fake gurus and ex-con business mentors

When: Wed @ 12PM Eastern Time

How: Click This Link Wednesday @12pm est

4 thoughts on “fake gurus and ex-con business mentors”

  1. Are you saying people don’t deserve a second chance after they’ve paid their debt to society?

    1. yes i very much believe in second chances… but it a guy cons people with a business opportunity… goes to jail for that crime… and then gets out of jail to start the same busienss opportunity… that is a problem lol

  2. People can and many do change, many don’t. but your getting off track marcus, stick to what you do best ……teach what really works to make money online, I have paid large amounts of money to ecomm guru’s who are not ex-con’s, not posted in those pictures and yet there courses are fringe scams. value is hard to define, one person’s junk is another person’s prised possession. with that said I did pay money to one of those guys posted in those pictures but I did not feel like I got scammed, just not a good fit for me. I like your stuff marcus, just no shark bites please. haha

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