MOST Profitable Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketers Cold or Warm Traffic: Which Is Best?


Often times as internet marketers and content providers we have the tendency to think that people are just sitting there at their computers waiting for our next video, our next article, our next email, or piece of content to come out as if they’re just happily waiting, expecting things from us but this couldn’t be farther from the truth.


In today’s day and age we don’t know where our visitors are.

It could be looking at an ipad, on a train.

They could be looking at their phone at a restaurant with friends.

They could be watching us on TV and the

fact of the matter is that all traffic is not created equal.


I’m going to show you

How To Tap Into The Most Profitable Traffic Source Out There For Affiliate Marketers And Content Creators

Hey there! Welcome inside! I’m Marcus and this is AFFILIATEMARKETINGDUDE.COM

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We Want To Talk About Profitable Traffic!

What you’re going to notice is that not all traffic is created equal.


  • A guy over here on Facebook and he’s just browsing around talking about the latest Donald Trump junk or how much he hates liberals or how much he likes Republicans or hates Republicans he’s just browsing around.

It might be a grandma looking at what the grandkids are doing…

It might be a grandpa looking for how to fix his shoes…

You might have all kinds of things and this person isn’t necessarily actively looking for your information. You could put an ad and you can target it and you can get specific people. You can target specific groups and specific likes and things like that. You can retarget but when push comes to shove, it’s not really a market that’s out there looking for you.

Another thing we want to take a look at this is about the MINDSET because if you can get inside the mindset of why people are doing what they’re doing, YOU CAN MAKE A LOT OF MONEY. I’m going to show you how.


  • In Twitter, what are they doing?

Are they over there looking for friends on Twitter?

Are they looking for things to tweet?

Are they looking for people to follow?

What’s going on?

  • You also have stuff like Pinterest

Pinterest is an interesting one because people are looking for photos, pictures, images and graphics and things like that. Not necessarily out there looking for what you have to sell or what you have to offer.

  • You also have Instagram

you get a bunch of followers and they follow you and you put a bunch of images up and stuff like that.


all of these are more or less what we call

Cold Traffic Sources 

These are people who don’t know who you are.


There is one type of cold traffic source that I really, really like and you can fuel all this other stuff but we’re going to show you how to all fits together and everything like that. The cold traffic source that I like the best is called search engine traffic. This is where someone goes to Google and searches for something specific.


For example, if I put a picture of a green pool on Pinterest and I say “how to fix your green pool”,

most people on Pinterest aren’t really looking for that. They don’t really care about that. You might stumble across a few people who are looking for the green pool and they say “I don’t want my pool to look like that” but they’re not really looking.

However, if you were to go to Google and get people who searched “how do I fix a green pool” or “my pool turned green” or something like that, then you’re getting someone actively looking for information.


Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest…..

Those guys are over there – passive. There is ways to make money on this, there’s a lot of money but it’s very very passive.  They’re not out there actively looking for things!



They’re actively searching for solutions. Same thing happens with youtube, if you get listed in youtube search, you are going to get people actively looking for you.


The problem is that people go on Facebook, they go on all these things!

They go on youtube. They create these big followings!

Lots of people! And then you see them selling ads.


You can get a twitter ad for $15 with thousands of viewers.

You could go and get facebook ads for dirt cheap.

You can get people to do Facebook shoutouts and everything like that and the reason is

because their traffic isn’t valuable to them! They haven’t created value!

The average Youtube person is making about $1 per thousand views.

That means that my entire youtube channel that I worked my ass off to build for the last 5 years is worth about about a $1,005! That’s what my million views and 12,000 subscribers would be worth on the average open market!


How many of you guys want to spend that time to make a thousand bucks?

I didn’t think so either…


I want to tackle the right traffic method because the fact of the matter is…

I’ve actually made over 1,000 times the average!

The way that I do it is I focus on people that I actively want to get that are actively looking for what I have to offer! This is known as SEARCH ENGINE TRAFFIC!


