Changing Contact Info Tutorial

Hey Guys! It’s Marcus here and what we’re going to do today is we’re going to change the contact info on your domain name in namecheap.

So what happens when you get a transferred domain? Sometimes the contact info still points to the person that transferred it to you – or sometimes when you move or for any reason if you need to change the contact info we’re going to show you how to do that! It’s very simple!

  • So the first thing that we’ll have to do is we’re going to back to namecheap and we’re gonna log in and obviously click on our domain just like we did last time on the last video.

  • Choose the domain name that you want and you’re going to go ahead and put your contact info on this boxes below:

NOTE – Make sure you fill-out the registrant, tech, admin, and billing

  • If you fill up the top one, you can just go ahead and click and copy the information all the way down or you can just set up a profile – very very simple!

  • Now, I use a PO Box business address for mine. Now if you don’t want to use a PO box or if you use a home address or something, what you might want to do and click on your contact information is currently accessible you can go ahead and use a subscription to actually hide the details okay so if you use the subscription to actually hide the details.

This is IF you have your home address – if you don’t care if you have it out there, that’s fine too just not that people can find it.

  • If you were to go to google and type in and if you were to type ‘com’and hit Go, you’re going to notice that you can actually see the registration info.

  • So it’s gonna have my address, my name, my phone number and everything like that. So if you DO NOTwant any of this to show up, then I would highly recommend that you would use that service that where it is like a WHOis guard and basically they have to go through an avenue and it uses their information but the E-mail forwards to YOU. So that’s a good thing to use if you do want domain privacy.

  • Go ahead and change those contact info. You would want to change on ALL of them. So everything on this page back here should be changed to you.

Again, Marcus Campbell here with! This won’t take you an hour to do and if you haven’t gotten your blog yet, go get it!

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