How To Be An Entrepreneur

Good morning and welcome to the special entrepreneur classroom. Today what we’re gonna do is we’re going to talk about how to be an entrepreneur, how to think like an entrepreneur and all the different things that entrepreneurs struggle with and even would be entrepreneurs. So if you are a baby boomer, a millennial, a gen x, or like myself or one of those other people, this is going to benefit you because I believe that we have been taught incorrectly by our society, by our schools and everything on what it takes to make money. All right, we’re always taught, go to school, go to college, get a job, save money, all that stuff, right? And we’re finding out that in the new economy, this doesn’t exactly work as planned. Now we go to school, go to college, have a bunch of debt, got to pay off the debt, difficult to look for a job.

Or perhaps you’re one of those people who’s had a job all your life and some robot came in and took it away. And if that hasn’t happened yet, chances are it probably will. And we’re going to talk about how that works in a really cool way. Now we are alive on this Wednesday morning at 10 oh three because I couldn’t pause the roadhouse blues song by the doors. You just got to listen to the whole thing. And it was only four minutes, so I’m a minute late. I was jamming out to the roadhouse blues. Good Song, good band, awesome stuff. All right, so we’ve got a lot of people here. We got Perry from Alabama, we got Pennsylvania, we got more Alabama, we got Cairo, Egypt, North Carolina. I just got back from South Carolina and Georgia the other day. Um, South Africa, Ireland. We got Pennsylvania, we got the UAE and the UK and the Slovenia and Canada.

I think we got like the whole globe covered here. So pretty much anywhere on earth there is someone listening to me and sometimes zone, which is pretty cool, right from my little backyard office here in central Florida, which is cold today, but it’s all right. We got Thailand, Spain, we’ve got everyone from everywhere, which is great. Right? So we’re going to go through and we’re going to talk about how to get these skills, how to work on this, and what it really takes to be an entrepreneur because a lot of people really, really, really don’t look at this the right way. Now, if you’re like Mac and he got a question about one of our programs or any support questions, please leave that to the end or just hop over to PC my support staff is actually there right now and they will help you.

They’re there all the time pretty much except for like nighttime and weekends. Sometimes they work weekends, but there’s always someone to answer your question. I’m always someone there to help you, so hop on over there. My eyes are bugging me from the allergies, but we will make it through. Even got London and Sri Lanka, which is pretty cool. Awesome. All right, so what does it take to be an entrepreneur? How many of you guys are here today and you’re like, dude, Marcus, I want to be an entrepreneur. I want to be like you. I want to work from home. I want to make money. I don’t want to have to rely on the government or rely on, um, a job or rely on a business or something like that. I want to rely on my own. I want to know that no matter what I do, I can always find a way to make this work.

I want to know that no matter what, you dropped me off in the middle of somewhere I’ve never been and I could make money. Now, this is the thing that I taught myself. I did not go to college. I remember up until sophomore year, I had ideas to go to college. And because my brain works with math, I’m a math brain, not a calculus brain, not an Algebra brain, but I can calculate stuff really, really quick. And uh, I was in my Algebra class and I would take the test and I’d write the answers. And the teacher said, well, you didn’t show your work. And I’m like, well, I didn’t do any work. I just, I just know the answer to it. And she’d say, no you don’t. And she’d write one on the board. And I’d say 42 and she’d say, no, you’re cheating somehow.

And so I took the test and she gave me an a plus on the test and she thought I was cheating. So she failed me out of her class. And then my dad complained and he’s like, give him the test right here with no one to cheat from. It’s going to, you can take everything out of his pockets, check him for like tattoos. And I took the test and I aced it again. And she still didn’t believe me. So she failed me out of Algebra. And I was like, okay, if I fail Algebra, I’m pretty much screwed for my college aspirations, so I better find something else to do. And that I did. I found out you can not go to school. Right? And that’s pretty much what I did for about two years. And then I found out, hey, I’m not going to graduate.

So I went to one of those color in the lines schools and got my good enough diploma and went from there and straight out of there. Uh, I started my own business. I started my own business when I was about 15, 16, uh, doing magic shows. I went to the local restaurant and I was like, Hey, I’ll do magic free every night and just let me collect tips and give me a free dinner. At the end of the night, they gave me the dinner, they let me collect tips and here I was 15 years old. Everyone else was slaving away at their jobs, making 40 bucks a day, 20 bucks a day or whatever it was, whatever hours they gave him. And I’d come home with 150 bucks every night, a hundred bucks every night and like, hey, this is pretty cool. I go work two, three hours, do magic, which I love, come back with some money and it’s really cool, right?

So wherever you’re at in life, whether you’re one of those people that everyone talks bad about on the news, the millennials or whatever, and I hate that by the way, don’t ever downtalk a generation because we all have our pluses and we all have our minuses. Don’t blame anything on a generation. Just look at it for what it is. Because we are a product of where we’re at in society. That’s why there’s different mindsets. You talk to people who are 100 years old, they got different mindsets than someone who’s 20 years old. It doesn’t mean it’s bad or good. It just means it is what it is. Now. The bad part comes in when you’re set and you’re stuck in your ways and say, there is nothing more I can learn because this Marcus Wipper snapper can’t teach me anything. He’s just some Internet guy. But here’s the thing that I learned in my life at about 34 years old when I had my major crash in life and business and everything.

I found out that I don’t know as much as I thought I did, but the things that I know helped me make money, which was pretty cool. Am I the be all end all that’s going to teach you everything you need to know about life in business? Probably not. I mean, there’s some things you probably just don’t want to listen to me on, but if you want to learn how to be able to make your own way in life financially, this is the training for you because we’re going to show you how it works. So welcome to everyone hopping on. We got Chelsea, our moderator here. Good to see Ya. Um, she’s going to be taken care of you. Uh, if you guys got questions and stuff and also if anyone says anything weird, she’ll banned yet. Get you out of there because we don’t weird stuff in there.

All right, so what does it really take to be an entrepreneur? And I wrote down some numbers here. This number is the average salary in the United States of America. We are the developed world with unlimited wealth as they say. And the average person making money, the average person with a job is making about $44,564 each and every year, right? That’s the benchmark. That’s the average for one person. Okay. Families make like 62,000 or something like that. But the average person here makes about 44 grand. I, if you’re pretty much average, if you’re between like 40 and $60,000 a year, type average in the box, right? If that, if that’s what you’re interest type average, that’s cool. There’s no harm, no foul, no, no one’s going to care. I mean, that’s the average. That’s what the average is. So we’ve got to look at that. Um, some people are below average, some people are a little above average, but either way, this is the average, and I wanted to point it out to you because this is what everyone is going to work for, right?

And College grads, people, everyone out there, that’s what their averages. Okay. Now in some places you can live on that and some places you cannot live in. That just depends on where you’re at. I know for me, my lifestyle, I can’t live on that. Right? So we got to look at this. Now if you’re average, that means you’re bringing home or not bring it home. But before taxes, I guess it is, you’re at about $3,713 a month. Okay. 857 bucks a week or in read $122 a day. So that’s what we’re talking about. For the average person to be able to come home, work from home and not have to go to work, not have to depend on all that other stuff. We have to look at that and say, okay, 122 bucks a day. That’s all I need to focus on. That’s it. Now, Charlie says he wants to be an entrepreneur, but it feels discouraged because I’m scared of failure.

You know what, Charlie, that’s not your fault. You were programmed to think that way. You are programmed to be a worker. Think about that. We’re going to get into that in a little bit. We’ve got a lot to cover here. Uh, I gotta be Outta here right at 1130 so we’ve got to go an hour and a half. I’ve got to condense everything in and show you how it works. But you were programmed to think that way. Like everything you guys are thinking right now is a product of where you’re at. It’s a product of your upbringing. It’s a product of your parents. It’s a product of the school system. It’s a product of everything. And it wasn’t by accident, right? This stuff was not by accident. It’s no accident that you fear failure. It’s no accident that like half the people on the road, if you want up to him and said, boo, they’d freak out, right?

We’re trained that way. So we’re going to talk about that. We’re gonna talk about how to reverse it and have to start thinking for ourselves and how to start making our own way. And if you want to do that, say, I want to think for myself and I want to make my own way. I want to make this work. All right? So here’s the average salary in the u s of a. Uh, some places it’s lower. Some places it’s higher depending on what you want. I want to take what you want, make it realistic. A lot of people are like, I want to be an entrepreneur and element $10 million tomorrow as probably not going to happen. You might be able to make $10 tomorrow or a hundred or maybe $1,000 tomorrow if you really work at it, but making 10 million tomorrow if you’ve never made anything, okay, you’re kind of out there in left field.

