$1,000 A Week With Affiliate Marketing

$1,000 A Week With Affiliate Marketing Launch Jacking (New Series) — affiliatemarketingmc at YouTube.com

Today we’ll be talking about bottom feeder tactics that people use to make millions of dollars online. Some do it unethically, but some people do it smart and right.

What is launch jacking, and can you use it to make $1,000 a week or more?

With launch jacking, affiliate marketers find products that already exist or are coming out soon. They know that sometime down the road there will be a product launch. They build a website and try to rank for all the terms about that product. That way, when people search for the product, their site comes up at the top, and they “cookie” people to their affiliate link, where people order the product, and the affiliate marketers intercept the commissions. This is why it’s called launch jacking.

Some products are hard to rank for, so affiliate marketers try to find internet products, such as web hosting. Launch jacking is mostly used in the “make money online” type niche with programs like Clickbank and JV Zoo.

As an affiliate marketer, remember that the way that you get paid is by getting someone to click your link. When people click your link, then go by the product now or later, you’ll get credit.

Launch jacking can be shady and weird, and it’s an affiliate marketing bottom feeder tactic. Why? No value is being passed on to the consumer. Companies are paying you for sales they would have made anyway. And you have to keep your companies happy. If you don’t, they’ll stop paying you. Is this model a sustainable business? It can be. There are lots of people who do this and make lots of money. Is it something you have to work at and hustle at, over and over, hoping you get paid? Yes. And at the end of the launch, you’re stuck with nothing. You might have gotten a check or two, but overall, you’re stuck with nothing. There are other ways to make money.

We want to get into the habit of using these tactics and using them in a really good way that will help the marketplace.

Pro affiliate marketers build long term sustainable businesses by providing value to the marketplace. So, you want to be in a position of providing value.

As an affiliate marketer, instead of trying to rank for new products, you can rank for people searching more generally for these types of products. You can build a mailing list in your market. Now, instead of just waiting for a launch and jacking it, hoping you get paid, you can do the one thing that is most important, which is to own your traffic. When a launch comes out, you can tell your traffic to go check out the product.

With launch jacking, who owns the traffic? The product developer owns the traffic, plain and simple. If you’re bidding on or ranking for a product name, you’re at the mercy of that product owner. But otherwise, you own the traffic.

We want you to use the model that I teach you in the Simple Sites Big Products course. You learn to build a mailing list in a low competition market.


If you own your traffic, you can send them to whatever you want, whenever you want. If you get 1,000 people to your review of a launch, and you may make 100 sales. Out of that, you may get 30 dollars a sale, so you make 3,000 dollars.

That works, but how would you like to do this one time and get 3,000 dollars a month, or a week, over and over? You can, because you own your traffic. Now, if you get 1,000 people to your site, and you get 300 of them on your mailing list, now you can email them over and over with good, relevant information. Then, you can make money over and over.

You don’t have to be a bottom feeder affiliate marketer. You want to take the bottom feeder tactics and use them to build something of valuable, something sustainable, something that works.

To learn more, get the course at http://www.SimpleSitesBonus.com