17 SEO Hacks For 2019

Hello and welcome!

What we’re gonna be doing today is talking about the 17 killer SEO hacks for 2019.

If you’re ready to learn how to SEO your site – Search engine optimization

We’re gonna go over some things that I’ve been using for a long time

I’ve been doing SEO since about the year 2000 when I built my first website for a company that sold cigars and they sold cigars over in the orange county area and in Arizona and everything like that.


I got a job building websites and I found out that when I built this website it started getting ranked on the search engines

That’s right, I didn’t even try anything, I just got ranked like boom!

They got traffic and one of the things that I noticed cuz the site was doing good and we’re getting lots of traffic. We want to fly you out to Arizona and have you look at what’s going on and we went out to Arizona and I looked at what was going on and they were getting printed orders. They had this thing where they had to print them and then go to the credit-card machine before we had online merchant account services and they actually were selling cigars every single day.

Everyday, they got orders so I was looking at it and I was like okay the power of this SEO stuff is…

I get rankedpeople come to the site people buy stuff!

It was crazy!

Wow! This is insane!


I literally put a page out there in cyberspace, it gets picked up and now I get traffic and money comes in!



Now, let’s talk about how this all began

I’m gonna talk to you about the story behind it because you’re gonna get a lot of information out there…

  • You can watch all these Youtube videos
  • You can watch all these training courses
  • You can do all this stuff about SEO and everything


I’ve been at this almost 20 years now and what I’ve noticed over the years is you’re gonna have flash-in-the-pan things that come and go.


A lot of you guys might have heard of the tactic that I used in 2003 that worked really really well for a while but then it kind of phased out. That’s a tactic. What you have in internet marketing is people that do a tactic and then teach the tactic without any lunge and longevity to it. They don’t have the proof of the pudding! They’re just teaching your tactic that might be a flash in the pan, that might work now but might not work a couple years from now

Maybe, it’ll be dead by the time you actually learn it!

Sometimes, that is the case!


What I want to do is I want to teach you how all this stuff fits together and the things that I’ve learned over 20 years of doing this,


Of what works,what stands the test of time, and what’s consistently going to get you results that get people to your site because if you don’t have people watching your videos, looking at your content, reading your website, visiting your blog you’re not gonna make any money. I don’t care what you do if no one comes and visits, it’s not gonna work!


If no one watches the superbowl, then no advertisers are gonna pay for ads! Pretty simple! Because they want the eyeballs and that’s what this is all about! It is getting people to our site!


Back in 2000, this is where I lived.

You could notice the beer box here, I actually don’t drink anymore or don’t do anything anymore – I’m five years sober, almost be five years in May. I have my old computer, I had my phone here, I had my little prop stand for my mhousagic stuff – I was a magician moonlighting as an internet marketer and I lived in this mobile home


That actually was so messed up. I lived in the living room and my bed was in the living room so if I wanted to go to sleep, everyone was piling up to watch tv and it drove me nuts because I worked all night trying to figure this stuff out and so there I was in this mobile home that eventually got bulldozed because it was just messed up and I lived there with my brother and some other roommates and I was trying to learn this SEO stuff and I was grinding day and night to try to figure it out.


At the beginning, it was kind of difficult. I read different things, I tried to learn different things,i put different sites up, tried things and some of them would get picked up but it took 6-8 months for the search engines to see me. It was kind of difficult but I’ll never forget the fact that I started this business from that spot.


No matter where you’re at,

You can start from a rundown mobile home

You could start from anywhere!


You could start if you’re watching these videos in the library, we actually have people who have done that! They go to the library, they build a site, they make money!


And then they’re able to get a house with actual internet and stuff like that! So this stuff can work and you really really have to focus on it!


We’re gonna look at that and we’re gonna say

Yes. this is where I started in 2000 when I first really focused.


And we’re gonna look at that and we’re gonna talk about

  • Why the SEO stuff worked then
  • What works now
  • What has worked throughout the entire time


Now, in 2003 I started doing search engine ranking, check this out:

I’m in this mobile home. Finally, we were able to move out. I rented a house with with a couple other guys, my wife and my daughter at the time and we went there and we were renting this house


I got to learn this SEO stuff. I got to figure this out. I tried to figure it out, tried to learn it and I actually did!


I found out that certain things – the 17 things that I’m gonna teach you here are things that made this work!


These are the things that I went out and I was like..

Okay, I can now get a ranking! I can now get ranked for a keyword and get traffic overnight! Or get ranked for a keyword and get focused on something!


Very very very important! You gotta look at that and you gotta focus! Because here’s the deal: Right now, people are searching. You might feel like SEO is kind of difficult, you might feel like maybe the search engines are not wanting what I have, maybe I’m doing it wrong, maybe whatever’s going on…


No matter what you’re looking at it, you’re like…

It doesn’t seem fair! And maybe you feel like Bernie Sanders


Bernie Sanders is awesome by the way. I like him.


But what you’re gonna notice is that yesterday, Bernie Sanders broke all kinds of records for fundraising campaigns.


Check it out, you go to CNN Today – not a mention anywhere.

He got a couple minutes of fame on there.

You go to yahoo…

No mention, Nothing! Actually being censored!

Maybe you feel like him!


but check this out…

You go to Google trendsHe’s actually the top third search ranked!

This is talking about how the search engines work.


Maybe, you feel like this. Maybe, you feel like you’re being censored… Maybe, you feel like the search engines don’t like what you have to put down…

So there I was, back in the year 2003, I was like

“okay, I can get these rankings”


But I couldn’t rank for big words. If someone came to me and they’re like

Marcus, I want to pay $50,000 and I want to rank for the word dental insurance.”

I couldn’t do that! Okay, I don’t know how to do that!

But what I was able to do is I was able to focus on search engine words that got traffic but didn’t have competition. That’s a very important thing that I learned throughout the years focusing on words that get traffic but don’t have a lot of competition because there’s a lot of them out there. I think there was a study that said like 30% of internet searches are actually brand new.


For the top 10 search engine rankings, I had to find the right keyword. I had to focus on the right keyword – I had to do everything around a keyword that I know will work. Very important to look at.