A lot of people come to me, they’re like bargains. I want to make as much as I can. That’s fine. But start with a goal that works if you’re making a certain amount. All right, well ban that guy because he likes to say bad things and that’s cool, right? No one forces you to watch my stuff. All right, so let’s hide that. Okay, so no one forces you to watch my staff if you don’t want to watch it, that’s totally cool, right? There’s other things you can watch. You can go watch the news if you want more brainwashing and stuff like that, that’s cool, right? You could do that. All right, so $122 a day. That’s what most people are looking at, right? And we want to look at it and we want to focus and we want to structure it and say, okay, I got to change the way that I’ve been thinking because I need to look at this.

Okay, we need to look at it and say, why? Okay, I’m a big guy. Like my, I’m not a big guy. I’m like five feet tall, but I’m a big thinker of why do I think the way I think? Why does that happen? Why do people do what they do? Like these are always the questions that are in my mind and these are always really common questions that entrepreneurs have in their mind as well. So the average salary is $122 a day, which isn’t that much. You could sell a clickbank booker to and make $122 a day. You can give away for tool or 40 toolbars a day and make that, you can get one person to sign up for web hosting and you’re almost there. So it’s very, very simple, very easy. You got to focus on it and you’ve got to make it work.

Okay. Now I want you to realize that we need to take a look. We need to take a look at what we were taught. Okay? What were you taught? How many guys do you remember sitting in school and you remember you were taught things and there was good things. Like I’m glad that they taught me how to speak English. I didn’t learn it that good, but I learned enough to be able to talk and some people listen to me, right? I’m not a good speller. As you guys can see, I don’t even think spellers a word and I misspelled this in my logo and I didn’t have the file so I didn’t change it. But we’ve got to look at that and we’ve got to say, what did we learn? What did we learn? How did, how were we taught? How were we taught? How to think because no one ever sat down and said, you know what markets, here’s how you think.

They said, oh hey your thinking incorrectly. That’s wrong. That’s right. This is bad. This is good. What they do is they put labels on everything and throughout our live lives we are going through and we’re putting the labels on things and not actually experiencing the things, which is weird, right? We go through and we’re like, okay, I’m going to put this label on it. This, this is good, this is bad. That guy’s rich, disguise poor. This is happy, this is sad. And we go around and we put labels on things based on what we’re taught. Now labels are good. It’s like a hijacking for the brain where we can look at things and say, okay, this is the category it goes into. This is something, uh, referred to, I think this is the correct term. It’s called categorical reference, where your brain is constantly looking to put things in categories that you already know. If I already know there’s a thing called a drink, right?
This is the drink. Then I go through and I see a cup of coffee and I go, well, that fits into the drink category. I see a coke that goes into the drink category that goes into, and sometimes we even sub categorize them. Oh that goes into the soft drink category that goes into the coffee category that goes into this category and my allergies are killing me in my eyes. But we got to look at that. And these are the little boxes we put things in. So as I go through and as I teach you anything on any of my videos, on anything, you’re putting them into boxes. You’re saying, okay that has to do with niches that has to do with this. This is a lot like what Bob said. This is a lot like what Ted said. Now this is good and it’s fast, but it also filters out some of the things that I want to show you.

So we’ve got to put our thinking hats on and we’ve got to look at this and say, why am I thinking the way I’m thinking? So we’ve got to look at that and say, what were we taught? How were we programmed? Now the way the education system is set up is an a through f thing and some schools they do like ease and things, but I like the old eight f thing. And if you get an a, you’re doing good. If you get an F, you’re a failure. Right? And this is thing I hate when my kids come home and they’re like, I got this on the test. And I’m like, that doesn’t mean you failed. That just means you suck it memorizing a bunch of facts that they want you to memorize. That’s it. It’s all it means. That’s it. It doesn’t mean anything about that.

But we’re taught along the way. And I was bad too. I made fun of some kids that got bad grades. I made fun of my brothers sometimes, which was kind of mean to me. But Hey, you know what? No harm, no foul. But we’ve got to look at that and we’ve got to look at it as, okay, why were we top this way? Why are we taught to fear failure? And we’re taught these certain things were taught. Money is hard. How many of you guys were taught that money’s hard and you think, you know you can’t go out there and do like Marcus and like give away happy faces. You have to go and dig ditches and drive tractors and you’ve got to build buildings and you’ve got to sit in a desk with papers and you’ve got to scrunch your, your brow like this and think about things like that’s how money is made.

You got to really, really, really work at it and think, and a lot of people are taught that money’s hard. How many of you guys still today believe money’s hard? Type money is hard if you still believe it. And I’m not talking like, oh Marcus. Yeah, I, I believe that money’s easy, but I really think it’s hard, like a deep rooted thing of, yes, I believe money’s hard. Okay. And you’ll know because you probably don’t have a lot of money and you do hard work for the money. Okay. How many of you guys still are stuck in that mindset? Another mindset is the fear of failure, right? This is the whole a and f thing in school where it’s like you are afraid. So much of failing when in actuality was, what is it? Like people come to me and they’re like, I fear failure and I’m like about what will setting up my website?

And I’m like, what? No one’s even going to see it. Like if you set up a website and it sucks, like no one cares, no one gives a rip. Obviously you’ve got to go through and you’ve got to make it ethical and you’ve got to make it legal, right? Those two things go for it, right? Make those happen. But the fear of failure thing, people are like, well, what if it doesn’t work? What if no one likes it? What if people don’t like me? I’ll tell you what, I’ve learned a lot having a public channel here and a lot of people won’t like what you have to say. I’m not there for them, right? A lot of that, that’s their bag. You’ve got to look at it as everyone is going through life and they have their own trip, right? You’ve got your own trip.

A lot of people come on and they’re like, I’m going to watch Marcus because I want to blame him for not being able to do it right. And that’s cool. If you want to blame me and be like, Marcus is the reason I’m not rigid, that’s fine, whatever. Um, to each zone, you’re giving me a hell of a lot of power and you’ve got to ask yourself, who am I giving my power to? Who am I giving my power to? Am I giving my power to someone who says, well, you can’t do it. Am I giving my power to like my spouse or my family who says, Hey, you know what? A Internet marketing is not really a thing. This really isn’t it. Now Zegar says, follow up. Failing costs money. No, it doesn’t. Failing does not cost money unless you’re like buying something and you fail at buying something, right?

Not at all. You could go through, you could set something up right now. You can go talk to people right now. Right now you are in a live chat, on a webinar talking to people. We’re going to get into the human nature part and just a bit, but we’ve got to look at that. And k money is hard, is a big belief. Fear of failure. How many of you guys are really afraid of failure, right? You’re afraid of failure. Like, Oh man, what if I, what if people see me? Like I went through that. One of the hardest parts for me when I found out that I was an alcoholic, a was admitting to people I was an alcoholic and I was like, man, if I admit it, then one I can’t drink again too. I failed at life. Here I am, this business guy, studies psychology on his spare time, any can’t fricking quit drinking.

Like how hard is it? You just put it down and you’re like, okay, that’s it. Right? And easier said than done. If you need help with that, check out my youtube channel, sober. Um, but in my mind it was like, I have failed. I failed admitting I’m an alcoholic. That’s fail. When in reality it’s just like, hey, that’s just where I’m at right now. It doesn’t mean I failed. Doesn’t mean I succeeded, doesn’t mean anything. It means that I need a way out of this. Right? And how many of you guys would look at me and be like, well Marcus, you’ve made money. You’ve done good. Uh, but because you’re an alcoholic or were an alcoholic, you are a failure. Like your branded for life. You’re a failure. Or maybe a business that I started that I put, you know, like a hundred grand in two didn’t work.

Am I a failure? No, I’m not. Failure is designed, uh, defined by quitting, right? You fail when you quit. If I was to say whatever, I’m an alcoholic, I’ll just keep drinking. Cause that’s what alcoholics do. That’s failure. Okay. Now I can always reverse it. I can always say, hey, enough is enough. Or with business, if I say, well I tried that whole Internet thing, I put up a blog and you know, that’s it. Right? And we look at that. Is that failure? No, you tried, you did more than 99% of the people on the planet. Because most people never even try not trying is to me failure. If you see someone who’s not trying and they just give up and they’re like, whatever, that’s failure. Okay. So we’ve got to look at that. Uh, another thing that we’re programmed is that we don’t take any risks, right?

People are afraid of risk. It’s like Marcus, you know, um, I got money in the bank, but spending $300 on a course to learn how to make money, uh, seems a little outlandish to me. Um, I, I’m going to take my time and I’m going to learn this stuff free. It might take me 10 years, but I’m going to learn it free. Um, you know, that’s what I’m going to do. And I’m like, really? You probably spend 300 bucks a year on Netflix? You probably spent 300 bucks a year on coffee. You probably spent $300 a year on popcorn at the damn movie theater, right? You probably spend $300 a year on stuff that you buy that you don’t even remember you bought, right? And we look at that and we’re like, we’ve got to look at our priorities. Now for me, there’s a quote that we put on my Instagram, Chelsea, put it up the other day.

