Make $120 A Day Typing Emails On The Internet

Today, I’m going to show you a really cool way to make up to $120 a day or more answering emails on the internet. This is a tactic that I started using back in 2007 with a brand new business. Back in 2007 when I started it, I made $200 and then, I wrapped that business up to $70,000 a month, which is crazy. And the method is actually quite simple.

Now if you like these trainings and tutorials that I’m giving you, make sure you subscribe and click the bell notification. That way you get all of my new videos and you can join us live every Wednesday morning at 10 am right here on the channel to ask your questions about how to make money. Now, let’s get into what that method is.

My $120/day Strategy

I created a regular form

What i did is that I had a regular form on my site. So when people went to the website, (it was

and fill in the name and email box, they were taken to a very simple form that looked like this.

So it said, “hey thank you for subscribing, what’s your biggest question about making money online“. Back then, I did it with a regular form that emailed the report to me then I can reply to them. They put their name and email and their top question about making money online.

Now, the cool thing about this is that not only am I going to get data about my market, but I can actually respond to these emails and make money. Because if someone comes to me and say, ” hey, my number one struggle is I don’t know how to do the tech stuff, ” I can send them a video to sign up for a web hosting to get a commission. I can send them an email about info overload and any email about what product to sign up for.

You can do this as an affiliate and write emails all day long and pocket cash big time. It only takes a couple of seconds to reply to an email but you can actually make big bucks. Just imagine if you are getting paid $50, $100, or even a thousand dollars to sell a product. And you can write an email and get it sold.
Now let me show you how I do this in today’s world.

I Used A Killer Plugin

Now, what I have done today is that I have actually developed a simple plugin. This is a revised version of a plugin that I developed back in 2012 and its working like crazy. All it does is to have a little image here and says, “what is your biggest question with making money with affiliate marketing?” And yes, this is a WordPress page.

I tell them a bit of benefit to asking the question, then I say “put your name and email, select your biggest struggle” and then type their story or message below. Now, what happens here is very important because I can take them to a sales page after they fill this form. And then the magic happens on the back end. When you go into the plugin, you’re actually going to see at a glance what most people chose as the subject or their number one struggle.

You’re going to see that most of the people that are coming on and watching my videos are having trouble with info overload and getting started. That’s important to know as a marketer. Next, we have conversion and sales, getting website traffic and finding the right niche, technical stuff and finding the right guru.

Now, even deeper than this is what this plugin does. You can actually go in and click on “manage ticket” and see each and everyone who responded and what they want.

I can go in here and check out this one here by “Tony”. Tony says her biggest issue is info overload and getting started and she actually has a little overview of what she’s looking for.

I can actually go in right in this plugin and respond. I can say something like, ” Hi Tony, I noticed your biggest question was x, y, and z, check out and in this product here(this is where you put your affiliate link), you will find the answer that you are looking for. I started out with this in the beginning and it worked well for me.”

Your conversion rate is going to go through the roof while you learn about your market. The cool thing is that all I have to do is to hit submit and it sends it to Tony and she gets a reply personally. She orders the product, I get paid and i learn about my market. This is a really cool way to go into any market and learn about your market while making sales.

You can do this and answer emails all day long and close the deal in a really cool way. The secret here is that people actually want to buy your stuff, they just don’t know it yet. And they want something personal to help them.

So, let’s say they are looking for something like, on my alcohol channel where they are struggling and don’t know what to do, I actually use this method on my alcohol site.
As you can see, I got over 2460 results. That means 2460 people filled out a detailed report and questionnaire about alcohol.
They go in and they answer the questions here. Based on the answer to the question and what they put in the box, I can refer them to a rehab affiliate program, a book, a course or a guide based on how they get sober. So we can see the results that they are looking at.

We can see that the majority of people say they have tried to quit before, some say they suffer from anxiety and all that. Again, the key is to be able to reply to these people directly using the plugin.

As you can see, I started using this just last night and we have over 320 different responses that I can reply to. I’m guessing that if i reply to all 320 of these(which will probably take me maybe 3 hours total or more), and I’m able to close the deal on one-third of them, that means I’m going to get 100 sales.
Disclaimer- Results are not typical, implied or guaranteed, it depends on your traffic, offers and how well you can sell. But i tell you what, I’m going to teach you how to sell in a really easy way in our up and coming training.

If i get 100 sales and I’m getting $80 commission, that means I’m going to bank a cool $8000 for 10 hours of work while learning about my market which is going to help me sell better in the long run, automatically.

What Can You Go Into?

You might be saying, “Marcus, what do i go into, I don’t know about addiction, or anything.”
What you’re actually going to do is to start with the Google AdWords keyword tool.
In the Google AdWords keyword tool, you can type in keywords like “get rid of acne” (People want to get rid of acne). That’s a very inexpensive traffic in there.
Now, i can go into offervault and find products that pay me when people sign up.
So i can go on offervault and type in “acne”

These acne products pays a good amount and i can recommend these based on what the page says. For example, if they say, “hey, i can’t get rid of acne, “, i’d just say ” hey, the best product that i found on acne based on my result is this(affiliate product), go ahead and sign up here, I’m an affiliate, bla bla bla “.

Now, it is very important not to make any guarantees or implication of things that you don’t know about. So stick to stuffs that you know about. For example, if you want to go for something like refinance, you can set up a site about how much money could you save and follow our steps.

You can do this literally with anything from $40 mortgage loans, to toolbars and other products. The cool thing about this is that it works really good with expensive products. So if you’re selling like a course, or you’re going to clickbank to sell something that has a good commission on it, you’re going to rake it in big time.

So you can do this all day long, you can answer emails , put the personal touch on stuffs, make sales and no longer will you have an excuse to say, “I can’t make money online” because you can. You just have to get out there and do it. You got to hustle, learn about your market, write to people and work harder.

As a recap, here is an overview of how this works:

Find Cheap Keyword

First of all what you’re going to do is to find a cheap or easy keyword.
It could be something like, “how to get a rid of, ways to install or what to do when your computer is broken”.
You advertise on this words. You can get free or cheap traffic the way that I teach you.

Drive Them To A Page

What you are going to do is you are going to drive them to a page. This page is going to be your mailing list page. You can say ” get rid of virus, put your name and email in the box”. They are going to put their name and email in the box.

Send Them To A Question Page

Then you’re going to send them to the question page. The question page is going to say, “what issue are you having”. Then you’re going to have your subject. Your subject they can choose from can be ” computer won’t start, computer won’t load, computer runs slow, computer gives a blue screen “. It is very easy and that’s your subject line.

Then you’re going to have a little box to help them put the issue they are having. They hit ” submit”, you reply to them and say “hey, I just happened to know about this and I think your computer is infected with spyware, click my affiliate link to get the spyware software” and you get paid when they buy it. You can also market with your website.

This is just a cool way to make sales on the fly by typing emails.
I hope you like this training on how to make up to $120 a day or more responding to simple little emails. And guys, this works like a charm if you listen to your people and really give them what they want.

So go ahead and check this out. I have some details over at Check that out. We have some free plugins you can use, I have my plugin over there as well and some other tools to help you make this method work. I have been using this for a long time and it works like a charm. Thanks again for reading, I’m Marcus.