Now, over time, I moved from that mobile home to an apartment to a house and then to an apartment in Oregon. Now, in this apartment in Oregon, we actually rented this top part here. We had this whole top floor area here and then about maybe 300 yards away, I had another apartment that I called the office. This was before I actually got offices and stuff like that and so I got this office and I started working there. I need to get away from the kids and actually hunker down and work for a while because when the kids are young, you want to play with them all the day

I go to this office and work and I’d learn all the SEO tactics and at One time, a friend of mine named Chris and we actually went through and he came to me to get rankings for his prepaid legal business and he’s like “Narcus, I want to get ranked for prepaid legal.”


I’m like – okay, here’s how it works. I went over and I was like okay we’re gonna rank you for prepaid legal and we’re gonna focus on prepaid legal and we’re gonna get you traffic. I didn’t rank for the word prepaid legal – we ranked for other words like:

  • What to do for certain legal issues
  • How to fill out certain legal forms
  • And different things like that which is very important!

I focused on these words and he noticed that he skyrocketed to doing really well in the company he was making all kinds of money

He wanted to learn this tactic that I learned

He wanted to focus on this

He wanted to make this work because doing his prepaid legal thing is pretty cool but he could promote lots of other stuff that’s going to work!

We got to focus on them.

We’re gonna look at that and say what was it that did that. He came over to me and he’s like “okay! Let’s do this! He would come down – he lived in Seattle at the time and there was one of the books that we we used to read – this is by a guy named Michael Campbell (no relation just happens to be Michael Campbell)

This book was out 2000 or 2001 it was called

Nothing But Net

And it taught you how to do search engine rankings and taught you how to build a site

This guy actually built sites based on cell phones which I got into later as well and so he would make these sites based around cell phones and he would make a network of sites and he would get them ranked and he go for all kinds of search terms and he was talking about how one year with his methods he was able to do $750,000 in cellphone commissions which is pretty cool!

And so Chris was there and we were studying this book and learning about expired domains and rankings and on site optimization, off-site optimization and everything like that and they found this method where we could actually go and purchase old domain names, put our sites up and by the time we woke up the next day – we’d like stay up till 4:00 ranking these sites and the next day, we’d wake up and be like… Holy cow! We’re getting to 3,000 visitors a day! I remember some days we’d wake up and i’d be like wow! This one’s going to a loan program and you know, we’re making 3,000 bucks a day! Or $1,000 a day! Or this one’s doing a dental insurance program and boom I’m getting $500 a day! $300 a day!

We’re gonna talk about this we’re gonna make it work!

There I was, I was ranking these sites and everything and I was like… Okay! This is working! This is good! I moved to california, I bought a big house!

Houses in California are not cheap!

Especially if you bought them back in 2006. I think we bought this one in 2004 when they were really really really really really expensive!

Now, months after buying the house, this little tactic that I had for SEO stuff went down the toilet and I lost a bunch of rankings! Lost a bunch of money! I went from making about $1,200 to $2,000 a day down to making like $200 a day.

Now, $200 a day might sound good unless you’re used to living on $1000 a day, then it’s not very good, right?

Take your income, chop it by 20% and see how you’d feel about that.

Wasn’t really fun at all

So we still stayed in the house

I still learned some things

I tried some pay-per-click stuff

Got back into blogging and everything like that

Built the business back up pretty fast because of what I’ve learned. These are the things this is why I say when you look at SEO stuff, don’t go to the guy who’s like I’ve been doing SEO ranking for five minutes and I made a bunch of money we got to look at it and we got to focus!

So there I was, I was going through we got ranking, but because of what I learned right because of what I’ve done for a long time with affiliate marketing and internet marketing, I knew the backbone of how this worked right. I was going through and I know the backbone and this is what I want to teach you. I want to teach you guys the backbone of how it works because the internet doesn’t really change all that much it just evolves…

Back then, we had what was called BBS boards and and forums and bulletin boards. Now, we have Facebook. It’s the same concept and if you guys can get that it’s the same concept everything becomes easy to you!

People come up to me and they’re like…

Marcus how do you make this stuff so easy?

How do you go in and just like… ???

I didn’t know Facebook yesterday but now I can make money with it or I didn’t know this ad platform yesterday – now I can do this or I didn’t know how to SEO or you know there’s a new search engine in town, how do I get involved or whatever?

The way to do it is by learning the backbone of how this works.

The backbone is what’s going to work, no matter what you do. No matter how the internet changes because it’s all based on computers trying to find the best information for you. Facebook’s algorithm is the same. They’re looking at what do people look at? What’s related to it?

Same kind of thing!

And when you look at this with SEO, it works the same way!

I was able to build it back up and in 2009, we bought this big house in California. Luckily, we got this one cheaper than the first one.

We still had the first one as a rental and we got the big one for less and it was way bigger and it went up in value and we sold it before we moved to florida

Now fast-forward to the 2019 Marcus,

Here we are in Florida with my wonderful puppy, Gwen. She is a pain in the butt. She likes to dig up the internet cord as a lot of you guys saw and she likes to sit here under my desk and and rummage around and move me around in my chair because she’s not a little puppy anymore – she’s now big and she takes up like half the office. Somehow she finds a way to take up half the office!

I don’t know but any right here we are we’re doing this stuff and I still do SEO today. A lot of people ask me how much traffic is from search engine ranking? Usually. About 50 60%

Now, we might be running 70% because I have a lot of stuff out there and we’re gonna show you how it works.


Let’s dive in and let’s talk about

The 17 Things That Are Going To Help You With SEO.

We’re gonna talk about these 17 things. You can use these 17 things, you can combine them, you can use one of them, you can do three of them – whatever you want to do, but these things are what’s going to make it work


I’m gonna show you how to get the old free traffic.

All right! and You guys can go get it!


Here’s what we got, these are in no particular orderthey’re just the 17 things that I know work.

At the end of this video, I’m gonna have someone take notes of it and if you guys do want to get notes from the video, go to downloadmynotes.com


Fill out the form and you’ll get notes from the video!

We provide that free and all we do is bribe you with free stuff so that you buy the paid stuff!


