Clickbank Alternatives For Sellers And Affiliates

ClickBank Alternatives

ClickBank is possibly by users to generate income either as merchants or as affiliates. However, there are many people who prefer to know OTHER OPTIONS before establishing their affiliate network either because they cannot be sold on the platform or simply because they are not available.

Are You Looking Mostly For…

Fortunately, there are MANY OTHER DIGITAL COMPANIES OF THIS TYPE that have features similar to ClickBank, and that can be excellent alternatives for those users who are looking for something different.

Rakuten LinkShare

IT IS A WORLDWIDE MARKETING PROVIDER OFFERING A WIDE RANGE OF PRODUCTS, INCLUDING MAJOR BRANDS. This Japanese company was created in 1997 under the name of MDM, INC., with the aim of influencing people to acquire an entrepreneurial spirit. Two years later, it changed its name to RAKUTEN, INC.

In 2004 it had become the second most popular website in Japan, being surpassed only by YAHOO!. A year later, it began its expansion at the international level and entered the financial marketing business. That is due to the acquisition of LINKSHARE CORPORATION, a company created in 1996 in charge of providing technological solutions related to sales, trade, and business development. For that reason, this provider is known as RAKUTEN LINKSHARE (OR RAKUTEN MARKETING).

The Rakuten Group has approximately 1.4 MILLION MEMBERS WORLDWIDE, and 70 COMPANIES distributed in different countries. That is why it is considered the most popular marketing company in Japan.

Registration at Rakuten LinkShare

The most important thing is to know how to register on the platform since it can be a little more complicated and lengthy than in other marketing networks. However, it is essential to note that THE WEBSITE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH RELEVANT INFORMATION AS YOU PROGRESS, especially when you receive the welcome email.

On the registration page, you will find an application form (somewhat extensive) in which you must ENTER THE DATA REQUIRED BY THE PLATFORM. It should be noted that it is necessary TO HAVE AN ACTIVE WEBSITE TO COMPLETE THE PROCESS. You must also ADD THE DOMAIN DATA AND THE AMOUNT OF TRAFFIC that your website receives each month.

Once you have completed the form, you must WAIT AT LEAST 5 BUSINESS DAYS, which is when the platform is used to review the request and determine if you will be accepted or rejected.

Products or Brands of Rakuten LinkShare

Unlike ClickBank, RAKUTEN LINKSHARE IS AN AFFILIATE NETWORK OF PHYSICAL PRODUCTS AND MAJOR BRANDS. Within the platform, there is a wide variety of items distributed in different categories from which the member can choose.

In addition, the platform includes WELL-KNOWN BRANDS within its digital commerce network. There is a great variety of them, but the most popular brands are:

* NordVPN.
* Macy’s.
* JetBlue Airways.
* Billabong.
* Microsoft.
* Monster.
* Lego.

Even another way to generate income that the company offers is through PAID LOCATION OFFERS FROM MERCHANTS.

How Does Rakuten LinkShare Work?

The first thing you should do is JOIN AN ADVERTISER PROGRAM TO PROMOTE. You can add the keyword of the program in the search box or simply go to the “PROGRAMS” SECTION and then take a look at all the categories that Rakuten LinkShare offers.

You will find a wide variety of advertiser programs from which you can choose the one that most appeals to you. It should be noted that THE MORE CRITICAL A BRAND IS, THE GREATER THE PROBABILITY THAT YOU WILL BE REJECTED.

When you find the program you want to promote, you must CLICK “APPLY,” bearing in mind that some automatically accept it while others need to review the request. You can even SELECT SEVERAL PROGRAMS AT ONCE. In the same way, you could use the SITE’S FILTERING FUNCTION to improve the quality of your searches.

Once you have been accepted into an advertiser program, the next step will be TO GENERATE THE LINKS TO PUBLISH THEM ON YOUR WEBSITE OR BLOG. Rakuten LinkShare offers several link options that you can see by CLICKING “VIEW LINKS” in the advertiser section you selected. Some of them are:

* Links text.
* Search boxes.
* Flex links.
* Customized deep linking.
* Banners.

Select any of them and then CLICK “GET LINK.”

Payments on Rakuten LinkShare

Payments may vary depending on the product and advertiser program you have selected. THE COMMISSIONS YOU WILL GET DEPEND ON THE TERMS ESTABLISHED BY EACH ADVERTISER, which usually pay commissions based on percentages.

