The Real Way To Make Money Online With CPA Affiliate Marketing Offers And AdSense


We’re going to take and show you exactly how this affiliate marketing thing works, so that you can learn exactly how to profit online. Not only that, but I’m going to show you how over the last 17 years I’ve done exactly that.

This business literally landed in my lap about 17 years ago.

What I’m about to show you works. Time and again even though things change and even though Facebook wasn’t around back then and Google has changed,

We’re going to show you;

How this works.

How you can get started with affiliate marketing in a really simple way.

How I’ve made little websites and have profited from 5 to 100 hundred dollars a day.

We’re going to show you;

How this works.

How you can get started with affiliate marketing in a really simple way.

How I’ve made little websites and have profited from 5 to 100 hundred dollars a day.

Let’s get to it and show you exactly how to make money online with

 CPA affiliate marketing program.

It’s actually the company we use for everything I started building little websites for local companies, with a little electronic company and some limousine companies. My brother at that time worked for a local cigar shop and since he knew what I was doing, he referred them to me and I went in there and did my little pitch and landed a job for a cigar website.

As I was building this cigar website I noticed that it started ranking on the first page of Google for words like cheap cigar, free cigars, cigar brands and it was like overnight they started getting a lot of traffic.

Every single day people were placing large orders for cigars, which to me was mind-boggling.

Here I was, I set up a website and all of the sudden people are buying stuff. Fast forward a year later, I set up my own website for my own company. I make 21 dollars while I’m away on vacation.

I’m going to show you how and what does it have to do with you. Well, here’s what it has to do with you?

That’s right all you have to do is get;

Someone to click on an ad

Download something for free

Fill out a form

Or even buy something

And you get paid BIG!

Did you know that right now there are companies willing to pay you for clicks, leads, download and sales

Just imagine if you were able to get like a tiny fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of Amazon’s daily revenue. I think they make like a quarter of a million dollars a minute. So you can imagine how it would add up.

Amazon is one of the companies that pay you but it’s not what I recommend because they don’t pay that much and you have to get people to buy stuff.


We’re going to show you how that works. If I was to go to the OFFERVAULT.COM site, which is where a lot of you guys found me.  You’re going to notice that there are a lot of different things going on.

A lot of people think that OFFERVAULT is a CPA Network or affiliate network. They’re not, they’re like Google, and they’re an affiliate network search engine.

You go here and you look for different offers.

An offer is something that a company says I want you to get people to do X and I’ll pay you.

 For example;

 If i say i want you to get 10 people to download my tool bar or a bunch of people to download my tool bar and I’ll give you $3 each time.

Let’s take a look at one example. So you can see exactly what I’m talking about. This example would be the wikibuy toolbar.


What wikibuy does is they have a tool bar that helps you save money on various things.

Well it’s actually quite easy you see.  What happens is our vault tells me about this wikibuy program, then all I have to do is go over to the affiliate network Maxbounty and sign up, they give me a link, I run the link and every time someone downloads I get $3.

This adds up extremely fast. This is exactly how I’ve made as much as $4500 a day giving away these toolbars.

People look this stuff up all the time a lot more than they look up cigars and that guy got a bunch of sales.

Let’s take a look at how this works. Let’s say you wanted to get traffic for this offer.

Let’s just take a look how many people actually look this stuff up and see if it’s feasible.

We’re going to go here to search for new keyword ideas we’re going to type in something like discount code and you’re going to see that discount codes gets about 33,000 searches a month.

Now notice a lot of this stuff is really low competition which means it’s inexpensive and it’s easy to get this traffic

Don’t overcomplicate it.  We’re just linking the traffic with the offer.  We’re trying to find things people search for, give them something that’s going to help them and we make money.

Just like i did on my get cheap gas site. This was a site focus on gas prices. You’ll notice if we go to the AdWords tool and type in gas prices this is looked

up quite a bit, we have gas prices low competition 165,000 searches per month.


We go a lot of people are looking for cheap gas.

Someone looking for cheap gas needs to type their zip code in the box to find the cheap gas. I lead them to the tool bar offer and various different gas things. I also put a little thing where they could get gas rewards credit cards, where I was getting paid $100 to sign them up for a gas

I did the same thing with mortgage calculators. Take a look at the word mortgage in Google.   We’re going to see that it’s really expensive high competition.


It’s $9 a click. Can you afford to pay $9?

A click, I mean a thousand clicks are 10,000 clicks are a thousand bucks. That’s a lot of money. No one can afford to do that.

This is exactly what we do, we find a word that people look up, we link them with something that makes us money and we provide value in the form of a mortgage calculator or a gas price tool.

I even did this in the free market of MySpace years ago,

Where I made almost two million dollars, what I did was, I went and I found out that people were looking up for MySpace glitters. They wanted to put these little hearts and cute things on their MySpace

So what I did is I found a toolbar that gave these away and paid me $2 every time it was downloaded. It was a match made in heaven and I made a ton of money overnight.

There are tons of offers like this.

I did it with the tattoo market where we went in and everyone out there was laughing because they couldn’t make money in the tattoo market

I went in and I cleaned house made as much as a $137 dollars a day from a simple little site with very cheap and free traffic.

I did the same thing with auto loans I bought a little auto loan calculator throw it on a one-page HTML site and made a bunch of money with that.

I also did the same thing with six-pack abs people were looking for ways to get ripped abs and so I did these little tools and things like that to help them learn how to get six-pack abs. I ran them to this free trial offer where all they had to do was put their shipping info in pay a dollar to get this thing for free for three months and I got paid $124. I was given away three of these a day and you can see how it adds up that’s almost six figures from one offer alone.


As you can see this stuff is pretty simple but you got to learn the ins and outs of how it works because the tendency is to get info overload and get stuck.

So what I’ve done is I’ve compiled a bunch of tools for you to help you get started.

What I want you to do right now is go over to affiliatemarketingdude, put your name and email in the box and download my free Chrome add-on toolbar.

You don’t have Chrome?

We have some other options for you.

Check this out let’s say you were searching cheap

gas, you type cheap gas and hit;


Does the work for you, it’ll do a Google search, Yahoo search, Bing search it will show you the exact

competition for the word and quotes it’ll go through do a

Pay-per-click competition for you.

So what I’ve done is I’ve taken out all the stops. If you like this stuff, I would highly recommend that you get the toolbar. The idea of the toolbar is so that you come back and buy more stuff. We have training programs that start at the lowest level of people, who were just getting started and go to the highest of people who want to make a bunch of money and do this as a living.

Whatever is right for you? I don’t want you to sign up until you’ve gone in and you’ve watched my videos and you see that I’m the real deal

I’ll show you exactly what you need to do.  Not just what to do but also how to do it.

So if you like my videos go over to

Pick up that toolbar, watch some other videos, and make sure you subscribe to me on YouTube, so that you can get the extra weekly webinar live trainings and learn exactly how affiliate marketing works.

Gone are the days of trying to do this on your own. It’s time to get a mentor. It’s time to find someone that you resonate with. Who can share its story and show you exactly what you need to do. to get where you want to go because it’s not that hard to do all you have to do is get started and ask for help along the way.

If you’re ready to get started making money online go to

Get your free toolbar.

If you’re ready to sign up you can go to

And get my full software.