Let’s dive right in

#1 Keyword Research Is Key

You can’t go out there and rank for whatever term you want. You have to rank for terms that you think you can get so if I go out and I say I want to rank on Google for the word gas prices.

I’m probably not gonna rank, you look at this and there’s 4 billion or 2 billion, if you do gas prices – 2 billion sites that are ranking for this word. I’m not going to compete with triple-a I’m not gonna compete with gas buddy because obviously he’s got 5 different rankings. Although, check it out there’s some local rankings in there. Let’s keep that in mind

We’re not going to compete with mapquest, we’re not going to compete with fuel economy, cnbc or even the pages on the second one… I can’t compete with geico – I think they have a little bit more money than I do. I can’t compete with usa today, cnn, howstuffworks, or any of these.

There’s no way to compete! It’s crazy!


Let’s isolate it and see what the real competition is…

23 million! Still pretty ridiculous! I’m not gonna be able to do this!

This is gonna be very difficult!


It’s not gonna work! I’m not gonna be able to rank so what we have to do is we have to find keywords that people want! The same thing like who wants cheap gas but we have to say who else wants it? What else are they searching for?

Now, what I like to use is my keyword tools and I could use keyword tools like the Adwords tool, let me pull that open for you guys here…


Adwords keyword planner and keyword research is everything this is what made or broke me back in 2003. This is what makes or breaks me today, this Is the crux of how everything works! If you don’t focus on the right keywords, you are not going to get the rankings. Far too many people focus on the wrong thing. Instead of trying to go for the number one, right off the bat, what I like to do is I like to do by my major in the minor system


The major in the minors means

Let’s major on the little ones first!

Let’s get some traffic!

Let’s get some income!

And over time, we can grow it into something big.

Does that make sense to everyone?


I’ll just log in here to my Adwords tool and I’ll show you kind of how it works

So we want to look at that


Let’s see we’re gonna go here and we’re gonna look at our Google Adwords keyword planner, and we could type something in like gas prices.

You’re gonna know several different things here.

We’re gonna take a look at this with major in the minors and we’re gonna say what could we get for gas prices?

Now, there’s a certain term that you might hear throwing a lot around or thrown around a lot when it comes to SEO. That’s called longtail keywords.


What’s a long tailed keyword?

A long tail keyword is derived from a short tail keyword. If there was a dog here and I had this tail he’d be short. Right now, if there was a dog over here and he had this tail. It’d be long if he had something even bigger than that, it’d be like sam’s club gas prices near me”. That would be a longtail keyword. Now, the reason people talk about longtail keywords is because of the fact that the competition is lower. If I do gas prices, I got 23 million competition.


If I do “sam’s club prices near me”

I could see that there’s realistically only 9 people competing.

We got a look at that and say sam’s club prices near me got three million but again in the quotes we’re seeingit’s not as bad now. It could be elusive because again, we’re seeing we got some videos here, we got business on the street.

It’s still a little competitive but I think we might be able to do it right

Sam’s club gas prices near me

We look at that and we’re like boom! Here we go so this might be something we can get. I mean I could guarantee you that if your site is titled sam’s club gas prices and your mate which by the way be careful when you have trademarks, if your webpage was titled sam’s club prices near me you would show up in quotes!


I can guarantee you that because there’s only 9 results. You’re gonna show up on the top page because there’s only 10 results. If there’s only 5 people competing! Your chances of being top 10 are pretty much 100%


We want to major in the minors – you want to go for things that we know we could get right. I can’t go for gas prices but I might be able to do this one. Now, you know what markets – not one – only gets 20 900 searches a month

Because if I get 29 000 searches a month from that one and ten others I got 30000 views right now. If I go up here and try to get one that’s 30,000 views.


Like this cheap gas station near me, it’s probably gonna be a lot more different.

Cheap gas station near me39,000 results! In quotes!

Now, important: I want you guys to pay attention. I want you to pay attention

Isolating it, so we know the competition. We’re not trying to rank for the quotes, we’re trying to isolate it to see what is specific.

I want you to pay attention here because we’re seeing things that are clues. There’s little clues that are going on that you guys are gonna see in a little bit like gas station near me


Kind of interesting that there are keyword loaded domains there. I know a lot of people don’t think those are important but they kind of are.

When a major in the minors and look at what we can get.

Can we go for something like this or sam’s club or whatever?

Again, watch out for trademarks and do your due diligence, but there’s a lot of things that you can focus on gas prices, sam’s club gas cheapest gas and again, look at all this traffic…

There’s a lot of traffic, you don’t even need to pay for it,

it’s actually pretty easy to get.


Number 1, first and foremost is



If you have the wrong keyword, I don’t care how good you are at SEO, it’s probably not gonna work…


So we’ve got to focus on that:

Keyword research is the key.

Gotta get the right keywords, especially if you’re new if you’ve never ranked a keyword and gotten traffic and you’re new. Then, you got to get the right keyword, otherwise, you’re gonna get burned out. You’re gonna get tired of this stuff and you’re just gonna think it doesn’t work because you’re doing it the wrong way. If they’re censoring something or if they’re looking at something on the news, or whatever.


You got to focus and be like, how do I get around that? And one thing, I will say good about trump, even though I didn’t really – I don’t care

For his politics at all.


He did play the media, right – he didn’t know how to do that. Right, this is the same kind of thing, you got to play to what the audience, once you got a plate to what the platform wants. Unfortunately, our news is all about dramas and all kinds of bs.


We got to focus and be like okay



Now, the cool thing is the search engines actually tell you what they want. All right, if I search for a cheap gas station near me, it’s gonna tell me – I check it out at once

It wants these things, it shows you on the first page like an app. Boom! You want free traffic, make an app about gas stuff, that’s not hard to do!


All right, there you go!

You’ll just show up. Right there, it’ll probably have related apps on the app store. Apps you might also like. You would literally be hijacking a part of the ranking from the number 1 or from the number 9 site here and right there…

It’s like make an app, boom! You’re gonna show up there as long as you do it!


Getting showed up here, it’s probably, a lot easier than showing up for the word  Gas station near me


Does that make sense?