It should also be noted that the payment terms may vary. The platform processes payments once you have REACHED THE PAYMENT LIMIT. From there, the payment condition can be WEEKLY, MONTHLY, OR EVERY 60 DAYS. Everything will depend on various factors.


Like ClickBank, JVZoo is an affiliate platform characterized by SELLING A WIDE VARIETY OF DIGITAL PRODUCTS. On this platform, users can generate their items or simply earn a commission for selling them.

JVZoo is a relatively young marketing industry. It was founded in 2011 at a time when digital marketing was declining. It has been one of the fastest-growing companies in the United States.

The headquarters of this company is located in Myrtle Beach, Orlando, United States. JVZoo’s goal has been TO HELP PEOPLE SELL THEIR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IN AN EASY AND FAST WAY.

This platform’s growth has allowed the sale of 18 MILLION UNITS, with an average of 6,085 TRANSACTIONS PER DAY. In addition, the company has more than 800,000 MEMBERS. Today, JVZoo represents a company with high reliability and guaranteed thanks to the attention they provide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Registration at JVZoo

Registering on this platform is quite easy and intuitive. Besides, it is essential to note that IT IS FREE. What you must do is enter your registration page and follow a series of steps.

The first thing is TO FILL OUT A SMALL FORM where you must enter YOUR NAME, EMAIL, PASSWORD, AND COUNTRY. Then, you must VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT THROUGH YOUR (REAL) PHONE NUMBER. Verification must be done by placing a 4-DIGIT CODE that you will receive in a phone call. Then you have TO VERIFY THE EMAIL WHICH WILL BE SENT TO YOUR INBOX.

Another requirement is to have AN ACCOUNT REGISTERED WITH PAYPAL, the platform where you will receive payments for the products you have promoted. In case you do not have a PayPal account, there is also the option of RECEIVING PAYMENT AT YOURPOSTAL ADDRESS.

You can end the process by selecting some of the tools that JVZoo provides TO OPTIMIZE YOUR MARKETING STRATEGIES.

Products or Brands of JVZoo

The items that JVZoo promotes are very varied and are mainly digital. Some of the products that you can find are COURSES, SOFTWARE, EBOOKS, AND EVEN DIGITAL MARKETING that can include CREATING WEB PAGES, VIDEOS, LANDING PAGES, AVATARS, AUTORESPONDERS, ETC.

Like other platforms, the items are organized and distributed in various categories which are:

* E-commerce.
* Business.
* Health / Fitness.
* Self-Improvement.
* Software.

You can even enter the “BEST-SELLERS” SECTION, where you will find the best-selling products daily, which are usually the most profitable.

JVZoo’s digital products stand out above other platforms due to their exceptional quality, competitive prices, excellent earnings, etc.

How Does JVZoo Work?

At JVZoo, you can generate income in two ways. One of them is being a PRODUCT CREATOR, and the other is being an AFFILIATE. The platform has a relatively simple operation since, after registering, you should only start LOOKING FOR THE AVAILABLE ITEMS THAT INTEREST YOU.

Once you have chosen the product, you must request its owner, which YOU MUST WAIT FOR TO BE ACCEPTED. Generally, almost all of them are usually approved, although it should be noted that some require certain requirements.

When your request has already been accepted, then you can get THE AFFILIATE LINK ALONG WITH THE PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL so that you can promote it on your social site.


In addition, JVZoo has a REFERRAL PROGRAM. That will allow you TO GENERATE EXTRA INCOME through product sales made by your referrals.

Payments on JVZoo

The first thing to note is that the remunerations at JVZoo are immediate. That means that once you get the buyer of the product you are marketing, YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE THE PROFITS.

The commissions received VARY BETWEEN 30% AND 75% depending on the item you are marketing and its creator. Therefore, you should bear in mind that a product with a price higher than $ 35 can generate satisfactory profits.

JVZOO HAS BILLING PRODUCTS, so you will get better monthly commissions every time a customer buys them.


It is a very popular affiliate marketing platform when it comes to making money online. Basically, CLICKSURE IS A DIGITAL MARKETPLACE where member sellers can market the products of other people or companies.

In addition, it is also considered AN EDUCATIONAL CENTER where you can learn everything you need to start in the world of marketing.