Chelsea, if you have that quote, can you type it in here so that I don’t hack it up. But it was something about like people trying to save money, people trying to be cheap and save money when starting their business in your business is not the time to be cheap. Like my family knows that I go through and I’m like, Hey, when it comes to business, if there’s something I know will work, I’m going to hock my house to do it. I’m going to do what I gotta do. Cause if I know it’s going to work, what the Hell is stopping me? Right? If I know for a fact something’s going to work, I’m all in, right? And if I look for it and I was like, well, you know, um, I could probably get a discount banner ad at this website. What I’m looking for, discounts.

It comes to making money, like really got to get your priorities. Now again, I don’t blame people for this because this is how we’re taught. We’re taught to go out there. And it’s funny because I always talk about this with my wife and it’s like, you know, you’ll go through and you’ll be like, I’m a save $20 on a hotel room, but then we’ll go and spend like $500 on a dinner. And it’s like, what? Let’s get a good hotel room and a good dinner. I mean, it’s not going to make that big difference, but a lot of people get in that mindset of like, we’re going to save this. We’re going to save that. We’re going to crimp, we’re going to try to cut corners. Business is not the place to cut corners. Advertising is not the place to cut corners. Education is not the place to cut corners.

And I see a lot of people out there with videos about his college a scam. Well, next time you have a medical problem, go to your doctor and be like, was college a scam? No, I’m glad that dude learned how my heart works. I went yesterday to the doctor, paid a whole bunch of money, uh, for a heart doctor checkup and I’m glad the dude went to school. I’m glad he spent a hundred grands on college because I’m like, dude, yeah, I want him to like know how my stuff works so that my heart doesn’t stop working. Like that’s, that’s good stuff. Now is college a little too expensive? Yeah, I do think so. Are there ways to make college free? Yes, I do agree with that too, but we’ve got to look at it all in stride, all in priority and we’ve got to look at the things we’re programmed.

We’re programmed that money is hard. Fear the failure and don’t take any risks. Like I love taking risks. Taking risk is good. It’s like you got to take a risk with something you’re willing to do and with business there’s always a risk, right? You could go buy ads and maybe the company who sells you ads just takes your money and walks away. Now, if you do your research, you kind of want to look for a good company and take a look at it, but what we’re talking about here is calculated risk, calculated risk. Chelsea, thanks for that quote. It says, when growing my business, I never looked for the cheapest way. I look for the way that works. If it works, it doesn’t cost anything because it pays me very important. You got to look at that. Okay, so these are the big three things that stop people.

Now here’s the truth. The truth is money is literally everywhere. Like it’s literally, there are people out there that make more than you need. You might say, mark is, I need money right now, man. I, if I had $10,000, you know, that would change my life. There are people on this planet that make $10,000 faster than you can say the word $10,000 right? True Story. And they pay less in taxes. That’s a different story for a different time. You can tell by my shirt where I stand, but the truth is, is that money is literally everywhere. And success comes when these two things work. Okay? When these two things meet, success comes when opportunity and action meet. There you go. Opportunity and action. You got to be able to spot opportunity and take action on what you spotted. Okay. Opportunity by itself doesn’t make it.

It doesn’t mean anything. Like a lot of people come to me and they’re like, Marcus, I am the idea guy. I got lots of ideas and I’m like, ideas are worth nothing. Like the guy who invented the squatty potty thing, who made like millions of dollars off of a little stool, it’s pretty much what it is and a little stool that goes by the toilet and helps you go. Um, dude made hundreds of millions of dollars with that and it was really cool cause it’s like, okay, that’s a good idea. Now he could still be sitting there in his house with the idea. They could still be sitting there, but instead he decided to take action. He said, here’s an opportunity. I think people are going to like this. Let’s take a risk. Let’s go for it. Uh, hundreds of millions of dollars later, we all know the story. And so we look at that and we’re like, okay, success comes with Opportunity in action meet.
You need to be able to see an opportunity and take action fast. Okay. Money favors speed. You’ve got to look at it. Money favors speed. If you’re not doing things fast, if you’re not getting things out there, if you’re not putting stuff in front of your visitors, then you are not going to make money. All right? Case in point, I had no idea it was going to talk about, cause I went to bed late and I didn’t make my notes and today I came up with an idea that I think is going to work really, really well. So we’ve got to look at that. So opportunity, action, Opportunity, action. How fast can you take action on an opportunity or are you still stuck trying to design your webpage? If that’s where you’re stuck, you have problems I can’t solve, okay, I can teach you how to build a website.

But if you get stuck on it and you’re like, oh my own, you know, I can’t make the little a big, the Ei won’t be big, Marcus, I’m not going to make money because they forget about the dam a and go do something else, right? Get traffic. Hire someone to make the A. Okay. If you suck at something, if you’re not good at web design, hire someone to do it. If you don’t know how to set up a blog, either learn it or hire someone to do it. It’s not that hard to do and we’ve got to look at it like a how to make money from home. Guy Says analysis paralysis. A lot of people are stuck analyzing things. Why? Because they’re unable to see opportunity. If you saw opportunity, you would act. You’d go through it. How many of you guys right now, if I was like, Hey, there’s this keyword that no one’s bidding on and there’s this offer that really, really works and um, I think you should make a site and go run it. How many of you guys, if you saw the opportunity and he believed it, you’d take action on it, right? Very, very, very important. Now, if you can see opportunity and take action fast, you’re never going to end up in the unemployment line. Because if you can do this, you’ll never be out of a job or the ability to produce income. Now for me.

You can look at my life. I’ve made lots of money, relatively lots. Some people make a lot more, some people make a lot less. It’s all relative. It made money. I’ve lost money. I’ve been at the edge of complete and utter failure, but did I let it stop me? No, I kept going. Why? There’s no other option. What’s the other option? Go get a job. Make $40,000 a year like to me that that’s not an option. Like that was never in a, people go, Marcus, you’re going to do this affiliate marketing thing a, what’s your fall back plan? I’m like, there ain’t no damn fallback plan. We fall back on what I’m going like, I’m going to make it work. Marcus, what if it doesn’t? It’s going to end in an eight. Talked me out of it and they said, oh, I don’t think that’s real.

I don’t think that’s going to work. I don’t think that’s it. There was no fallback plan. Right, and that’s why I made it work because I had to. It’s funny in life people do what they have to do. Like when things happen, they do what they have to do. If they don’t have to do it. Sometimes I get lazy and Alexa days ago and they forget about things. But if you have to do it like back against the wall, have to do it. Usually you find a way the brain is like that. And I don’t think like here’s what my personal belief, a lot of people say this guy’s smarter than that guy. That guy knows a lot more than that guy. This guy knows that. And you can take two people and you can look at them and you could say, is this guy smarter and this guy not.

Or You could say, well I think they’re both equally smart. I think they just choose what they put in their brain. Like you go talk to some people. I talked to people and they know everything about everyone who’s on TV. And for me I watched the guy, I’m like I think I know like I could recognize the president on TV. I could recognize Bernie Sanders on TV cause I like him, but we’re watching shows and it’s like that guy on er and I’m like, well I don’t know what’s his name and then someone will be like that James whatever. And he was born this much, he makes this much money. He’s married to this person and they got a divorce and they know everything about what’s on TV, right? How many of you guys are like that? You’re like, I’m the TV guy. Put me on jeopardy.

I’m going to make money. I know a lot about that stuff, right? Does that mean he’s less smart than me or does that mean he just chose different things to put in his brain? Right? You choose what you put in your brain. Think about that for a minute. If you’d talked to people that are like, man I, I have trouble going to bed. That’s cause you watch murder mysteries before you go to bed. It’s pretty simple, right? And you watch murder mysteries or he’s going to be hard to sleep, right? If you fill your brain with all this junk that talks about bs, that doesn’t matter, that’s what you’re going to have. It doesn’t mean that you’re less smart than me. It just means you filled it with different things. Take my brother, my brother is a musician. Extraordinary. Like this dude. He’ll listen to the thing on the, on the radio, he’ll get a guitar, he’ll play it, he’ll get to drums.

So play that. He’ll get the keyboard, he’ll play that. No sheet music, no nothing. Doesn’t even know how to read music. And the dude just plays it right? And I’m like, what the hell man, I got a guitar and I’m like, it just doesn’t work. I think the guitars I get are broken and he has that and he’s got knowledge about drums and he’s got knowledge about guitars. He’s got knowledge about symbols, brands and everything. And the dude is like a walking encyclopedia of music stuff. Okay. Very smart guy. Just different things for me. I was like, Hey, I want to make money so I’m going to cram my head with all this internet stuff. Right. I wasn’t born with it. I didn’t wake up and be like, wow, I know how the PC works. I know how the Internet, I taught myself. I sat there, I did the work, I learned it.