Those little subtleties are what’s gonna make it work


Number 1: Keyword research is the key that’s the first thing you want to do. Don’t go for the top word, go for a word you know you can get. If I was going from this list,

I would probably try to find something like…

I probably make a site showing all the places to get gas

And I try to use all the different words

Like cheapest premium gas near me

That might be a good one


Cheapest premium gas near me might be a good word to go for cuz they are okay for 98. This is actually a pretty decent one. It’s got a lot of searches. It doesn’t have too much competition and we’re looking at…

It’s like there’s reddit there, I could get involved in the reddit and boom! I show up! Which is pretty easy!

Let’s see what cheapest guest near me is


If you had a related one here, probably show up as well. Here’s some related, right and notice how there’s our related as well…

Like petrol spy, fuel map, gas guru, stuff like this which is really cool!


We’re gonna dive in and show you how this works

And how to put it all together because literally, like the guy who’s like I want to get traffic now and I want to make money now…


You can do it if you do it the right way because sites are ranking that allow you to post on them. Sites are ranking that allow you to interact on them like this. If you had a gas app, you could pretty much be able to show up here. I doubt there’s that many gas apps


Let’s see…

Gps fuel map gas prices, not a whole ton of them. There’s like some calculators and stuff but it’s not overly crowded so important, we got to look at that.


Let’s take a look, let’s keep going The keyword stuff is important.

You got to focus on the long tail, the short tail – what you think you can get. Don’t go for stuff just because you want it.


I want to rank for the word  Make money

That’s not gonna happen. I’ve been doing this for 19 years – I can’t rank for the word make money. It’s not gonna happenit was just way too competitive!

We look at this and it’s super competitive and we’re like…

Make money. How to make money


Type that in Google

It’s gonna be so competitive. Your heads gonna spin make money

6.9 billion websites

If we do it in quotes, we got 150 million websites

I mean that’s insane! That’s just way too much!


Now, we could use Youtube which we’ll talk about a little bit later as well okay.


#1 is Keyword research is the key

If you have the wrong keyword this is not going to work!



#2 Create a List Of All Possible Related Topics And Subcategory Words.

What are the topics and subcategory words?

A subcategory word, would be your big list down here.

So if we have like how to make money from home and I wanted to find subcategory words for this, I would be like how to make money from home.

This would be my list of subcategory of keywords and notice how they get really really specific and really long tail…

This one here is a lot easier to get.

We got 150 million versus 160 thousand! way better!


We’re gonna take the results and we’re gonna make this a list. I would just take the results and make a list of all these words, this would be my list of related words. I could put it into an excel file and make it look pretty and everything!


Now, when you go into your related stuff or your related topics, we’re gonna look at what are the related topics?


Related topics to how to make money would be something like…

Side hustle

It would be very similar to making money from home.


We can see here there is not very much competition

Side hustles from home – 17,000

Now, you can also use what I call the timeout method. The timeout method is when you search in quotes and you see a number like this. Then, what you’re gonna do is scroll down to the bottom of the page. You’re going to click the ten, then you’re gonna keep clicking it until it times out


Then it says…

what they’re saying is like everything’s pretty much the same except for these 90 and what does that mean?

That means maybe the word side hustle appears on one website like 50 bazillion times like this! There’s a lot and that’s all pinterest!


What they’re doing is they’re weeding out all the stuff like that. Weeding out all the duplicate things and saying that this is what’s really going on. The real competition is actually a whole lot lower!


Now, side hustles would be a good example of a related type category. You could also go for things like…  Work at home jobs


You’re going to put these in your portfolio of what you’re going to make because as you grow and branch out this is what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna go there. You’ll be like okay now we’re going to tackle work from home stuff and we’re going home jobs. You can isolate it and say I want it to include the word job.

Work at home job opportunities

We look at this and we got all kinds of different words here looking for a job I can do from home.


A part-time job work from home packing

That would be something you can make a blog post about and get traffic on. 34 results in quotes! Not that hard to do!


Those would be your other categories – your related categories. You’re gonna make a list of your related categories.


This is what’s going on. We’re gonna make it work.


When we have that: Keyword research is key

Then, after I do my keyword research, I’m going to go through and create a list of possible related topics and the subcategory keywords and everything like that. We’re gonna focus this.



Next tip that I want to do is…

#3 Install An Seo Plugin On My Blog


If you have a blog, you can install an SEO plugin. Now these are very very easy to do. If I was to log into one of my blogs here and shrink this down a bit – if I was to log into one of my blogs, we can go in here and we can go to plugins and we can go to add new and we could use some of the plugins that are around.

You can do stuff like all-in-one SEO plugin. Actually, we’re going to go search All-In-One SEO

This is one that I’ve used quite a bit that works well. We could use the all-in-one SEO pack if you want to install that, you just install. Very simple!

When it’s installed, we activate it and then that’ll show up. It just makes it a little bit easier to do SEO stuff. Changes your links and stuff like that and you’ll notice that when I go to do a post, it’s now gonna have various things on it that tell me what to do. It’ll be like a recipe book and then it’ll say


here’s what its gonna look like in the search engine.”

Put your title here and it’ll make the title all SEO friendly. Put your description and it tells you how to do it and then obviously make sure that none of these are clicked and then that’ll fix it for you and also go through and evaluate.


It’ll say

  • You need a new title
  • You need a description here


That’s gonna help you rank!


All in one SEO is definitely one of the ones that I use. You can set your urls the way you want so that it actually uses urls that are friendly. You could go through and add a home page title, you can do little title settings and things like that.It just helps you do SEO and it’ll help you get rankings and stuff like that!



Okay it’s not like the be-all, end-all. You don’t install this and then shoot to the top of Google tomorrow. It’s something that’s going to help!

Definitely something that’ll help!


Next, we can go through another plugin that is good.

Let’s go add new

We can use SEO by Yoast

This is a good one. You can see it’s very popular. You can install this one and it’ll do the same kind of thing. Whichever one you like, use it!

Just try it out! See if you get results!


I don’t think that these will make or break you but they’re definitely gonna help you! They’re definitely gonna help you!