It was created in 2012 in Mauritius as a website intended to provide THE NECESSARY INFORMATION TO GUIDE YOU WHEN IT COMES TO AFFILIATE MARKETING, whether you are a novice or an expert.

This platform is similar to others that offer digital products like the ones we have already mentioned above (ClickBank, JvZoo, etc.). However, this one has specific nuances that make it a little different from the others.

ClickSure allows you TO SUBSCRIBE TO AFFILIATE PROGRAMS based on two standards that refer to transparency and authenticity. However, it is important to clarify these two terms later since MANY PEOPLE THINK THAT THIS PLATFORM IS A SCAM.

Registration at Clicksure

One of the advantages of ClickSure is that IT IS FREE. That means you will not have to pay anything to sign up. However, it is essential to note that YOU CAN BECOME A VIP MEMBER FOR ONLY $ 10 A MONTH.

Enter the ClickSure registration page and FILL OUT THE FORM THAT APPEARS THERE. It is quite easy to do since you only have to add your personal data such as YOUR USERNAME, NAME, LAST NAME, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBER, ADDRESS, COUNTRY, AND ZIP. All other personal information is optional.

After adding these details, you must proceed TO SELECT THE PAYMENT METHOD you wish to use. The options are:

* PayPal.
* Standard Check.
* Wire Transfer.
* Paxum.
* ACH (USA Only).

The last type of information you have to specify is related to YOUR EXPERIENCE AS AN AFFILIATE AND THE TRAFFIC SOURCE THAT YOU HAVE HAD. To finish, ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, and you will complete your registration.

Products or Brands of Clicksure

Like platforms such as ClickBank or JVZoo, ClickSure provides a wide range of digital products distributed in different categories. However, it should be noted that MANY OF THEM ARE SCAM ITEMS, so it is necessary to exercise caution before choosing any.

How Does Clicksure Work?

The process of generating income on this page is not very different from the others. The most important thing is that you have in mind the type of product you want to promote and look for it on the platform. The most recommended is TO CHOOSE INTERESTING ITEMS WITH GREAT POTENTIAL.

After you have chosen the item you want to market, YOU CAN GET THE MEMBER LINK AND START PROMOTING. You can select the platform you wish to promote the product either through SOCIAL NETWORKS, WEBSITES, BLOGS, ETC.



Is ClickSure a Scam?

This situation is one of the most significant uncertainties among people looking for a reliable platform to sell or promote products. Many people do not believe that ClickSure is legitimate. However, THAT IS NOT ENTIRELY TRUE.

CLICKSURE IS NOT A SCAM since it is a company with a reputation that has been created based on excellent values. However, it is important that you know that there are many SCAM PRODUCTS before entering this platform.

The wide variety of scam items on ClickSure listings has made it have a bad reputation by many sellers.

Although this platform is not legally a scam, a good idea would be TO STAY AWAY TO AVOID BEING SCAMMED AND THEREFORE LOSING MONEY.

It should be noted that IF YOU INVEST ENOUGH TIME TO RESEARCH THE PRODUCT YOU WANT TO PROMOTE AND ENSURE THAT IT IS NOT A SCAM, then ClickSure could be a good alternative to ClickBank.

Payments on Clicksure

ClickSure has the potential to ensure higher profits because THE PLATFORM PROVIDES A LARGE NUMBER OF MEMBERS who will be in charge of promoting your product.

Regardless of whether you are an advertiser or an affiliate, you will generate income in either the short or long term. The platform makes payments transparently to all its members, but you should bear in mind that THE PAYMENT LIMIT IS $ 250.

CJ Affiliate by Conversant

This online advertising company specializes in digital marketing. It was created in 1998 Santa Barbara, California, under the name of COMMISSION JUNCTION. It is one of the most experienced and reliable digital marketing companies on the market.

In 2003 ValueClick acquired Commission Junction, and in 2014 it changed its name to CONVERSANT. It is for this reason that Commission Junction was renamed CJ AFFILIATE BY CONVERSANT that year (as it is today).

Over the years, the company has been growing and expanding in different states of the USA. However, that was not enough for them, so thanks to their constant effort, they managed to establish and distribute 15 OFFICES INTERNATIONALLY. In addition, its network is made up of MORE THAN 3,000 BRANDS, among which are some of the best in the world.

Currently, THIS COMPANY WAS OWNED BY PUBLICIS GROUPE, which is a company that operates in the area of affiliate marketing worldwide. Besides, it integrates the FORTUNE 500 LIST making it an elite company.

