2 Cent Clicks On Adwords – Cheap PPC Traffic???

Hey guys! It’s Marcus here from SameDayBlogs.Com

Same day blogs is where you can go to get a

Complete List Of My Trigger Word Loaded Domain Names

that are based On My Trigger Words and Getting Traffic!!


We are going to talk about the Intent Of A Search Engine User

because everything boils down to the INTENT

What is it that they want?


When I start niche marketing, I start with the Google tool. When you look at Google, basically people come to this page to search for certain things for a reason.

They don’t search for coloring pages if they don’t want to color pages.

They don’t search for downloads if they’re not looking to download things.

They don’t search for mortgages if they’re looking for something else.


They search for what they’re looking for.




Now if you were to go and take a look at my Trigger Word List…

If you did Marcus Campbell Trigger Words, you would find my Trigger Words.

I believe they are over here on this SITE.

You’re going to find a list of my Trigger Words. These are words that are designed to help you find out the intent of the people searching for whatever it is they’re searching.


Once you get this, it works really. really well because we could go to the Google Adwords Tool

and type in something like “Balance” or “Broken”.


If we were to type in “Broken”, we’re going to see what it is they want.


  • Broken Heart Quotes
  • Broken Pinky Toe
  • Broken Wrist
  • Broken Window
  • Broken Rib… Foot… Arm…

Let’s try “estimator”

  • Tax estimator
  • Tax refund estimator
  • Home value estimator
  • Tax return
  • Social security estimator

Here’s one that’s called Gas Estimator!2 cents per click!


If we were to go to Google and we look it up and we put in “gas estimator”

We could see that

There’s No Ads Anywhere



If there was ads… it would be something like if we were to type in “credit card” You would See Ads! This is a Competitive Market!


Back to gas estimator…

When we look at this word, our goal is to say what is the intention of the market?


They go through and say…

  • What do people want to calculate?
  • What do people want to print?



That’s What This Is All About

Its finding out what the market wants and what their intent is!


If you focus on the intent, no longer are you doing the old method of marketing which is like fishing. The old method says let’s just throw our line out and hope that out of all the people there someone bites. This is like branding marketing, putting an ad on tv and things like that. It is very costly and often times there’s a lot of waste!


Because They Don’t Know The Intent!


Fishing is boring because it takes so long to wait for them.

That’s the same thing that marketing is. Marketing can be boring and it could take a long time to actually hook something that works if you use the traditional method but when we use these trigger words, it’s very, very, very, very important to realize that we can find out what people want!


If we were to go to our adwords tool here and type in something like “calories”

What kind of calories do people want to know about?

  • Calories burned walking
  • Mcdonald’s calories
  • Subway calories
  • Avocado calories okay

We look at these and we say



Now we say to ourselves, if someone is looking up calories,

the question is What Do They Want Now?  They probably want to GET FIT! They probably want to do some kind of FITNESS THING! LOSE WEIGHT!

Look at the difference here….

Now we know the intention of this person – they’re looking for calories burned walking because they’re planning on taking a walk. If we were to offer them something like you know walking schedule or walking plan, we would be able to make a lot of money and then we could teach them how to lose weight and do all kinds of things!

All because we looked at the intent!

If they’re looking at the calories either in food or calories burned while doing something so that they can burn those calories, that’s what they want!


Let’s take a look at another one…

Let’s say we have someone who is looking to calculate

We go to our tool again and we say “calculate”

And again remember that when you use the trigger word tool and the intent, it’s much easier to get conversions because You Know What They Want!


WE’RE FINDING OUT WHAT THEY WANT rather than going after the mainstream

which is going to be very, very, very competitive

“Calculate” Results:

  • Calculate mortgage payment
  • Calculate interest
  • Calculate car payment

If we do Calculate Mortgage Payment – Medium Competition

We could probably get it for 30 cents a click

The question again is: WHAT’S THE INTENT?

Are they just entertaining themselves with calculating mortgages? Or Do They Want To Save Money?

The chances are they want to save money and we can help them save money by teaching them about mortgages! Teaching them about refinancing! Teaching about saving money! Negotiating all this interesting stuff that we can help them with!