Now, let’s take a look at some other stuff here…

Install a SEO plugin on your blog!



#4 Do Your First Page Research


This is extremely important. When you find a keyword you want to go for…

Let’s say we’re gonna go for part-time work at home job packing. We want to search the first page without quotes


The reason we want to do this is that we want to see what’s out there. Now, what we could possibly get involved in, we could look at it and we see


  • Zipper
  • Cooter
  • Indeed
  • com
  • Glassdoor
  • Xerox
  • com
  • Single moms income



We can go and we can look at this and see if there’s a way that we

Can get involved in the conversation. Why do we want to do that?

Google cares more about what other people say about your site than what you say about your site!


You can look for some kind of things at Google, for let’s say…

Effects of alcohol on the brain

What you’re gonna see is scholarly articles

It should be able to come up with some scholar type articles and on those articles, what they’re gonna have is a reference. This is where the Google search engine algorithm came from. It’s not a mistake that these people were like very smart college people but what you’re gonna see is references on all these pages. You’re gonna have references!


Now, in the old days they would have the paper and they’d reference certain books and those would go to certain books and things like that

Now, what happened is the that if I have a thousand different articles that all reference this guy’s article, then that means this guy’s article is pretty darn important!

That’s how it works!

These are called backlinks! Backlinks link back to you and if every site on the internet says

Marcus is the greatest guy in the world.

I’m gonna start ranking for

Marcus is the greatest guy in the world


This was also done with a test. On this page, nowhere does it say PDF – doesn’t say it anywhere so you would think from normal SEO logic that this page should not rank for the word PDF. Why does it rank for the word PDF?

It ranks for the word PDF because everyone goes out there and says hey click here to download the PDF reader.

I think pretty much how it works! You go through and that’s kind of how it works! If you look at that based on the scholarly article type thing. That’s how it’s working – it’s like a reference! There’s little references out there!

Now, you can actually go out there and get the references!

You can go to other sites and when you’re on other sites and you’re doing your first page research, you’re gonna go through and want to rank for gas prices?

I would do my first page research. Number 1, what do I see?

First thing you notice?

Check this out. The first thing is NEWS STORIES.

If I want to rank for gas prices, what do I want to do? I want to make a news story! And I could go to like prweb.com and I can buy a press release and I can focus on all these gas related keywords! I just make a post it, get gas related keywords and it works!

It works! Excellent! Actually did this on a site and I got 600,000 visitors from one press release! Guess what!?

Here’s the key the key to press releases is you!


You’re not looking to show up on the news.

That’s not why you do the Press release.

If you do show up on the news,

YAY! Go you!

We go through and you can make these news posts because they’re gonna give me those backlinks! If all these different press release websites are saying   “hey! Marcus’s site is about gas prices!”

All of a sudden, the search engines are gonna go…

“wait. Wait a minute! I think marcus might be talked about gas prices over there! Somewhere I think he might!”

We got a look at that so that’s the first page research!

Again, do your keyword research! When you do the press release, you show up, I actually have a buddy who makes a living just doing press releases and some of them are short-lived but he makes a lot of money! It’s like if I show up number one for gas prices, I could build a mailing list or maybe get people to download a toolbar. I can make a lot of money that day! And then you get some residual overtime but again it’s a good way to spike and build really really fast and really good!

You would submit a press release for your site. You would go to PR web or wherever your favorite press release place is and I would order a press release! You can do free ones or you could do 90 bucks or whatever. If you’re gonna do a big site, you maybe get the $200 one or whatever but you don’t have to! You could use a free one if you want to. That’s what we’re gonna look at.

What you want is one that’s gonna show up on their home page for a long time because if you show up

On their page, you’re gonna get picked up!

This is a tip that I learned years ago when I started a page. I always wanted to advertise on the clickbank login page, that was a goal of mine. I wanted to be on the login page of clickbank.

They used to put in the raw links like this:

I knew back then that the pagerank of the clickbank login page was really high so I put a link there to my site and then whatever I put on that site just boom! Got picked up in Google in minutes which was cool and actually started a little company on that called Google fest and we just basically sold people links on the site so they can get ranked!

It looked like we had a snail on it at one point and all I did was put little links to my other pages and those would get picked up really really quick and then you can see like the little links and stuff like this…

Now, you don’t want to do this kind of stuff as much now but you do want to get the links and you do want to focus on the keywords.

I learned that because if I advertise here, I now have a backlink and backlinks are are important! If you do them right! I would rather have a directory listing over 50 junk links so you have to get good links not all backlinks are created equal.

Don’t go to backlink farms, they don’t work. Focus on the stuff that’s working! I can go there and instead of trying to buy links or whatever, I could actually be like “is there a way I could get listed on the indeed page?”

Maybe there’s some kind of link or there’s a commenting area or whatever it is and you want to look for it and say                      “is there a way to get involved?” and I guarantee on everything, there’s probably a way to get involved!

Like here, she’s got comments. You put a comment and it links back to your site. See how that links to his site?

Boom! It’ll link to your site and you just get in there and you comment and now you have a link of one of the guys who’s there and you can hire some to do this. You can outsource it! Very very very easy to do!

Also, some of the things you want to look out for

You want to look out for news stories sites. I can piggyback on things like that. Look at Youtube, you could quite simply – we showed yesterday on a live training, how to convert your blog post into a video so that you can get in there! It’s like boom! There you go! Very important!

Youtube’s another good one and we can look at what’s there – the first page of Google‘s gonna tell you everything!

Got to look at this and say what’s going on?!

How can we get involved in what’s going on?!


#5 Make An Seo Plan Based On What’s Already Ranking

You know, I got that person there with the blog. One of my plans is, I’m gonna post something on their blog – is there a forum? I’m gonna get an account at the forum and I’m gonna make this work. I’m gonna go through and I’m gonna make it happen! And then boom! There you go!

If there’s a Youtube video, I’m gonna make a Youtube strategy. Will link it back to my site, put the videos on my site, very important that we make a plan based on what’s already ranking! You got to look!

What’s ranking for affiliate wordpress plugins?


