7 Crazy Fast Side Hustles Make $1,000 A Day!

Great niche for pilot lessons, pilot schools, and more… super high margins.


great site for high paying knife offers on offervault and survival niche.

Super Fast $1,000 Per Day Side Hustles


Q & A Product Method

– Over $100 Commission

– Lots Of Questions About Product

– Ample Niche Traffic



Niche Webinar Method

– Find High Paying Offers (credit card, hosting, software, services)

– Create A Training About The Product / Get Traffic

– Run Webinars In Your Niche To Sell The Main Product And Others


Free Report Feedback Funnel

– Over $100 Commission

– Create Giveaway In Your Market (pdf) or (video) or (tool)

– Build A Mailing List – Promote Offers Related To Giveaway



App Tool Builder Method

– Over $100 Commission

– Make A Helpful Tool Around A Specific Market

– Build A Mailing List – Promote Offers Related To Giveaway



Fast SEO Hack

– Find Already Ranking Auction Domains

– Create Giveaway In Your Market (pdf) or (video) or (tool)

– Build A Mailing List – Promote Offers Related To Giveaway

– Direct Sell / Webinar Sell / Ect



Domain Buying And Selling

– Find Cheap Short RANKING Domains

– Build Content And Simple Blog To Keep Ranking

– Sell To Local Business Or Business In That Market



Service Hack

– Find Easy FLIP Services

– Outsource OR Do The Work

– Flip Them Into Higher Paying Stuff



– expired / auction domains

– ppc / banner ads

– facebook groups

– twitter – fiverr – forums

– youtube – seo

19 thoughts on “7 Crazy Fast Side Hustles Make $1,000 A Day!”

  1. Hi Marcus. How much time would you say a newby would have to dedicate weekly to make this work? Can you do any or all of these without a website at least in the beginning and get a website after it starts making money? What skills do you have to be good at for these methods? (Software, WP, Autoresponders, copywriting, etc.)

  2. Hi Marcus.
    At least once I heard you say there is at least one reason why sellers don’t accept one as an affiliate. I was wondering if you’d tell me that.
    What are the top reasons prospective affiliates are rejected by sellers.
    Thanks Morgann

  3. Marcus,

    Most oof your videos are based on traffic from Google. I wonder after last google updates how your sites are performing and if it is still relatively easy to rank up in google

  4. Is drop shipping during the holiday season a good why to make a good amount of money fast, and what is the best way to do this for beginners?

    1. No! Dropshipping is almost always sourced from China and shipping takes 30 days or more depending on your supplier. Your customers will be very upset if their orders do not arrive before Christmas. If you want to try dropshipping, start after the holidays and build up enough capital to warehouse enough products locally so that next holiday season you can ship on time. If you want to take advantage of the holidays this year, try Marcus’ latest training video called, “Earn $1,379 A DAY from Google News”

  5. Marcus,

    I’m a brand new member of Blog Profit Network (1 call 🙂 ) AND recently relocated 2300 miles from where I’ve lived most of my life. I’m trying to absorb all I can in the calls/videos, finding myself a bit on “information overload”. I want/need to generate online income but also am fortunate enough to not feel the stress of needing it “tomorrow” and/or can build it up (v going straight to “$1k/day”). That said, I obviously want to begin generating SOME as quickly as possible — even if I’m building from there. What’s your best advice on what to start with, focus on, etc? I don’t want to become distracted or try to go in too many directions at once, thus getting abysmal results in all. Thank you, in advance.

    Also, how/where do I get the tools/apps/plugins/resources available/provided with this mentoring program?

  6. I found the Voodoo plug ins/forum! 🙂 Is there supposed to be a “social profit voodoo” plug in? (Post started. No file.)

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