Once I get the search engine traffic, I say

“Hey check out my Pinterest and my Facebook and all this other stuff!”

So that I can keep hammering my message in your face, every single day until you buy something or until your opt-in!


The first reason – the reason it’s #1 is because you got to get an entry point!

This is where people come to you. We’re going to target keywords. We’re going to target what they search for. We’re going to target what they want and I want you to really differentiate this between these super-cold traffic people who you have no idea what they want. You just know what they like. You just know what they’re interested in and you’re hoping to get them.

It is profitable but it’s a low numbers game, you’ve got to get a lot of traffic to make a little money.

Search engine traffic, you can get a little bit of traffic and you can make a fortune!

You got to do this the right way!


Let’s Talk About The Second Most Important Traffic Method –

The second biggest traffic method is EMAIL TRAFFIC.

What does that mean?

That means that you email people who already know who you are.

The more repertoire or the more bonding you do with your market,

the more valuable every click is going to be.  

If my market knows me and they anticipate good stuff and they want to look at what I’m into and they say

“Hey i want to check out your videos! I want to check out your blog post!

I want to check out all this stuff!”


If they do that and they collect the email, this email traffic is going to be worth a lot of money.


If you don’t have any anything going;

if you don’t have a relationship with your market, they’re not going to want to click your emails.

They’re not going to care! You have to make them care! You have to put good stuff out!


This secret works for all this stuff too!

If you have a Facebook group that knows you and anticipates what you’re going to put out next, they’re going to like it! If people anticipate your tweets they’re going to watch for them!

If people anticipate your pins, they’re going to watch for them!

If people are looking for your stuff on Instagram, they’re going to watch for it!

First and foremost, if you want to build a business from the ground up – from not knowing what to do, just have an itch…

Just to have an idea?


 You can do this on Google!     You can do it on Youtube!


The fact of the matter is – there’s a different mindset between someone just browsing Facebook and someone actively searching for…

“my pool is green what do I do?”     “how do I do affiliate marketing”      “ways to build a website”

The difference is absolutely staggering!

This is how you fuel everything!


For the affiliate marketer who wants to make money now, get your ass over the search engines!

Get some traffic! Learn to convert!


Because this is going to teach you the REAL DEAL


If you’re doing pay-per-click traffic, that’s pay-per-click search engine traffic

… if you’re spending 30 cents a click, you need to convert that click!

Otherwise, you get a couple thousand clicks and it’s going to cost a lot of money so you are forced to learn conversion!


This is why so many people come to me. The gentleman who came to me this morning said

“Marcus, I go out there, I talked to people on Twitter, I get followers. I get all this stuff and at the end of the day people visit my site but no one’s buying anything! I’m not making any money!”


 If you’re in this to make money, rather than just stick around on social media, if you want to do it the right way…

Get your butt out there!

Get some traffic!

Learn to convert that traffic!

Learn to build an email list so you can get the second most valuable source of traffic!


The name of the game is INFLUENCE

  • Being able to generate traffic at the drop of a hat!


How many interested clicks can you drive if I could generate thousands of pool owner clicks at the drop of a hat and tell them about some new pump or some new cleaner for the pool or some new fancy thing?

Boom! I’m going to make sales if I can generate a bunch of people interested in affiliate marketing and send a thousand of them to a new video! Boom! Instant!

Same thing works!


A lot of people talk about youtube subscribers. Youtube subscribers are good.

They’re excellent! We love youtube subscribers! You should subscribe and be one of my youtube subscribers!


But here’s the deal: If you don’t know where they’re at…

Youtube sends an email when you get a new video. It sends stuff out but you don’t know where they’re at. They could be sitting on the toilet, they could be out at a party, they could be checking their phone really quickly!

  • I was at a concert the other day and this lady sitting in front of it was scrolling her facebook so fast no one could have read anything and that’s your ad!

Your ad isn’t even being seen!


The fact of the matter is – we need to focus on people who are actively searching for us!