So if I wanted to go and be on wordpress.org which is always going to be here all, I would need to do is create a simple little affiliate plugin and then put it on the wordpress and boom! It’ll start showing up here and then it’s going to link back to my site! You can have a little spot that’s like…

hey! Go to my site to get the full version!”


They’re actually linking to the site – WP affiliate manager is their site and I guarantee because wordpress has backlinks on one of the top pages and it links to their site – wordpress affiliate plugin,


It’s gonna start to rank!


It’s probably up here somewhere! You got to look at that and be like okay we’re gonna start getting rankings, we’re gonna start building this.

It’s gonna start working for us in a really really really easy way!


There he is there! Boom!

Not that hard to do! It’s not rocket science, you just have to follow along. You have to have the right keyword. You have to really get involved in what’s already going on. Let’s go!



#6 Create Your Content For What’s Already Ranking


If there’s videos ranking, what do you want to do?

Make a video!


If there’s news releases ranking, what do you want to do?

Make a news release!


If there’s blogs ranking, what do you want? Clickfunnels or a blog?

You probably want a blog!



Very simple!


You got to look at this and you got to focus and you got to remember that when you do your backlinks, make sure you use your keyword in the link. Very important!


If I’m on a forum, one of the things I did early on with my talk sober site is that I actually went to anxiety forums and I just started talking to people because what better way to learn about my market than to go into the anxiety forums. I actually went in and made posts.

I was able to put a footer on all my posts and now, all the posts I had on one of the top anxiety forums now link back to my site! Easy way to get backlinks, not that hard to do! Again, you can outsource it!


If you don’t want to do this, you could totally outsource this stuff!

It’s not that hard to do! And then you can see how people start linking to you!


We can find the forum that went there.

On this forum, I was able to share stuff and then I had a footer and the footer would show this thing here which has your link in it and then this here which actually had my video in it and I actually use this to build these up to get lots of views to get lots of stuff and make sure you do it in a cool way.

Make sure everyone’s cool with it and make sure the site allows it and you can share your stuff. You could share your content and you can get lots of traffic! That way, you guys can see I linked to various sites and everything like that! You can outsource this in eight hours a day, an outsourcer could probably do like a bazillion posts and boom! There you go!

What sources do I use for outsourcing?

There’s several different ones. I hire on my own which we teach in the simple sites course. If you want to learn that, go to simplesitesbonus.com and you’ll learn about that!



Moving right along,

#7 Push Your Content In Front Of Channels Already Out There!

If there’s a channel out there like press releases or whatever, get involved in it. If you’re looking at Youtube stuff, go out there!

Piggyback on what other people are doing!

Don’t hijack it or mess around. Do it in a really cool way that shares

Goodwill with the marketplace! Do it in a way that’s going to help people!


#8 Get Involved In Your Market

This is important! If you really want to make money on the internet, get involved in your market. Go on forums. Watch videos. See what’s going on. Involve yourself! Comment on things! Listen to people! Join some facebook groups!

There is traffic everywhere! You can get it free, like right now, I know people that have facebook groups that are making six figures a year on them. I know people have Facebook groups that are making 7 figures a year on them, I know people that are making tons with this stuff and it’s not that hard to do! They did it free!

People just woke up one day and we’re like I’m gonna start doing this and they just plucked away and went in the right places!

The problem is as far too many people want to make one page one time. Spend 5 minutes and get ranked at the top of the search engine and it’s not gonna happen!

You have to deliberately go for what you want! Now, can it be fast? Yes! If you get involved in your market, those people are looking at the forums. Right now, those people are watching the videos.

Right now, those people are searching on Google.

Right now, those people are doing all this stuff.

Right now, if you get in front of them, you’re gonna get traffic



#9 List On Other Sites As Helpful Info

You can do forums

You can do quora

You can do comments

You can do facebook!!

If there’s quora ranking,

If you do how many people work for amazon?

You’re probably gonna see Geekwire or Quora come up


You can actually go in here and you can comment

Hey, you know in 2019, they actually have 6,000 employee

That’s not that hard to do.


You go in there and you’re gonna answer this question and I’m gonna say… Here’s the update for 2019 and you just link it back to your site and boom!

There you go!


Not that hard to do!

You can get in there and you could do this stuff instantly!

If you focus!


You could do forums, you can do quora, you can do comments, you can do facebook. Sometimes facebook groups rank! You could do sober support group. There’s probably a facebook group here – smart recovery health line.  It’s probably one showing up somewhere might not be number one for this.  We had the word facebook, it’s probably talk sober facebook support group.

There you go!


You got all kinds of different groups that you can get in and and you can see that you can go to facebook and see actually how many people these groups have. Facebook groups offer recovery support and this guy’s actually showing the ones that offer recovery support and stuff like that and I mean that’s crazy and check it out! You can comment on this page! Not that hard to do!


Very good! Let’s dive right in! Let’s go even more!



#10 Produce Your Content For

Multiple Types Of Media


When you create your content make it into a video, make it into a blog post, make it into a PDF!


Guys, you could get ranked for a PDF and people search for PDFs all the time! You could do SEO ranking PDF!

Look what’s gonna show up if you do affiliate marketing or affiliate marketing trigger words or something like that!

You’re gonna see a bunch of PDFs show up!

Ours needs to show up there!

you can look that up if you want to!


Here’s people looking up trigger word PDF and ours does show in here somewhere. You go in and you’ll actually rank! You rank your post and you rank your PDF!

Look! That’s not that big of a blog post!

Really! That’s not that hard at all!


You look at that and you can go and look at the Google keyword tool and if you want to rank PDFs or toolbars or software or whatever, you can list them on other sites. You can go and look at PDF download directory. There’s probably some kind of PDF download directory and you can go in and do that,


You could do video, PDF, everything! Infographics!


You want to use infographics if you do something like stock market chart – 100 years! There’s probably gonna be some pinterest kind of stuff on here somewhere or like barbeque cooking or whatever.you can see the images will show up. If it’s image heavy, use that! You could do barbecue recipes and usually for recipe words, you have pinterest showing up like this. And boom! There you go!


If you want to do barbecue,

That word was barbecue recipesgets a lot of searches! Boom!