And we could make money all because we know the intent of the person searching!


We can go to our tool here and type in “printable”

  • Print To PDF

There’s intent there! They want to print something on their computer to a PDF. They want to take it from their file, whether it’s word or whatever and get it into a PDF. That way they could distribute it or send it. There’s ways to make money in all of this and when you look at it okay they’re going to tell you that it’s $4 a click!

Rent to PDF is actually not that expensive!

You could tell because not that many people are bidding on the word … Actually, none of them are!

So we look at this and this is a market that we could make tons of money! Really, really easy! Really fun to do! All because we know their intent!

  • They want to convert something to a PDF
  • They want to print to a PDF

We can offer them toolbars and different things of that nature  to make money

Let’s take a look at another one “printable contract” or “sales contract”

Perhaps it’s someone that is looking to sell their house or something like that.

Very easy to make money with because we looked at the intent of the person wanting to print something!

That’s why these trigger words are so important

Not only do they find really killer niches but they also tell you what they want and WHAT TO DO WITH IT!

That’s my whole philosophy with same day blogs and simple sites big profits and blog profit network! ALL THE SITES I HAVE! It is to Go Through And Let Keyword Determine How You Market Online

One last example: “ESTIMATOR”

So we have estimator and we go down here

  • Tax refund estimator
  • Tax estimator
  • Home value
  • Social security
  • Gas estimator – 2 cents a click!

We Go Here And We Have No Competition!

Let’s take a look at the intent of someone who’s looking up gas estimator – Why would anyone want to estimate how much gas it’s going to take?

What about someone who’s going on a road trip??

All right! This guy’s on a road trip. He’s like “I’m driving across the country. How much gas is it going to take?”

They find out the gas they’re going to take because obviously, they’re probably MONEY CONSCIOUS about it.

What do we do with that?

How do we make money with it?

Let me show you exactly how.

Some of the ways to save money on gas is by getting a gas rewards credit card. Remember, we have a 2 cent per click market. Now what happens is…


…$8 a click

…$20 a click

…$14 a click

…$32 a click

We Could Get Up To A Hundred Dollars Or More For Getting Someone To Apply For A Gas Credit Card

We could go to offer vault…

So we got credit cards and a lot of these pay a lot of money


You can find some good ones if we were to go to Google.

Do a Credit Card Affiliate Program and see what’s available and what they’re paying.

I’ve made a lot of money in this exact market, using this exact kind of thing!


You could go through here and you could say

“We Got All These Rewards Credit Cards And You Could Save Money On Gas!”

You could teach them different ways to find hotels on their way!

All different kinds of things based on their intent of estimating the gas price! This is the most important thing – understanding the intent your visitor has! If You Understand The Intent, You Will Make Money

Whether it’s something simple like printing, calculating, calories, or whatever it is! Find the Intent that User has! Whatever their dream goal is…

The important thing is to realize that people dream and they think of things and they visualize things in their mind! When someone’s looking up the “calorie” thing they’re looking at it and saying “okay, i see myself as someone who’s fit” when they’re looking up “blog for profit” they’re seeing themselves as someone who’s making money online and they visualize this!

If you’re starting to get it, which I hope you are, The simple little video should help you understand that intent is everything!

If you Want To Get Involved and Get Started with a Killer Niche Market  from my niche market vault, what I want you to do is  go over to SameDayBlogs.com

You’re going to see a list of domain names that I have that are tied to certain niche markets. There’s a huge list of domain names you can see here like…

  • Child support calculator
  • Closing cost calculator



Not only is the niche for sale but

  • We’re also going to give you the domain name!
  • We’re going to build the site for you!
  • We’re going to give you content!
  • We’re going to tell you the intent!
  • We’re going to tell you how to get traffic.
  • We’re going to tell you how to make money!



If you’re ready to make money online, go over to SameDayBlogs.com

I hope you enjoyed this!

Focus on the user intent and watch out for my next video

  • Which we’re going to go into how to use intent to Write, copy and actually make your site’s convert!!