I bought courses, I followed people that taught. I listened and consume the stuff that I wanted to know and I made it work back when I used to be a preacher, I read the Bible all day, every day and read books on them. And that’s what I put in my head. Okay. Now you could say, well, he’s different, different uh, type of thing. Yeah. It’s just what you choose to put in your brain. So what are you going to choose to put in your brain? You might say, well, Marcus, I’m tired. At the end of the day, I need to go. Um, you know, watch some TV and relax and everything. You could be spending an hour learning. It’s the same thing. You’re just learning crap on TV versus learning other stuff. Everyone in my family knows to get away when I’m watching the TV because when I have the remote, I’m watching documentaries and learning things and I watched the great courses on Amazon and stuff like that, right?

So you choose what to put it in your brain. Very important. And if you can do this, you’ll never be out of a job or the ability to produce income. Here’s the deal. I hope you liked my little graphic here. Very, very fancy stuff from the old clip, the money comes when you bridge the gap between a problem and a solution. Very, very simple problem solution. People over here in this building, they got a problem. I don’t know why there’s a satellite up here, whatever, but they have a problem. They walk over here, they’ve got the solution. Here’s something that I learned in life. I learned that there’s always three options. It’s always three options, right? A lot of people go, Margaret’s, should I sell my house or keep it or whatever. And I’m like, well, there’s always a third option. And some people argue that there was no true adoption.

You know, I got to either do this or this, but there’s always a third option always in life. And our job as marketers, our job as helpers of Internet people is to help people find a solution, help people get the option to help educate people on what’s out there, where they can make a decision, right? As an internet content creator, that’s your job. Create options so they can get a solution. Maybe the option is just to show them funny videos. Who knows? Maybe the option is something big like, hey, here’s a way to get out of a mortgage debt or a way to get out of credit card debt or school debt. Or maybe here’s a way to get scholarships. How many people do you think are looking for ways to get scholarships? If you got scholarships in school, you have something to teach them.

You can take that problem and you can make a solution and you can go make money. But so many people don’t do it cause he said, well, I was just one guy, Marcus, um, you know, uh, uh, I don’t know that much about it. Learn, learn, which got to do, right? You got to fill your brain with this stuff, get it out there so that it’s second nature and go help people with it. And you want a job, you do it. Same thing. You look at financial advisors, right? They’re not all that smart, especially the ones I had. There were no good. Um, but uh, you look at financial advisers, they went and they learned a few things and they got hired on with the company and they have options and they’re like, hey, you could do this with your money. You could do this with your money or you can do this with your money.

He gives me options. And I say, well, I’ll do that one. Right? Um, but that’s the thing. He filled his brain with that stuff and now he has a career. You go to college, you fill your brain with certain select stuff and that stuff says you can have this job. Now for me, I learned from Jim Roan a great quote. He says, um, what is it? Educational. Make you a living, but self education will make you a fortune. Right? Here’s the deal. You could go and you can learn and you can get a job. That’s cool. That’s great. We need that stuff. Awesome. I’m glad there’s people that want to be dentists and doctors and things like that. For me. Nobody wants me to be their dentist or doctor now. Not a good idea. Um, but we go through and we’re like, okay, that stuff will make you some money.

Now if you do self knowledge, that’ll make you a fortune. Okay? If you do self now, if you learn and you say, I’m going to learn specifically so I can help this one group of people, boom, you go out there, you use it the way you want and it works. Very simple. Okay, so the money comes when he bridged the gap between a problem and a solution. Hint, you can find an invent problems too. You see this every time. Now, disclaimer, be ethical. There’s some people who invent problems that are not ethical, all kinds of things. You see all kinds of bad in the world because they invent problems that don’t really exist for whatever reason. Now you can go through and you can find or invent problems that people have. Like some people, like you didn’t know 50 years ago you didn’t need no, you needed a new cell phone charger.

He didn’t even know you needed a cell phone one day. Some guy was like, hey, you got a phone in your pocket? I got a problem. I want one of those too. I’m going to go buy it. Boom. Cell phones are everywhere. People look at him like 150 times a day. It should be working, but hey, you know what? If you’re looking at 103 times a day that that’s fine too. But we’ve got to look at that and we got to say, we can find an event problems. So we’ve got to look at that. Okay, this is known as providing value. You hear this everywhere, but I’m going to define it so you guys understand it. Everyone says, oh, you want to make money on the Internet, just provide value. All you gotta do is provide value, right? That’s it. You want to, we want to make money, provide value and no one ever sits and says, well, here’s what value is.

So let me define that for you. Value can be something cheaper. Okay. Think like Amazon, Walmart, go buy something cheaper, something faster. You can get things faster. Like, you know, overnight delivery, uh, one hour delivery. Pick it up in the store or maybe a faster car or whatever. Okay. Better. Something better. Maybe there’s something fancier or a better mouse trap or something more useful. Like a guy, there was knives for years, people had knives and then one day some Swiss army guy was like, I’m going to make a knife with fingernail clippers or whatever those have on him. I don’t know, I don’t have one. But he made one and he’s like, I think people would want a knife with other stuff and he made it better. Right? A Henry Ford went through and he’s like, I think we can do a better process of making cars.

And he did. And we’re talking more about him in the next one. Or you can be more efficient. Right? Can you make something more efficient? Maybe like a hybrid car or an electric car, whatever it is. Or maybe you could be a more efficient by spotting waste. This is a big one. There’s a story back, uh, when Henry Ford started his first automobile assembly line, right? And if you’ve never studied his story, put that in your brain. That’s a good thing to have. I’m not saying he’s like the king or anything. He just had some good stuff, right? He did some good things. Um, so, uh, what he did is he had this assembly line and a lot of the cars back then were made out of a lot of wood parts and they’d have to cut the wood. Okay. Now at the end of the day, he was like, man, we’ve got all this sawdust on the floor and this sucks.

Like there’s all the saw dust, right? And so what they did is there like a, I wonder if I could do something with it. So you actually went in and he’s like, what if we turn all this saw dust into charcoal is like patrols. You made it into charcoal. However, the hell they did it and made it into charcoal and made Kingsford charcoal, which is pretty cool right now. There’s an entire business based on what other people were throwing away. Think about that. You could make an entire business based on things people are throwing away. Really cool, right? A lot of people throw away data or they throw away, um, all kinds of things. I think they throw away knowledge. They throw away all sorts of things. Okay? So think about that for a minute and I want you to think about that because there’s a lots of ways that you can go in and you can find something better.
Imagine if you saved one penny on every Amazon shipment that went out all over the world. If you are able able to save that company one penny, you’d probably be filthy, stinking rich, just one penny, right? And you can do that because there’s little gaps out there. There’s little things you can do to get involved in. And what I want to do is I want to start to train your brain to think differently. Even now as you’re listening to me, your brain is starting to think different. It’s like a doorway. I remember the first time I really challenged my beliefs. I was about 34 years old and uh, I had been staunch and sit in my beliefs and all of a sudden I started listening to these things that were outside of my scope. Because what we tend to do as humans is we tend to listen to things that agree with us.

Right? Or like, I’m going to watch this news channel because it agrees with me and those other ones are bad. Okay? I watch them all. I’m like, okay, let’s watch them all because I don’t know. I could be wrong. I could be right. I have no idea. And I don’t know. I’m just some 39 year old dude. I could be totally wrong about everything. Who knows? But I know how to make money. That’s kind of cool. So I’m going to keep my mind open. I remember the first time I was about 35 34 years old and I had these ideas that were ideas that I wouldn’t waive her from from and I was like, wow, this is crazy. These are things I wouldn’t waiver, and I started listening to these talks that were outside of what my belief systems and my thought structures were and it was almost like I could feel adore in my brain, open up to something that was never there before and it was like my thinking went into a new level and I was like, Whoa, wait a minute.

I’ve been looking at it in this box. I’ve been looking at my money problems in the context of my money problems and it’s like Einstein, I believe said it. He said, the thinking that got you here is not the thinking that’s going to get you to the next step. The thinking that got you broke isn’t the thinking that’s going to get you rich, right? If you’re sitting here and you’re like, Marcus, I’ve been broke my whole life. I, I dunno what to do. I’ve always struggled with money. I’ve never been an entrepreneur, but I’m gonna figure it out. Okay? That thinking is not what’s going to get you to the next level. You need to go outside it. You need that little door to open metaphorically in your brain. So you go out there and you’re like, Whoa, wait a minute. It’s kind of like a helicopter.