Registration at CJ Affiliate by Conversant

As with any affiliate marketing platform, the first thing you should do is sign up for it. The registration process is quite intuitive.

Fortunately, before registering, the website gives you a choice between 2 options: ADVERTISER OR PUBLISHERS. Entering the registration website of this platform, yOU MUST FILL OUT A SIMPLE REGISTRATION FORM in which you will have to add SOME INFORMATION (LANGUAGE, COUNTRY, EMAIL, AND PASSWORD).

After you complete the form, you will receive a CONFIRMATION EMAIL TO YOUR INBOX. Click on the link in that email, and YOU WILL BE REDIRECTED TO A NEW PAGE to continue with the registration process.

On this page, you must add additional information about yourself (language, country, name, last name, telephone, mail, password), your company (name, address, city, zip, phone, etc.), and your website (name, URL, description, category, etc.).

Once you have filled in all the text boxes with your information, the registration process is over.

Products or Brands of CJ Affiliate by Conversant

It is one of the best CLICKBANK ALTERNATIVES as it promotes a wide variety of high-quality products as well as renowned brands.

Some of the big and recognized brands that this platform promotes are:

* Verizon.
* IHG.
* Zappos.
* Barnes & Noble.
* Office Depot OfficeMax.
* Travelocity.
* GoPro.
* Overstock.
* Lowe’s.


* Accessories.
* Automotive.
* Books.
* Business.
* Clothing.
* Computer & Electronics.
* Department Stores.
* Education.
* Entertainment.
* Food & Drinks.
* Games & Toys.
* Health and Wellness.
* Marketing.
* Online Services.
* Sports & Fitness.
* Telecommunications.

How Does CJ Affiliate Work?

The first thing we should highlight is that THE PLATFORM’S INTERFACE IS ORDERED, so it is not a problem.

It is vital that you find affiliate programs that have QUALITY ITEMS that you want to promote. Select the “ADVERTISERS” OPTION found on the top menu and then PERFORM SEARCHES USING KEYWORDS. That way you can find products quickly.

Also, another option is to search through the categories provided by the platform.

Once you’ve done the above, FILTER THE ADVERTISERS (PREFERABLY BY THEIR EARNING POTENTIAL). When you filter the affiliate programs according to the net earnings, you will be able to find the best and most profitable items for you.

Like any other digital marketing platform, what you should do now is GET THE LINK OF THE PRODUCT you have selected and PUBLISH IT on any of your WEBSITES, BLOGS, SOCIAL NETWORKS, OR ANY OTHER PLATFORM YOU WANT.

It should be noted that CJ company offers two link creation tools: THE DEEP LINK GENERATOR AND THE PAGE-BASED LINK.

Payments on CJ Affiliate by Conversant

PAYMENTS TO MEMBERS ARE MADE EVERY 30 DAYS, that is, every month. Generally, they are scheduled for the 20TH OF EACH MONTH. However, you should keep in mind that you must reach the payment limit, which is $ 50. If you do not have that figure, then you will not be able to charge by the established date.

There are certain aspects to consider regarding payment methods. The most important thing is highlighting that the platform DOES NOT ALLOW PAYMENTS THROUGH PAYPAL OR CREDIT CARDS. Payments are made through PAYONEER, DIRECT DEPOSIT, OR CHECK.

If you choose “direct deposit” as a payment method, then you must have A MINIMUM OF $ 50 to be able to withdraw them. On the other hand, if your payment method is through “check,” you have to reach $ 100.


It is another of the popular affiliate marketing networks. This affiliate platform has helped merchants for two decades TO PROMOTE THEIR BRANDS TO A WIDE AUDIENCE THROUGH USER WEBSITES OR BLOGS.

ShareASale was created in 2000 by Brian Littleton. Its headquarters is located in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Over the years, this company has built a solid and excellent reputation among all its clients. Today, it has MORE THAN 4,500 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS hosted on its platform in addition to having MORE THAN 700,000 MEMBERS.

In 2017, SHAREASALE WAS ACQUIRED BY AWIN, a global affiliate marketing company.

Members can find the products that interest them most to promote them using websites, social networks, blogs, etc. The number of products offered by ShareASale is immense, representing A GREATER MONETIZATION OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR BLOG OR WEBSITE.

