’t be too long-winded.


  1. Don’t Try to Sell in Your Ad


Don’t try to sell in your ad. Remember, the idea is to sell people on the click, not to get them to buy straight from the ads. What we’re talking about today is writing ads to bring people to our site, or writing ads to send people out.


When we do ads to bring people to our site, we want the ads to bring people to our site and let the site do the selling.


Because here’s the deal. You don’t want just everyone. You want the people that you want.


Advertising and writing ads is all about skimming a group of people that you want out of a big group of people. So if you have a big group of people, like the internet, you want to skim people off that you want.


Don’t try to sell in your ad—just let it sell itself. And let the people come that you really want.


  1. Know Your Audience


The next most important thing is to know your audience. Know your audience. What do they think about? What do they feel? What do they desire? What do they want?



  1. Have a Call to Action


What are you doing to get people to click? What are you doing to get them to take action?


A lot of people waffle it when it comes to this. Ask for what you want. Ask for the click. Get them to respond.


One of the things you can study is the news. Watch what they do. You’ll see that on most news stations, whatever news they’re talking about is breaking news.




It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be an old lady crossing the road. Everything’s breaking news, and they do that for a reason.


They do that because they test it. They test it with millions and millions of people watching. They are trying to find out what is getting your attention.


Think about TV in the old days, when you had five different channels, and you had to walk up and turn the channels and move the antennas (bunny ears). These channels would fight for your attention. They would say, “I want you to watch this. I want you to watch that.”


Why is this important?


Because the more attention you get, the more money you’re going to make if you do it correctly. Some people out there go do stupid stunts and try to make money that way, and that’s all fine and good, but it doesn’t always work.


What we’re talking about is how to get attention with words on paper. How do you write an ad that’s going to command attention?


How do you write an ad that’s going to get people to take action? How do you write an ad that’s going to get people to click, or buy, or fill out a form?


Tell people what you want them to do.


Here are some examples:


“You want to feel better about yourself? Click here.”


“You want to lose weight fast? Click here.”


“Do you want to buy this? Click here now to sign up.”


“Do you want to feel better about losing weight? Click here to sign up.”



  1. Make Your Links Clickable


Here is another thing that’s very important. When you do your ads, and you have a clickable link, make sure it’s blue and make it underlined. Why? It’s what people are used to. They know that a blue underlined link is going to go somewhere.



  1. Have a Reason Why


The big thing in marketing is a reason why. Reason why is the key to damn near anything. Give them a reason to click. Give them a reason to buy. Give them a reason to keep reading.


The key to good advertising is to be a straight shooter, be honest, be transparent, be upfront. Tell them what’s going on. Tell them what you’re thinking. They’ll listen.




Using Ads with Your Website


There are two sides of the coin here: part one is your ad, and part two is your website.


Your website is pretty much content with ads. Your content is supposed to get people into what you want them to buy.


But when it comes to your ads, you can actually use them to mine data about your audience.


Let’s use a weight loss ad as an example. You could have a website about weight loss, and an ad somewhere else that points to your website. The ad could go to a content page on your website that tells you about a secret for losing weight.


What if, instead of the ad talking about a secret, you had a banner ad that said, “Click the body you want,” with images of different body types on them?



You would get a lot more people to click, and you would learn more about your audience in the process.


If you run that ad and get a bunch of clicks, you could get a bunch of people to your site. Hopefully they end up buying stuff. But if not, you could still find out that 90 percent of the people on your website want to lose 90 pounds.


Then, once you know that, you could make an ad that says, “Here’s how to lose 90 pounds overnight, even if you eat chocolate cake every day.”


Do you think that ad’s going to work? Yes. Why is it going to work? Because your audience told you that’s what they want. Know your audience.


If you have a website and you’re getting decent traffic, I as a marketer could figure out what your audience wants in a matter of a few days.



And if I figure out what your audience wants, now I own the traffic. I could go in and buy as much traffic as I want.


Lots of people do banner advertising on what’s called a CPM basis. CPM means Cost Per Thousand Impressions. This means if I pay $1 CPM, I pay the same dollar if I get one click or if I get 100 clicks. If I get 100 clicks, then I’m paying one penny per click. If I get one click, that means I’m paying one dollar per click.


This is how I go and buy traffic for pennies. There is lots of traffic out there that’s very, very cheap.


And why is it so cheap? Because people don’t know how to advertise. They don’t know how to write good ads, and they don’t know how to get visitors from a different place to go where you want them to go.


If you don’t know these things, your ads aren’t going to work, and you’re going to lose money.


But knowing these things will revolutionize your ad writing in a way that sets you apart. And then you could go on any social medial platform, or anywhere else you want, write an ad, and get results.


















Ad Templates


Here are some templates based on the trigger words that we have.


How to _________ to get __________.



Hidden secrets the ______ don’t want you to know so that __________.



Do you hate _______? Here’s how to ________ without ________.


How to protect your ________ while also ______.



Breakthrough method to ________ while you _________.



Learn More About Ad Writing


If you want to learn more about ad writing, the best thing you can do is go to and sign up for my mentor program. It costs around $2.30 a day.


Do you think my ad writing skills will help you make $2.30 a day? I certainly hope so.


You’re going to go over to, you’re going to get signed up, and then we’re going to send you a link for a special training. It’s going to be around two or three hours long.


And we’ll talk to you all about ad writing.


I’m going to teach you as much as I can about ad writing, and we’re going to show you how to write these ads.




We’re going to show you


  • how to command attention
  • how to get people to respond
  • how to get people to take action on your site


Here’s what you can expect from this program. This is from our commercial.


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Webinar Q&A


Do the downloads apply only to desktops, or can they apply to mobile?


They could apply to mobile as well. You can download a PDF report on a mobile device.


Is this program for Hight Ticket Niche customers also?


It depends on when you bought your High Ticket Niche. If your support has lapsed, then you will want to join at


Every one of my customers should have an active account. If you don’t, you’re missing out on a lot of good stuff. Seriously, we’re talking $77 a month, which is nothing.




You get plugins, at least $1,000 worth of plugins. You get courses, you get a live call every Tuesday where we can review your stuff. If you show me an ad and it’s not working, I can tell you to change it to something else.


Think about that. The guy telling me to change my magic ad is why I got into marketing, and it made a world of difference to me. If that ad has made me millions of dollars, what will it be worth to you to have me look over your shoulder, look at your ads, and help you with this stuff?


Are these techniques evergreen?


Yes. They’ve been around since the dawn of time. This stuff is basic human nature. Humans don’t change much. Technology changes, but the other stuff doesn’t.






How quickly could I get results if I jump on it today?


Well, if you write an ad today, you could get a click today. And if you get a click today, you might be able to get a sale today. So, technically, it’s up to you. How fast do you want results? What you want to do with the results?


What is the High Ticket Niche program?


The High Ticket Niche program is a where we actually find your niches and everything. You can find that at If you want to learn all about my progructs, you can go to Click the “products” tab, and you’ll see what products we have available.


I would like to request a training about how to actually post an ad on Google or Bing.


We actually have one, and it’s in the mentor area.

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