Like if you’re on a boat in the middle of the sea and you’re in the waves and you’re tossing and everything’s crazy, and you’re sitting there and you’re going back and forth and you’re seasick and you’re on this boat and you’re like, what the hell’s going on? Right? You feel everything. You’re right there. You can’t think outside of that situation. But if I was to take you and put you on top of that thing where the people look out over the ocean on the boat, you’ll probably get a hell of a lot more sick, but you’ll be able to see, hey, there’s land over there and the waves stop in about 500 yards or whatever it is, right? If I took you on a helicopter and he went above, you’d be like, wow, okay. The boat’s right there. The lands there, he’s going to be okay, but if you’re on the boat and you’re in it, you’re being tossed into like, Holy Shit, I’m going to die.
This is crazy because you’re in the situation and the key is, is to be able to pull ourselves out of the situation. The same thing happens with anxiety. We get anxiety, we get all these thoughts and we tried to get out of it, but we can’t because we’re thinking with the same brain that got us anxiety, anxiety in the first place. If you’re trying to make money with the same brain that got you broke in the first place, it’s not going to work. You need a new way of thinking. All right, so more efficient. Kingsford charcoal. You could make something smarter, right? Maybe it’s more in tune with the customer’s needs, or maybe you find a way to be a middleman that’s known as bridging the gap or affiliate marketing, or you’d find something easier. Maybe it’s easier for the customer to get results. Maybe it’ll cure their acne easier, maybe it will, um, make Internet marketing easier.
That’s one of the things I tried to do. Maybe it will make computer use easier and there’s opportunity everywhere. If you look, you just got to get outside of the mindset you have right now. Now, how many of you guys are digging this on a scale of one to 10 so far? I know it’s different than usual. 10 means, Hey, I love this stuff and my brain is opening. One means Marcus. I don’t know what you’re talking about buddy. There’s boats, there’s charcoal. I don’t know what’s going on, right? Type it in the box there. Let’s see where you guys are at. Um, so we can continue on. I just want to make sure you guys are on the same page because my idea and my goal here is to open your mind and to get you to think outside of it. Because you’re not going to solve the problem within the problem.

You’re not going to do it. You have to get outside of it. You have to get above it. You have to transcend your problem. You have to look at that. Okay. Easier. Make it easier for customer to get results or knowledge. Use Knowledge to help people. There’s a lot of people who don’t know the shit that, you know, there’s a lot of people that do not know what you know. Right? Like I talked to a guy the other day, uh, he was our private client. He flew out to Florida and he’s like, hey man, I want to just come out. I want to hang out with you for a day. And he taught me a lot of things I didn’t know, you know? And I could sit there and be like, Hey, I know all this stuff. I’m Internet marketing guy. I am the affiliate marketing dude. But I’m like, you know what?

I can learn something from everyone. I can be like this stuff that you guys can teach me, right? There’s a lot of things like you could teach me what you did for work and how that worked. You could teach me what it’s like to go to college. I’ve never been, we went for college tours with my daughter and it was like, wow, I’ve never done this process before. If someone came out with a website that’s like, here’s the process, I’d go read it really cool, right? I go do it. So there’s knowledge everywhere. You just have to look at it. Okay, now I’m online. The cool thing about this is providing value is easier and less expensive to do for uh, Mr you know, four dude. Um, it was probably like expensive to make the charcoal out of the stuff, but he had money so it worked right?

Like a Sky Earth, 25 years software engineer, I don’t know how to write software to, to save my life. And I buy a program called, uh, easy install maker or something and it makes the installation for the like the little half as software that I get made, which is really cool by the way. Uh, made millions of dollars with half ass off where I’m sure Sky Earth could teach me a lot about software. Right. Really, really cool. So we got to do that. Um, online. This gets easier and less expensive to do it. Now I’m going to give you a warning. This is a big warning, okay? A lot of people look at what’s going on in the world and going on in society and they flip out about a lot of things, right? If you turn on the news, everyone’s flipping out. I don’t care what channel you watch, everyone’s flipping out about something, right?

Moral of the story. Don’t watch the news. Just get the headlines, right? Just read the little headlines. Figure out what’s going on. Make up your own opinion. Don’t go to news sources to give you your opinion, cause that’s what they do, right? If you’re watching the news, they are forcing their opinion on you. It’s subtle, it’s manipulative and it’s propaganda. But we were taught that that’s what news is. Why do you think everyone argues about politics instead of having discussions? Why? Because we watched the news. What are they doing? They’re arguing about politics. Now they hire some guy who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. So they go, see, we’re right. See that? And we’re right. And then you sit there behind the screen and you go there. Right? Look at that guy’s an idiot, man. He, he beat her down. She didn’t know what she was talking about.
You’re right. He told her a thing or two and it’s like, yeah, that’s cause they get, like the other day I was watching this channel and this news anchor should be ashamed of himself. He gets this poor college kid who’s talking about why he, she thinks a free college is a good idea and this thing got like 5 million views on youtube. Um, and he’s just like railing her. And I’m like, this is a person who is sharing their valid opinion and you’re just making her feel like an idiot, even though she has a good opinion. And by the way, you forgot that you’ve been doing new shit for like 20 years and she’s just sharing her opinion. It’s terrible, right? So we’ve got to look at that. Okay. Um, and he got to really focus on that, right? And it fake news, whatever. I mean, I don’t like the term fake news.

Just look at it for what it is. Everyone’s pushing an agenda. I don’t care who you are, where you’re at. Everyone’s pushing an agenda. Oh well our agendas better. Maybe, maybe not. Look at the other agenda. Really study it out, right? Become a student of life. Become a student of life. You will never worry about money. If you really become a student, you’re and you’re like, I’m not going to go there and say I’m right or I’m wrong. I always challenge my beliefs. I always look at it. Uh, you guys know I like Bernie, I watch anti Bernie stuff. I’m like, oh, let’s see what they got to say. I could be wrong. I don’t think so cause I studied it a lot, but I could be right. So we’ve got to look at that and we got to focus and we’ve got to say, I am in charge of what I’m going to think.

Because if you control what you think, you’re truly free. If you don’t, you’re not free. And we’re going to get into that in a minute. So here’s an important warning. A lot of people freaking out. But here’s the fact. The spirit of entrepreneurship gravitates towards a handful of people running the show. That’s the way it’s always worked. That’s the way it’s going to work. But some people are going to get left out because as you see here, there’s a little robot, right? And that Jason says, a capitalist who likes Bernie. Think about this. If you really study it, the only person that’s talking about saving the Capitalist Society and Democracy is that guy, right? Think about it, because otherwise it’s going to implode if it keeps going the way it’s going, it’s going to be like this, and there’s gonna be a huge shift and there’s going to be a handful of people running the show.

And if you look at it, what is our society rewarding? A handful of people who run the show. Oh, Marcus. They create jobs. Yeah, but at the expense of what? Oh, you know, Amazon creates 500,000 jobs at the expense of how many businesses that they put out of business. How many moms and pops, who had toothbrush stores or whatever out of business. How many people who had this store out of business? It’s the Walmart effect. Walmart comes to town, boom, everything’s out of it, right? It’s like everyone’s out of business. They know like there’s Walmart executives and I watched a documentary on it was a good documentary and they show this executive and he’s there and he’s like pointing at these businesses. Six months, nine months, 18 months. He knows exactly when they’re gonna go out of business with Walmart. Walmart comes to town. Got To think about that for a minute.
I’ve got to focus on it, right? And listen. Don’t listen to the propaganda. Don’t listen to the junk. Make up your own mind. If you learn nothing from me, Lauren, to make up your own mind, learn to think for yourself. Learn to study why your brain likes the things it likes. Because I guarantee you, if you really look at it as I did, it’s not by your design. So the huge shift is that the robots are pretty much going to like take over a lot of jobs. So we got to look at it, okay? This is leading to a huge shift in our global economy. Now you can ignore it. Like this dude here, I thought this was a great cartoon picture. You can ignore it like this guy here and watch as many people struggle, okay? You can ignore it and you can watch as many people struggle or you can learn to make your own way.

Okay, I’m of you guys are like, yes, I’m going to learn to make my own way and look at it now there’s actually proof of what’s going on. There’s a lot of people who are saying, hey, you know, Marcus, you’re good on everything, but I don’t agree with you politically, right? A lot of people haven’t really studied it. They’re just going off of what they’ve heard. And if you actually study, they say boom. It’s like a Bible verse I used to listen to. I’m not a big um, Bible guy anymore, but this Bible verse says, a fool answers a matter before hearing it had a fool. And if you answer a matter before actually hearing it through, that’s foolish. If I go through and I said, Marcus, you know what? I don’t think I can make money online. You have answered before actually hearing it out.