This is a direct response business!

We want to do this!

We want to build our business and we want to make some money!


When you get a following, imagine you drive a thousand people and you say…

“Hey! Check it out! we just made a Facebook group!” Or “check it out! We just went live on Pinterest!”

Guess how long it’s going to take to build a following? BOOM! OVERNIGHT! because you got traffic to drive!

This is all about valuable traffic! This is about getting people that are in search of information! This is about getting people who want to see this stuff! They are eager! Chances are they’re not searching for it at the beach, most of the people, if they’re looking up a leaky pipe or looking at plumbing tips or looking for how to get rid of anxiety or they’re looking for all kinds of stuff like this – chances are you got them right there on a computer or a tablet.


They’re ready to take action! Are your visitors ready and able to take action?

These people on youtube and Google and other search engines, they’re actively searching for things.


Are they able?

You could precondition it and say “Well, if you don’t have a hundred bucks, you better not click the link!”



The goal here is

“To wake up every day and put yourself in front of as many people as possible that can say yes to you”

-Jeffrey Gitomer


How many people can say yes to your offer?

How many people could buy my product?

A lot more than are buying it now!

I can probably ten times or a hundred times my sales!


We look at it and say how can I get in front of the people who are ready and able to take action?

if i can do that… GAME OVER! I WIN! I GO TO THE BANK, I PASS GO.

I collect more than $200,000 or $2 million!


We want to put ourselves in front of these people because this is how business works!

Don’t get passed up by all the hype. There’s a lot of hype about social media stuff and it’s good. A lot of people make money with social media but here’s the deal – we look at guys like pewdiepie, the #1 youtuber of all time! He’s got like 50 billion

Views! 50 billion! That’s insane!

He’s made like 17 million or averages $12 million a year

So we look at it and again you might say

“I want to make 17 million a year. That’d be cool!”

Here’s the deal – one in a million hit!  That many viewers?

Is actually one out of eight billion because he’s the only one who’s done it!

If you want a one out of eight billion chance of making it work, good. You go do that!


However, if you want a way to make this work and make money… FOCUS ON THE NUMBERS!


Because 50 billion views is a lot of use for seventeen million bucks!

That’s a lot of people, I’d much rather focus on what I’m doing instead of $1 per thousand views!

I’d rather focus on the good traffic and start getting $10 per visitor or $5 a visit or even 30 cents a visitor because most people are making pennies on the dollar!


You’ve got to go for the right traffic!

The right traffic is ON THE SEARCH ENGINES

They’re searching for you right now! They want to buy what you have right now!

They want to click your affiliate links right now! They’re typing it in Google, that’s how I know!


They say “how do I get a date?”

Let’s show them how to get them a date and then go and sell some kind of app for dating or something like that…


Or be Harmonie! All those guys have affiliate programs!

There’s people looking up how to build a website. They’re looking it up you get them web hosting. You want to be a top 10 web hosting affiliate? My web hosting site is not top 10, I hardly even work at it and it makes about $4,000 – $5,000 a month!






Whether you’re on Youtube…

Whether you’re on Google…

Whatever you’re doing…

Even if you’re on social media…


If you like this…

If it made sense…

And it cut through the quagmire that is information overload…

I want you to decide right now whether you want to take the next step and learn this!




is going to lead you down the path!


Even if you don’t have a niche or maybe you only have a product or maybe you’re just new and you don’t know what you’re doing. You want to go there because I’m going to teach you how to reverse engineer what people search for!

If you can focus on what they search for, you can make a lot of money!

It’s very simple! Don’t over complicate it!


 SIGN UP Get the course! It’s like 300 bucks!

It’s going to teach you how I’ve made a fortune online!

It’s very very basic!

All you have to do is get started

If you’re not ready to take the plunge yet


and at least Get My Free Toolbar!

I hope to see you as my Youtube subscriber and I hope you click the bell because you want to get the update!

Focus on people who are actively looking for what you have to offer!