Registration at ShareASale

The registration process at ShareASale is somewhat more cumbersome than on other platforms of this type. However, that does not mean it is difficult.

The first step is TO ADD A USERNAME, PASSWORD, AND COUNTRY WHERE YOU LIVE. Subsequently, you have TO PUT THE MAIN WEBSITE’S DOMAIN that you will use to promote the products.


SELECT THE PAYMENT METHOD that best suits you among those offered by the platform (PayPal is not an option). Then, ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO FINISH.

ShareASale will send you a CONFIRMATION EMAIL THAT YOU MUST ACCEPT TO RESEND THE FINAL REQUEST to the platform and wait for acceptance.

Generally, ShareASale will approve the request IN ONE TO TWO BUSINESS DAYS.

Products or Brands of ShareASale

The company provides a wide variety of products as well as other affiliate marketing platforms such as ClickBank, JVZoo, etc. These items are distributed in some categories for greater order:

* Art & Music.
* Family & Kids.
* Food & Drink.
* Education.
* Health.
* Sports & Rec.
* Wedding.

There are OVER 4,500 MERCHANTS using ShareASale as their affiliate marketing network. IT IS NOT A COMPANY THAT PROMOTES BIG BRANDS, so it is a good thing. That is because small and medium-sized companies tend to have more ambition to grow rapidly.

Some brands are as follows:

* Namecheap.
* Autopom.
* WP Engine.
* Thinkific.
* Qatar Airways.
* The California Wine Club.
* The Princeton Review.

How Does ShareASale Work?

ShareASale is one of the digital marketing platforms with the greatest ease of profitability when it comes to finding and choosing products from affiliate programs.

Searching for merchants is the first thing you should do. Click on the MERCHANTS’ SECTION and then “SEARCH FOR MERCHANTS.” Once you have entered that section, you will have the opportunity to choose FROM A WIDE VARIETY OF CATEGORIES where you can select THE PRODUCTS YOU WANT TO TRADE. Generally, this process is similar to that of other affiliate marketing platforms.

ShareASale provides you with a submenu where YOU CAN SEE A LARGE NUMBER OF PARAMETERS TO BETTER FILTER AND FIND EXACTLY THE PRODUCTS YOU WISH TO PROMOTE. You can use these parameters to your advantage to find affiliate programs that automatically approve you without waiting for a review. Other platforms do not usually have this type of function, so that represents a plus for ShareASale.

Like all of the above, the way to get links is also very simple.

Enter the links section and CLICK “GET A LINK/BANNER.” You will find this option in the top menu. Then, SELECT “GET LINKS.” That way, you only have to choose the type of link, BE IT A BANNER OR A TEXT LINK to finish.

You even have the option of using the HTML code to generate the link.

Payments on ShareASale

Like most digital marketing platforms, ShareASale requires that you have A MINIMUM OF $ 50 in order to collect the balance that we have in our account.

The platform will make payments to its members on the 20TH OF EACH MONTH. That means that you would have to collect the $ 50 a month to withdraw them on the 20th of the following month.

SHAREASALE DOES NOT ACCEPT PAYPAL AS A PAYMENT METHOD, which can be a negative for many users.

However, you can choose between 3 methods which are:

* Payoneer.
* Direct deposit.
* Check sent by mail.



Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to generate income through the Internet. There are many platforms to achieve this, being one of the most important ClickBank. However, many people look for other alternatives for different reasons.

We have seen 5 OF THE BEST CLICKBANK ALTERNATIVES, but it is important to note that they are not the only ones. There are plenty of companies of this type that can function in the same way as those we have mentioned.

Some of the alternatives not mentioned but that are also considered as great companies in this industry are MARKET HEALTH, NEVERBLUE, PEERFLY, AMAZON ASSOCIATES, EBAY PARTNER NETWORK, UDEMY, COURSERA, TREEHOUSE, AND MORE. Each of them has various characteristics and offers different services.

You should know that these companies not only provide the opportunity to trade and promote physical or digital items, but also services.

A wide variety of platforms can make you hesitate when choosing one. You simply must FIND THE BEST OPTIONS THAT SUIT YOUR NEEDS WITHOUT TAKING ANY RISK.

In addition, you should make sure that YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EACH AFFILIATE PROGRAM OF A CERTAIN COMPANY. If you do that before registering, your growth and profitability will be efficient regardless of whether you are a novice or an expert.