You have to actually hear things out and focus really cool. Okay, so you could ignore and watch as many people struggle and maybe you’ll struggle as well or you can learn to make your own way. Like this dude here, he looks like the Mary Poppins guy. I thought that was a good one. Too many people think that being an entrepreneur is all about coming up with great ideas like Marcus, if I just have enough ideas, they’re not going to make money. That’s going to be great, and they look like this guy and they’re like, I got an idea. Okay, now that is only one complete, not completely necessary part like ideas. How many of you guys got ideas? Like, I got this uncle and he’s always got an idea. He’s like, we’re going to make this a tee shirt. We’re going to do this. We’re going to do that.

He’s got all these ideas. He doesn’t do a damn thing. Are we going to look at that? Okay, this is only one, not completely necessary part. There’s people out there with terrible ideas. They have crappy ideas, but they make billions of dollars or millions of dollars, so that’s not the key. What’s the key? The key is skills, abilities and knowledge, skills, abilities and knowledge. A whim. Well marketing as we know it be around forever. Marketing as we know it might not be, but marketing as the human nature idea is always going to be the same. It’s always been the same since like before time began, right? So we got to look at that and a lot of people are saying they got, how many of you guys got ideas type ideas in the box? If you got ideas right? We all got ideas. I’ve got a million ideas, but the ones I act on actually work right because I acted on them with skills, ability and knowledge.

Here are some skills that you’re going to need to make this work critical and creative thinking skills critical. You’ve got to be critical of what you’re doing. You’ve got to say, how is this going to work? How do we make it work? Where is this going to happen? How are we going to get it done? And cake critical. This is something we weren’t taught. I sat down, it was funny because after I first got sober and I was learning all these new things, I actually like bought books on critical thinking and I’m like, okay, well I obviously didn’t know how to think because the way that I thought ended me up drunk and broke a, I made money and did some things and had a fun family, which was cool and I learned a lot of things, but pretty much where I’m at now is drunk and broke and I need to learn some new things.

So luckily because my business makes money, even when I’m not working, I was able to take an entire year and barely even work right after that, a rehab, uh, incident, it was like, okay, I’m going to take a year and I’m going to learn to think. And I learned to think in a very, very different way. I learned to question the way I thought. I learned to say, how do I critically think about this and how do I think creatively critical and creative? Can I add something creative? Can I find a solution where someone seems to have no solution? Okay. Number two, this is probably the most important entrepreneurs are decision makers, right? If you’re waffling around and you can’t make a decision, you need to learn to make decisions. Like you can’t go out there and be like the guy who was like, oh, what do you want for dinner?
I don’t know. What do you want for dinner? Well, I don’t know. We had a hamburger justice. I want Tacos. Well, how about that? Well, I don’t, I don’t know man. I mean it was just, you got to learn to make a decision and you got to be like, this is what we’re doing. This is why we’re doing it. We’re doing it now. That’s the end of it, right? Cause so many people go through and they’re like, Marcus, I liked your stuff. I’m going to learn it. And then they find something else and they’re like, Bob’s pretty cool too. Here’s the deal. I don’t care if you buy from me or Bob or no one make a decision. I’m going to buy from Marcus. I’m going to buy from Bob and get by from no one. When I decide I’m going to buy from markets, I’m going to follow through and I’m going to make it work.

Okay? That’s what we do. Okay? Zucker says I need to get drunk and broke first. No. Um, I actually made a lot of money before I became an alcoholic and then I lost a lot. Uh, almost went completely under and then learned a new way of thinking. Okay? So that’s what you gotta do. All right, so decision making is key. You got to make a decision. You’ve got to stick with it and you’ve got to make it work. Three, get to have practical skills. You got to be practical. You can’t be out pie in the sky. I’m going to make $1 million with this here thing. You’ve got to go through and say, what are people willing to buy it? Is it going to work? You got to test the market. You got to learn to do the research. You got to be practical and forth. Probably the most important is understanding human nature. Okay? These are the things. If you want to be an entrepreneur, this is what you gotta do. You gotta understand human nature. You’ve got to understand why people do what they do. Got To understand why people think the way they think. You’ve got to understand all these things. These are key to being an entrepreneur. Very important.

Another thing is curiosity and the ability to try something new, okay? Now Burn says, uh, any book, recommendations for critical thinking. I’m going to talk to you at the end about something that I recommend you guys do. A, if you like this kind of stuff. Okay? Curiosity and the ability to try something new along the way. When we were kids, if any of you guys have ever had kids or a little brother or maybe you saw kids or whatever, um, if you ever watch them, they have fun while learning, right? They go out there and they, they pick up little bugs and they’re like, Oh wow, look at that one. Okay? And they’re learning things and they’re having fun and they’re curious along the way. When we’re taught a brainwashed to, uh, look at world and look at the world in terms of success and failure, we lose the curiosity.

We lose the wonder, we lose the joy of the journey. And we get to, I want this, now I got to have this. Now it’s all about attainment, right? And you look at it and you watch kids change their shift and, and all of a sudden they’re having this curiosity and then you say, hey, Christmas is around the corner. And they’re like, okay, can’t wait for Christmas. And they’d sit there and they’re like waiting and waiting and waiting and boom, Christmas comes and it’s like, okay, great. Um, but they lose that wonderment and they lose that ability to say, I’m going to live right now. I’m going to learn about this one thing right now. And curiosity is the biggest thing that will make you rich. Curiosity, will this work? Will that guy respond to that? What if I do a Webinar about entrepreneurship like I’ve never done before?

Let’s see what happens. Maybe people will buy, right? Curiosity and the ability to try something new, right? So we’ve got to look at that. We got to be curious because all throughout our life, we’re brainwashed by all this stuff, by billboards, by TV, by ads, by conversations we hear by talk shows, by all this stuff, churches, it’s all teaching us this thing and we’ve got to look at it and say, hey, how do we do this? How do we get unbrainwashing? How do we reverse the way we think? Well, the first step is getting outside of it. Get outside it and say, I could be wrong, but I’m going to let, I’m going to suspend my belief for a minute because you know what? I got something I might be able to learn. I know that I’m the smartest guy in my brain, but there might be something that I can learn and sometimes it’s going to come from the most unexpected source.
I remember years ago I was at a marketing meeting and I thought I had arrived 26 years old, making million dollars a year. I had arrived there. I am Stretton around, got my suit on and a, this kid comes up to me, he’s 15 years old. He’s like, Marcus, I want you to teach me affiliate marketing. And I’m like, Oh yeah, you know? Okay, that’s cool. Whatever. Um, and I listened to him for a little bit and talk to him about marketing and everything and I just kind of dismissed it because I’m like, Hey, I’ve arrived and got my thing going. Years later I found out that guy like starts this major, uh, ad company and I’m like, Holy Shit. I could have learned a lot from that kid if I got over my own ego. I kind of learned a lot from that kid. If I didn’t think I already had all the answers right.

And, and was I justified? Sure I made money. You know, here I am, but we’re going to learn that in life you will learn things from the most unexpected source. If you’re not learning from the most unexpected source is because you’re so full of yourself that you can’t even, you like it. It’s like the brain, right? The brain and the mind and the hand and money. So here we’ve got the brain. If you’re so full of your own ideas, you can’t accept new ones. If your hand is so tightly held in holding onto money, you can’t accept new money. Well, you can’t. It’s a law. It’s like nature. That’s what happens, right? And if you’re so proud of each other and they’re like, man, that’s what fear of failure is. You’re full of yourself. You’re like, I can’t. I can’t be seen as a failure because it’s really not about you.

Like you probably don’t care. You’re like, whatever. The site didn’t work, big shit. Start a new one. Big Deal. It’s your ego. He said, what if? What if Sally notices I’m a failure? What if she knows that my website didn’t work? Well? Who gives a shit? At least you tried. At least you did something. But so many people, your ego will stop you from making money and Kay. Now your ego can also make you money. You see a lot of people that make money who are egotistical maniacs and that’s, that’s fine and good, but if you want to get real with this and you want to have a good life and you want to understand how this works and you want to be open to things and you want to get out of the Rut that you’re in right now, you need to think outside that Rut and that Rut can’t include your ego.

You need to get over it and say, you know what? I don’t really matter. What matters is going through and making this work. What matters is let’s try this out. Hey, you know, I’ve been writing ads for years. Someone can write about it, better add than me. I’m not the be all end all. And maybe this is like a years ago I had a site about my space stuff and I’m old school. When we used the word pimp, it meant what you would think the word means, right? Like, Hey, that’s not a good thing to use. But I was doing a site and this site was geared at 20 year olds and they used the word pimp as like cool, like hey, pimp that out. That’s cool. And I didn’t really understand that. So for years I had my site and a friend of mine was like, Hey, use the word pimp.

