31 Free Traffic Sources Revealed

Today, you’re going to learn 31 killer free traffic methods to get tons of free traffic to your site. What could be better than free traffic?


I’ve been getting free traffic for the last 20 years, getting over 100 million views to my websites, my blogs, my videos, and all kinds of things like that. And I’m going to show you the exact methods I’ve used to do it.


1. Search Engines

When you type something into a search engine, you can see how many people are searching for a particular term. You can also see how much competition there is for that term. You may find some words that have little or no competition, and these are the words that you’re shooting for. You could create some web content that corresponds with these terms, and you could start to rank for these kinds of terms pretty easily. This is what’s called SEO, or search engine optimization. This will allow you to get free rankings all day. Don’t forget the power of other search engines besides Google.


2. Guest Blogging

If you have a new blog, and your website is new, and Google doesn’t know about you yet, and you don’t have any backlinks, and you put a post up, you’re probably not going to get ranked. But you could put a post on a bigger, more popular blog, and you can actually get ranked a lot higher that way. You can go to Google and find great guest blogging opportunities. A lot of places are looking for content.


3. Press Releases

When current events are happening, you can cover them in a press release. There are places on the web that you can go to put out a press release. Sometimes you can do these for free, and sometimes they cost a little bit of money. (But since this is about free traffic, we’re focusing on the free aspect.) It should get some traction, and it will start to go around the web.


4. Social Media

Social media is incredible for free traffic, but people don’t use it in the right way. They tend to spam people and get them to buy stuff, instead of using it to provide real value. You could do a lot of different things with social media. You could build up a Facebook group, an Instagram account, all kinds of things. All you have to do is stick to your niche, and provide good value based on the keywords you want.



5. YouTube

YouTube is another incredible source for free traffic. It’s the second most popular search engine in the world. There’s a lot of traffic on YouTube. You could use YouTube to get traffic in any niche. One of the benefits of YouTube is also getting ranked on Google.


7. Reddit

Reddit can be extremely powerful. It gets a lot of traffic, and it even shows up in Google. They’re very strict about not being spammy, and not being over the top with sales. But if you do it right, you can still go in there and make a lot of money. You can join a conversation that’s already happening, or you can start your own conversation.


7. BuzzSumo

This is a place that you can put your articles. You can also see the top articles that are getting shared, and you can pattern something after that. Or, you can go in and comment on articles, and even create your own.


8. BuzzFeed

Buzzfeed is similar to BuzzSumo. It’s a place where you can go and rank your content. Again, you can use the trending results to figure out what’s currently working.


9. Quora

Quora is a question and answer site. This is really good for free traffic. You probably see Quora results all the time when you search on Google. You can go on Quora and see what people are posting, and you might notice that people provide answers and then link to their own stuff. It’s a very popular site with a lot of traffic as well.


10. Mix.com

Formerly StumbleUpon, this is another place where you can post your content. Their traffic ranking is a little lower than some of the others we’ve seen, but a lower traffic rating usually means lower competition. So it might be even easier to get traffic from this site than some others. You can post your content on there, and they’ll link to your site, but they’ll display it in little snippets. It’s kind of like Pinterest, but it’s more content-based. It’s like a content organizer.


11. Hub Pages

Hub Pages, formerly known as Squidoo, is a reall cool place. You can post your articles on there. But you have to be careful that you don’t duplicate your content. You can also see the various articles that are trending. You can even get paid to post your content (but, you can make more money doing what I teach you as well). You can even comment, and they actually allow you put a link in your comment. So, all you have to do is comment, and you might get some traffic.


12. Forums

Forums are very cool and very easy to get traffic. When you post in forums, make sure you don’t just spam. Don’t be a jerk. Do it the right way. Maybe you can give some cool tips, and then link back to your site. If you do it the right way, this has the potential to make money literally right now. And if you’re actually active on forums, you will learn so much about your market.


13. Files

How can you convert your content into files? Here’s an example. Let’s say that you give a theme away to a bunch of people. A theme is a zip file. That theme could get you free traffic every single day. You could post your themes on theme sites as a giveaway, and you can even get all kinds of WordPress users that want a theme for a specific topic. All you have to do is make a simple zip file.



14. Web Directories

There are several different web directories out there. You can go onto the internet and search for lists of web directories. Some of them are paid. We used to use the Yahoo directory a lot, but it went away. Still, you can always get traffic this way.


15. Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is where you go and put your link on different social sites. You can just go and find sites that are already getting the traffic you want, and you can put a little comment, or bookmark, on it.


16. Facebook Groups

You can find Facebook groups about any topic. You can even start your own Facebook group. I’ve met people who’ve created Facebook groups, and those groups have thousands and thousands of members. They’re easy to run and easy to get, if you do them the right way. The key is that your users are going to create your traffic.


17. Article Marketing

Article marketing is basically the same as blogging. Only, you’re not blogging on your site, you’re blogging on other sites. Why would you do that? Because the other sites have power. When you make a blog post on a new website, it won’t have much rank. But if you post on a more popular website, it will be ranked more highly. You can also post your articles on a site like EzineArticles.com. You can start a membership (it’s free to join), and you can just start posting your content, and it will link back to your site. Again, go for low-competition keywords you know you can rank for.


18. Interviews

You can use interviews to provide value about a topic. People love to do interviews. You can interview top people in your niche, and with that, you can get them to check out your stuff and even post it to their own channels. Sometimes if you do an interview with someone, they’ll send it to their people as well. This allows you to find people from an audience you might not have had before.



19. PDF Marketing

A good way to do this is to turn your content into a PDF and give it away. People love PDFs. I don’t know why, but they’re obsessed with them. They love to download PDFs. You can make a lot of money with PDFs. I get people every day that join my mailing list because of PDFs. They’re not even that hard to do, and they can even rank.


20. Pinterest / Images

When you go to Google and look at images, you’ll see that for certain search terms, a lot of the images may come from Pinterest. You can actually get traffic with Pinterest using this method. Pinterest even tells you how many people view an image, which is really cool. And usually you can also click on the images and they’ll take you to a site. Again, make sure that you’re going after something that’s very targeted, a keyword that you know you can get.


21. Infographics

Infographics are really great. People actually search for infographics, which means you can go out and see what kind of infographics people are searching for. There are infographics about literally everything, and you can make them about anything.


22. SlideShare

This is a place where people share their PowerPoint slides and get traffic. People can go onto the site and search for slides of all kinds of things.


23. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great place to get traffic as well. This is content site. You can see different things that people are searching for on LinkedIn, and you can see that their content actually starts to rank. So you could create articles on LinkedIn that have to do with your niche.


24. Twitter

Twitter is a powerful social media platform, and a great way to get free traffic. It’s a good place to start getting involved in conversations that are talking about various things. You can comment and join those conversations, and you can link people back to your content that way as well.



25. Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is just what it sounds like: it’s where you go to blogs and you leave comments. Go to blogs in your niche, start commenting, and start adding value.


26. Classified Ad Websites

You can go to classified ad websites, such as Craigslist. Whatever you do, make sure they’re good sites. Be very careful with Craigslist, because it’s very easy to get kicked off, if you’re not following the terms and conditions. No matter what you’re doing, always follow the terms and conditions.


27. Podcasting

Podcasting is a good one. You could set up your own podcase. It’s very easy to do. If you put on a podcast and just interview people, you’ll start to get known. You’ll start to grow. There are lots of other ways you can integrate podcasting, but this is a solid way to start.


28. Email Lists

Email lists are another way you can get free traffic. You could build an email list, and you could email people to come back to your site. We teach more about this in the Simple Sites course at www.SimpleSitesBonus.com.



29. Shareable Content

Make content that people can share. Whether it’s a PDF, whether it’s an article, whatever it may be. For example, if you have a good PDF, you could share it in a Facebook group. Or, you could share it on a YouTube channel. You could share it wherever you want, really. You could list it in Google, you could put it on Quora, there are a lot of different directions you can take. All of them can get you some valuable free traffic.


30. Integration Marketing

If you have your own product, you can actually integrate with another company, and you can start getting featured on their thank you pages and their opt in pages.


31. Lists

Lists are incredible. What kind of lists do people want? People want lists on all kinds of things. You can go on Google and see what lists people are looking for. You can even just search on Google to find keywords you want to target, and then make lists that target those keywords. Once you make your list, you can make it into a PDF file, or an Excel file, or something else, and you can start to get traffic with it.


To learn more, go to www.AffiliateMarketingDude.com.


1 thought on “31 Free Traffic Sources Revealed”

  1. Hello!

    I’ve been following you for a long time (email, YT). One quick question; how can I find more info about your 20. Pinterest / Images
    When you go to Google and look at images…

    You HELP a lot – stay the same!

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