You can start ranking on pinterest with little images and little things and they link back to your site!  This here visit goes to his site. It’s a link! Boom! There you go!


This is how they’re doing it. It’s not that hard to do. You just have to really focus! Again, you can outsource all this if you want! Usually, you can get this kind of service for $300-$400 a month and they’ll just go nuts! They’ll start building all this stuff and make everything!



Let’s keep on going!

#11 Become a Guest Blogger


This is a really good one. If you want your content out there, put it out there! Become a guest blogger on other blogs and focus on what’s working and focus on what’s getting ranked! Don’t blog on bob’s blog that’s ranked at the back of the search. Go for one that’s actually ranking!


  • You can also be a guest facebook poster
  • You could also go out there and teach things live
  • You could do all kinds of stuff to get traffic and it’s not that hard!



#12 Use My Search Glossary Method For Writing Topics And Keywords!


What you want to do with the glossary method is that you go to Google and you type your topic in mortgage glossary. Boom! You go in mortgage glossary and here’s our directory of terms.


You look at the directory of terms and you just start punching these in your keyword tool! You will find so many niches, it’s not even funny!

Adjustable rate mortgage

Boom! A whole other can of whup-ass of keywords!



Boom! Whole other can!


Keep going down the list and you’re gonna find lots of good stuff!


Assumable mortgage – that’s pretty specific

Boom! Alright!


You guys get it?

You will never run out of content ideas if you use this. You’re not gonna run out of content ideas at all for the rest of your life. You can make content every day! You can hire 10 people to make content every day and you still won’t run out!


Commitment letter

Boom! Traffic!


A mortgage commitment letter. I didn’t even know it was a thing!

Google it in quotes:

Not too competitive!


Look at the homepage…

What’s going on in the homepage?

Movado budgeting the nest. See if there’s places that we can get involved… There’s images! Mortgage commitment letter images…

These are good!

You could just make a bunch of letters and start putting Them on your site. They’ll start to rank! People start coming back to you and they’ll buy your stuff.

Hey! Look! There’s a doc.

Even word docs get ranked which is cool.


I’ll bet this would be great for PDF!

Make a PDF and start linking back to it everywhere! Go on different mortgage sites and help them with your question. Put

hey if you want my mortgage commitment letter, click here!”


It’ll start backlinking. The PDF will start to grow and jump and boom!

There you go! Just make sure you always focus on good user experience. Giving people the content that they want and focusing on what they need! Very simple!



Moving right along

#13 Add Bonuses To Words,

Titles, And Content


This is a good one. What does it mean? Bonuses to words?

Back in the day, when I was learning SEO, we had a tactic where if we were doing a geographically focused site like mortgage, we would actually

Just put a list of all 50 states on the bottom of the site.


Then it’d be like, okay… Mortgage:

  • Alabama mortgage
  • Alaska mortgage
  • Arizona mortgage
  • Arkansas…


You have all the states and it starts to ping against each other. You’re

Gonna be like…

“oh well, now I’m ranking for a mortgage refinance sample letter in california and alabama and all these”

Right now, what you want to do is add the bonus words to the titles and

Content like:

  • Tips
  • Best
  • Learn
  • Cheaper
  • Fastest

Things like that are going to get traffic!


If I was going for a mortgage commitment letter, a bonus word would be loan, bank, financial, real estate!

See how those bonus words are picking up this other traffic, right?


Those are your bonus words. If you’re doing something like coin tricks,

Disappearing, Flipper, Vanish

I’d put all these kinds of keywords in there as bonus!


Now, you don’t want it to be huge! I don’t want to be like…

Learn the magic coin trick! Easy, fast, flipper, whatever!


I want to just have and throw a couple of them in there. And then on your next post, you’d go for something else!

But if you just go down the list, you’re gonna start to grow!

You just got to do it! You got to be persistent!

You got to really focus on boosting it!

It’s not just gonna get picked up and ranked right away! If it does, yay! But most of the time, it doesn’t! You have to force it to get ranked by getting those backlinks and getting involved in the market. If you get involved in the market, you’re gonna make sales along the way, which is cool!



#14 Look At Your Stats And

Go For Rankings You Can Improve


This is important. Your stats are gold. They will show you what you’re ranking for and what you can rank better for. This is what it’s gonna do – just rank better! I noticed the other day, my wix ranking actually ranked for the word – wixsite! so I just put the word wix site in my title and boom! We started getting more traffic within a day! It’s really easy! You want to look at your stats and go for rankings you can improve because if you can improve on something that’s easier than trying to get something new!


You got to focus on that and say  What can we do?”


Also, look for words that you might inadvertently get because you might

Inadvertently get a sleight of hand for the coin trick one. You might

Inadvertently rank for that on page 60 and if they think I’m important and I don’t even have it on the page, then let’s make a page about sleight of hand. Does that make sense?



#15 Have a Good Link Structure


Basically, link all the posts that are about coin tricks to a directory about coin tricks. Like a directory on your site about your coin trick post – very important! If you have a section of your site about card tricks then link to that one and make it very very very easy!



#16 Put Permalinks On Your Blog


This is where you have the domain name and your post name. If I go and search Affiliate marketing wix website, you’re gonna see my ranking.


See that? Boom!

There you go!

What I mean by the permalinks, see how this link says “can you make money with a free wix site?” Like the keywords are actually in the post headliner!


So you put that there if you want free traffic and try to post alongside of something. They’ll put some other stuff there which is cool. I could put images – they’re not that hard to do but you could see how that url works which is very important! Have a good link structure and permalinks.



#17 Get a Good Keyword Domain Name


I know that a lot of people think this is all so 2006. If you look at stuff, go back and watch the replay. Look at all the stuff I searched for and look how a lot of the ones that came up top 10 were keyword loaded domains!


The proof is in the pudding!

Google tells you what they want on their own page!

That’s how they do it!

All right! Here’s what I’m gonna do

If you like this, I want to teach you all this in detail without having to sell stuff! I want to go in detail. I want to spend 3 hours with you and teach you guys how this works! I think 3-4 hours and maybe we’ll pick it up another day but I just want to sit down with you guys and teach you this in detail and walk through it and take your questions and everything!