And I was like, Nah. And then finally I’m like, okay, let’s try it out. Let’s see if it works. Pimp your my space profile. And um, I did that and I doubled my conversion. Imagine if I didn’t listen to him. Right? And it didn’t mean anything. The words like it means something different. It’s like bad ass means cool, right? And the same kind of thing. And so I had to learn from it. Now Kanu says, does wisdom come from experience? Wisdom is applied knowledge. If you have knowledge and you apply it, you get wisdom. Wisdom is like experience, knowledge applied. So we gotta look at that. Okay. Curiosity and the ability to try something new, you got to open that curiosity bug and say, you know what? I’m willing to try it and willing to make it work. Up until now, you’ve been programmed to think of the world in a certain way, even if you don’t think you’ve been programmed, you have been.
We all are. I’m program right now, but the things I learned in the last five years, last 20 years, last 30 years, we’ve got to realize that and we’ve got to step back and say, you know what? I’m not perfect. It’s all is what it is. Okay? And we’re programmed. Go to school, go to work by stuff. You’re programmed to buy stuff. You’re totally programmed to buy stuff. If you don’t believe that, just watch yourself in the supermarket or watch yourself desiring things, right? The minute you buy a new car, you see one fancy or you’re like, I got to have that one. We’re always shopping, right? We’re always out there and we’re like, Hey, what’s that? That’s a Nissan. That’s a Mercedes. That’s this. That’s this. Right? And we’re always out there shopping cause we were programmed to, right? You can go back this dates back to a in America in the early 19 hundreds, uh, Eddie Bernays, who was the grand son or the nephew of Sigmund Freud, took Sigmund Freud’s ideas and he’s like, I’m going to make the base desires that my uncle talks about and I’m going to use him to marketing.
And he marketed to base desires, any hat, your biology, your brain to want these things and went through and made it work, right? And it’s a consumer mentality. It’s like, I got to have this. You’ve got to have the new phone. Got To have this, got to have that. Even though my old one works just fine, I got to have, got to have in, you’re always shopping and your program to think this way. Entrepreneurs think differently, right? We think different. We think, how do I sell that stuff? Not How do I buy that stuff. Now, a lot of times we look at life and we think we have a choice, right? And I have this fitting demographic here with a Democrat thing and the Republican thing. A lot of times we have, we think we have a choice, but in actuality, all you have is a selection of options that are forced in front of you, right?

If you’re going with the mainstream, you’re looking at what’s presented to you. It’s not really a choice, right? It’s like you got to get this car, this car, who said, I even want a car. You’ve got to drink this or drink that. Who said, I didn’t just want water? Well, if you want water, you got to have this or that. Right? Forced things in front of you, but no one stops to think, why do I think the way I think and why do I want what I want? You want what you want because millions of hours of research have gone into hacking your brain to get you to think, feel, and make decisions the way they want you to write, the way they want you to. Like Bernie says, he loves shopping for stuff, right? Why do you love shopping for stuff, right? You just go and getting things and putting it in baskets as all it is.

You love it because it goes into your base desires and that’s what people made you think. So what I want you to do is I want you to look and think about the world differently. I want you to think about the world differently, right? I want you to challenge the status quo. I want you to challenge what you’ve been taught. I want you to challenge when you go through and you say, making money’s hard, the Internet’s a scam. Nothing works. I can’t. I won’t. That didn’t. That’s manipulated. That’s this. I want you to challenge that. And I want you to do the research and I want you to learn and think for yourself. Write and think and say, and what I mean by think for yourself, because we all think for ourselves, of course, but what’s the baseline, right? If you have a baseline like the boat, right?

We talked about the boat. If you’re sitting on the boat and you’re going around, you’re sitting there sick saying, hey, I’m going to die on this boat. There’s too many waves. But if you pan back and he’d say, I’m on a boat there. There’s a land right there. It looks totally different. So I’m not saying you don’t think for yourself. I’m saying think about why you think about the things you think about or it, why are you doing that? Why are you focusing on that? I like sugar. Rush says spending money on new stuff releases dopamine. Exactly. So basically you’ve been reduced to nothing but a dopamine fiend, right? And you’re producing a chemical in your brain that makes you feel better because life’s pretty mundane sometimes. And uh, we crave certain things like we create, we crave meaning, right? Like for me, I make a lot of money teaching these, um, but I get a lot more out of teaching something like this, which I don’t know if it will make a lot of money or teaching on my alcohol channel, like by alcohol channel.

I, I love that. I love going on and I don’t make much on it, but I love teaching people how to stay sober. Why? Because it provides meaning. It provides community. Those are the things that we’re wired for. Community, uh, meaning and what are the commercials tell you? If you drive this car, you’re going to mean something. You’re going to have meaning to your life. If you drink this beverage right, you’re going to feel community. Look at all these people. He drinks this beverage and all these people come around him and they’re sitting around, hey buddy, we’re watching the football game. We’re doing this fake community. It’s hijacking something in your brain, right? Every time you look at this, it’s hijacking something in your brain and it’s taking over a process that used to be something we did on our own, but no longer happens.

And what I want you to do, if you buy something today or tomorrow, whatever, I want you to look at this and I want you to start to challenge your way of thinking. Because if you can learn to be an entrepreneur, it’s about changing your thinking, right? And you’ve got to look at that and you’ve got to focus and you’ve got to say, how do I change my thinking? And that’s what we’re going to do in the entrepreneur classroom. This is something that, um, I think would be very effective and good if you guys focus on him. And what I want to do is I want to do two Saturday classes, right? I want to take two Saturdays and I want to block out like four hours each Saturday. And I want to have a live training and I want to record it so you get it.

And I want to teach you everything that I’ve learned about entrepreneurship, thinking differently, the mind psychology. I want to teach you all this stuff that I’ve learned so that you can use it to make money, to make decisions, and to live an overall better life. I think you’re going to feel better. I think you’ll have community because there’ll be like, hey, I understand this. These other people understand it. We’re all good going to help each other with it. So here’s the way it’s gonna work. It’s gonna be two Saturdays. You’re going to come on. If you can’t make it, don’t worry the recorded and we provide notes. If any of you guys on here, we’re on the Seo Saturday classes. Tell us what you thought of him. Because we had like, I think a hundred people signed up. We had like 50 show up on each live one, which is cool.
And they loved it. I think like 90% of the people were like, just like this is the greatest thing I ever got. A, which is cool. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to focus on him and we’re going to say two Saturdays. Uh, we’re going to go through part one. Part one is going to be about thinking differently, how to think like an entrepreneur so you can see outside the bs and use what really works. Once you see this, you can’t unsee it. So the first thing you’re going to get, it’s something that’s going to open your eyes to something. And once you see it, there’s no going back. Like for me, I trained my brain, I saw marketing the way I saw it. Now I see it everywhere. Like, my wife hates it cause we drive down the road and I’m like looking at the billboards and I’m like, Hey, this is how that works.

This is how that works. Um, she hates it because she likes to skip through the commercials on TV. The whole reason I watched TV is for the commercials, right? Um, and so I’ll go through and I’ll be like, this is how that works. That’s how it works, right? And we’ve got to look at it and we got to focus. Okay. So we’re going to learn how to think like an entrepreneur in part one. Uh, once you see it can’t go back. Number two, we’re going to give you the entrepreneur skillsets. I’m going to learn, I’m going to teach you the seven major entrepreneurs skillsets that have made me millions of dollars that when applied, you will always be able to find work or create your own business at the drop of a hat. Very important part three, we’re going to go through the action steps. You’re going to learn the action steps you can take right now to start producing income right now.
Like literally right now. Disclaimer, I don’t know when you’ll produce it, but what we’re going to show you is how to do it now. Okay? Um, these have been around since the first invention of money, which is cool. Part number three for the Internet entrepreneur class. This is how to spot and capitalize on opportunities that are literally right in front of your face right now. You need, you just need the right glasses. We’re going to give you those glasses so you can see it. Part five, we’re going to teach you how to understand human nature. This alone is worth the entire price of the course because we’re going to show you how it works. You’re going to learn how to understand human nature. The whole thing is about understanding how the mind works, your mind and other minds. In this part, we go over the major cognitive biases, why people do what they do and how they think, and this is going to be important for life and lessons, okay, and business.