If you guys want to join that, I have a deal that I don’t think you can refuse because it’s inexpensive and it’s easy!

You’re gonna hop on on SATURDAY AT 10 A.M. EASTERN TIME and we’re gonna have a WEBINAR and all we’re gonna do is TALK ABOUT TRAFFIC AND SEO. That’s it!

Now, you guys have seen that I have private webinars for $500 a pop which is a good deal!

What we’re gonna do is

We’re gonna make this super inexpensive! It’s ridiculously inexpensive! I’m gonna do this for less than $12 an hour or something like that! You can actually join this!


You can join the webinar, you’ll get a replay of the webinar – these are all the topics we’re gonna cover! You’re also gonna get some plugins!

Once it’s done, we’re gonna charge $300 for it but if you want to join this right now, you can join it live! Get the replay and get the notes!

  • You get the live
  • You get the replay forever!
  • You get the audio
  • And you get the notes of a three-hour training

Where I’m not selling anything!

I think it’s gonna be four hours!

4 hour training!

You’re gonna go in and

you’re gonna get this for the ridiculously low price of $47

if you think that’s fair,

I think this webinar was worth $47 dollars

I can’t imagine what this other one’s gonna be worth because you don’t have to sell anything! We’re just gonna be diving into the nitty gritty of how this works and if you guys want to do that, go over to freetrafficdude.com and sign up now!  Once a year, I probably offer something inexpensive like this but very rarely!


Marcus has been doing this 20 years. He’s made a lot of money with free traffic, I think I could probably get a ranking up and probably sell a $47 dollar ebook!

I had a guy who comes to me and he’s like…

“Marcus, I need to make money.

Right now, I have no money and blah blah blah”

And he was complaining and I was in a bad mood. I was like…

“whatever dude, go to a forum and post these links

and link them back to your one page website.”

He came back two hours later and he just made $60!

Half of my job is convincing people that this stuff works because

They’re so afraid to try it! This works!

This is a standalone course. It’s not gonna be included in anything else!

If you do want this SEO one, the only way to get it is freetrafficdude.com

It’s gonna be on saturday! If you cannot make it, don’t worry! The recordings and the replays and the PDFs will be made available for you!

It might take us about a week to get the notes but we will have those for you!

This is not part of anything else. This is a brand new course! If you

Want it, you do need to join at this link – freetrafficdude.com

It’s not part of anything!

That’s just something I came up with as part of this!

Go do it!

It’s not that hard!

We had 2 people came to me this week through this video I put on Youtube and I get people all the time who complain and say that i’m selling stuff

But I’m teaching you how to run a business

and in businesses, we sell stuff! Right?

And the video “how to start an affiliate marketing step-by-step”

On this one this video, people took action on it!

They’re like dude! I just followed it and I did it!”

And they actually got results like right away! Boom! There you go! Results!

They came to me and they’re like

dude! I got sales! I actually got them!”

The mentor program is $77 – you can get that at marcusmentor.me

But if you want to go get this…

Freetrafficdude.com is where you want to go!

You just sign up!

After you sign up, there’s no upsells!

There’s no nothing! It’s just you sign up!

You go to a link to register for the webinar

That’s it! You’re in!

And then, we’ll email you your replays and everything! If you can’t make it, don’t worry! You’ll be off to the races! Ready to go! All right!

SEO traffic class! Get in there!

It is at freetrafficdude.com

Everyone should be signed up for it!

If you enjoyed the webinar at all, you should sign up for it!

It’ll be the best $47 you ever spent!


Fill that out now!

I’m gonna take a head count of the people that are coming in and they are coming in fast! Just join the webinar! At the end of the webinar, if you get to the end of the webinar and you do not think this is worth $47, this is the only product I do this on, usually they’re non-refundable, but if at the end of the webinar, you don’t think it was worth it, you can hop on you tell everyone why you think it wasn’t worth it and we’ll give you a refund!

That’s how confident I am that you’re gonna like this webinar and my other stuff is non-refundable because you actually get software and stuff which we spend a lot of money to give you guys that software and we don’t want people taking advantage of it.

Hop on there!


Sign up!

Simplesitesbonus.com is a step by step course

You will love it! Get it! Go get it now!

Say you were on the webinar and they’ll give you some bonuses!

We also answer questions on affiliate marketing niches.

There are voodoo plugins that are different from simple sites. These are the new ones!

People will probably be happy paying $47 bucks for this because we taught you a lot of good stuff but I like to give you guys the free stuff! The time and date of the webinar is saturdays.

Now is the time to sign up depending on how many people we get will depend on if I offer it with the replay. If you want in, get in now!


The PDF reports are gonna be good because we’re actually gonna make it like a guide! You’re gonna go through and you’ll be like  Hey! This is a guide


And you go through the guide and you fill out some little things,

Print out some printouts and

you’ll be able to use that guide to make your SEO Plan!


If you have questions or whatever, we have our support as well.

I spend a lot of money on SEO tools and ranking tools. I’ll show you

Guys those and we’ll actually run some reports on your sites and the keywords. We want to show you in detail how to work it. All right!

There’s a lot of stuff that you guys can go through with the replay!

We’ll get some notes of the replay, I will include those as well.

Fill that out!

Get in there!

This is one shot to get something less than $50 from me. You guys know I don’t have stuff that’s less than $50 but I’m doing this as a test to force myself to record this and force myself to give you good value on SEO because I know I’m not going to record it unless there’s people sitting there waiting for me.

If you’re a Youtuber, you’re gonna love this stuff because we’re gonna cover a little bit – taste of the Youtube stuff as well because that’s one of my favorite SEO methods – Youtube.

Does Bing work as well with these concepts?

I find that Bing is easier and faster but if you focus on Google you’re

Gonna get both!

If you want this training, you need to go to

freetrafficdude.com and sign up now!

We’re gonna show you how and we’ll show you

how to make a SEO plan for your specific niche!



Go over there to freetrafficdude.com

Sign up now and I’ll see you guys in the next training

Have fun! See you next time! Sign up!