All right, parked six. We’re going to go through sales and marketing. This is the section we’re going to show you how to sell in person, in print, social media and video, and also email. This is not your typical sales class. It’s not your typical sales class is going to teach you how to sell a even when you’re not there. Uh, parked seven is action. In this part. Marcus, we’ll show you how to take effective action to get where you want to go. Remember, money favors speed. If you’re not taking fast, deliberate action, you will forever be an info overload and struggle. Now, this course right now is probably the most important course that I could get to you. Like of all of them, this is, this is important. This is stuff where the rubber meets the road. Now he’s going to teach you how to build a website.
No, that’s something else. Is it going to teach you how to do wordpress? No. This is going to teach you to think like an entrepreneur. That is going to change everything. Okay? Now I thought of an idea today and I want your opinion on it. Okay? Right now it’s $97, which I think pretty much everyone could afford if they want it. Um, however, I believe that this is so important. I was thinking about giving it to people who could actually prove that they can’t afford it. Right? So if there’s someone out there that’s like, dude, I don’t have 97 bucks and I want to join this, um, we’re gonna make an option for you. So like maybe it’ll be like, you know, I don’t know. We’ll work something out. Okay. Cause that’s how important I think this is that you learn. So if you can afford it, which I think everyone here can, um, go to entrepreneur you’re going to go to entrepreneur,

You’re going to fill this out. Okay. Entrepreneur classroom. Here’s what you’re going to get. One time deal. Put your name, email, all this stuff. We’ll give you the details on the call. You joined the call, you’ll learn this stuff. I think this will forever change the way you think. Um, it did for me. I know that like these are the things that I learned. There’s some things my dad taught me about entrepreneur. There’s some things I learned on my own. Um, all kinds of stuff. Okay. Um, mark says, Marcus, I’ll pay the 97 if it means someone who can’t afford it, can have it. Anyways, that’s the idea. Um, I don’t want you guys to, um, I don’t want you guys to be hindered by it. Like I want people to be able to get it. Um, so get in there. If you can afford it, do it.
The way that you prove that you can’t make it. Like will Wim says, I can prove that I haven’t made a dollar in marketing. That doesn’t count. Right? That’s like whatever. You didn’t make a dollar because he didn’t follow the instructions. But, um, you know, that’s for a different thing. But if you can prove like, dude, I don’t have $97, like, like I don’t seriously, um, if you can prove that, go over to PC Figure out a way to prove it and we’ll actually get it. Um, are ruined. Says, why are you punishing people who can’t, who can’t afford it? Um, I don’t look at it as punishment. Um, I look at it as we’re all helping each other out and you’re actually gonna learn stuff from each other as well. Right. And if you guys think that’s fair enough, like that other guy who was like, dude, totally, uh, we’re going to do that and I’ll tell you what, most people who can’t afford it or not even going to join because that’s just the nature of it. It’s kind of like the idea of who are always broke will always be broken until they changed their mindset. Um, that’s the idea behind it

to really cool. And as you guys know, there’s always a bonus involved. So for those that do actually pay for it, you’re going to love the bonus. For those of you who were on the SEL class and you got the bonus I gave you, they were like, dude, really cool. Um, so do it. Hi. It’s the Bernie thing. It might be the Bernie thing. I don’t know. Maybe, maybe he affected the way I think.

Which by the way, I love this shirt. It’s pretty cool. Um, so yeah, get in there. Entrepreneur, Uh, is this a Havana cigar? This is a Miami Cigar. Okay, cool. Any questions on what we went over today? I have to jet in about 17 minutes. So I do need you guys to sign up in the next 17 minute. Um, and go from there. Felipe. I says it’s not punishment, it’s taking the excuse. I have no money. Exactly. It’s taking the, I have no money excuse out of the equation, right? So if you are looking at that and you actually do have to prove it, like seriously proven, not like, oh dude, I just bought like a bunch of freaking crap and I don’t have any money. Now that’s not what’s going to work. Right? You have to actually go through and be like, dude, seriously, like I need to buy groceries and stuff like that. Right? It’s a really cool and if you guys think that’s fair enough, go for it. Um, and uh, we’ll go from there, which is cool. Okay, so any questions again, that’s entrepreneur, Go in there and if you are doing the option and you truly cannot afford it a go to PC, and tell them and we’ll figure out a way to make that work. Okay. So really cool.
And it’s actually, it’s actually kind of funny, I think there was, what was the test? There were some tests done and we’re going to be talking about these in the class, uh, where we talk about um,

the psychology of pricing, which is really cool. Do you ever do, do you do a seminar every Wednesday? Yes. Every Wednesday there is a free training here on the affiliate marketing new channel 10:00 AM um, it’s pretty rare that we don’t do them, so yeah. But yes, this will be Saturday morning. Okay. It’s going to be Saturday morning for two Saturdays. Um, and we’ll give you guys the logins and everything. You’ll get the replays. Um, now for the people who actually pay for it, you’ll get the replays and the notes. Um, the people who are competent or you know, get the, uh, I can’t afford it version. Do you guys only get to attend at once? So you got to show up. Right. But everyone else would get the notes and the recordings, which is really cool. Like we did this with the Seo class. Um, that lighter died.
I just bought that lighter. Um, and it, it was crazy. Like people out over it. A PC, Yes, that is correct. Uh, when does the boot camp classes start? Uh, get us at PC moneymaking. We’ll help you with that Jason. Uh, yeah, you can, you can sign up tomorrow if you want. The price might go up. Just depends on how we do today. Um, so there, uh, James, if you’ve got an error after ordering, don’t worry about it. Just close out. I think I actually made this this morning so it might just be the other thing, but I did see you, you are signed up so you’re good. All right, so any other questions? And again, everyone should do this. Like if you are interested in being an entrepreneur, you should definitely do this.

Is the Seo class still purchase purchasable? Yes, it is. Um, ask them on PC modding, make them to help you with it. Okay. Heroin says I’m not an affiliate yet, but a student and I learn every time I listen to Marcus. I highly recommend everyone. Jordan, thanks for that. [inaudible] um, good guy. I’ve talked to her and before I think you’re in New York. Yeah. All right, cool. And raped me on the Webinar. How’d you guys like it
and raped me by like buying the entrepreneur class cause I think you guys are gonna love it. And just imagine like you’re going to spend $97 on stuff that is not worth it anyway. We all do like seriously, like buying these is probably not worth it, but I buy them anyway and I think they’re like 12 bucks each or something in bulk. Um, so you’re going to spend money on that. You might as well spend money on changing your thinking. And if you think that there’s a one thing you can learn from me in this, it’s worth it. And if you think there’s one thing, if you’re like Marcus, yes. I think there’s one thing that I can learn from you. I think you can teach me one thing better. Maybe, maybe about thinking maybe about life, whatever it is like that this is going to be about life and business, right? Like we’re going to go through, I’m going to show you things that I’ve learned in my life. Uh, we’re going to talk about things that, that help you live in a different way, right? Because I literally had to change the way I thought. Um, do I believe in the law of attraction? I actually have a video here on my channel about how I believe it.

Um, I don’t believe it, like most people do, right? It’s like,
but I believe in a different way. And I, I’d urge you to check out my video on my channel a life cat. It’s PC like Paul Charlie Right? So if you think you can learn one little thing and ask yourself like, Hey, was this class today worth 97 bucks? I think probably most. How many of you guys think that what I taught you today? Just the tip of the iceberg. It’s probably worth it. Like you’d be like, yeah, I think it’s probably worth it if I went through, I, you know, with the replay and the notes, I think that’s probably a good deal. Right. And it’s gonna be cool cause it’s like eight full hours or you’re just going to go in and we’re going to teach everything. Uh, we have a Q and we have little breaks along the way. Um, it’s actually a format I just started doing, uh, with the Saturday classes and it worked extremely well. Um, so we’re duplicating that. All right. So any other questions? Uh, Tommy says worth every penny, so, yeah, I think so too. Charlie says, I think it’s worth it. Yeah. Get signed up, make it work and go from there. Crash is a camera freezing. Okay, well we’ll have to fix it.

Yeah, it should be working and see if it’s working on my studio program. Yeah, it’s working. It should be. All right, cool. So, uh, that’s entrepreneurial Uh, get in there. If you are going for the other option, just make sure you write them and uh, let us know or let us know what you can afford. If you’re like, I seriously can’t afford it. Um, tell us what you can be like, hey dude, you know, here’s what I could do. Um, and we’ll help you out with that. But I don’t want anyone to miss out. That’s how important I think this is. Um, so definitely do that. Uh, if you’re getting the blurry screen, it’s probably just uh, the streaming quality or something like that. But I am getting a clearer on my end so we should be, we should be. Okay. Okay, cool. Good deal. Um, I’m going to change the price in 10 minutes before I leave. So if you want to get the 97 price, do that now. Um, and uh, we’ll take it from there, but guys, make it work, make it happen. Entrepreneur, Um, we’ve got any questions. I’ll be back in about two hours working again and we’ll get you taken care of. Thanks again for watching and we’ll talk soon.

Entrepreneur, go and subscribe, watch all my other videos. Lots of good stuff here.