Udemy Affiliate Program – Sell Courses And Get Paid!

The Udemy Affiliate Program is designed to enable online teaching and e-learning to all students making them Master new skills through learning from the existing and extensive library and courses, which are categorized into 15 main classes and 100+ subcategories.

One of the best-selling categories in this program includes Mobile, web and application development, Software and IT, Business, personal development, and Marketing.

This program have made few instructors million dollars because of the partnership and inter marketing, which is one of the functionalities of Udemy. As an affiliate with Udemy as an instructor, you are required to give a certain percentage of your course sale. This is because the Udemy brings you sales that you may not have achieved without this great program. They will widen your marketing area and reach more audience on your behalf. The best part of this program is that you don’t have to pay anything if you don’t get results.

After coming up with the Udemy courses, some instructors as well choose to be Udemy affiliate themselves.

Udemy Affiliate program

The program is hosted on the Rakuten LinkShare and other main affiliate networks.

The program is open, and anyone can join it. Here are some benefits you will enjoy from the Udemy.

1. HUGE NICHE market.

Being one of the popular e-learning websites, it has a large number of users, a robust brand, and also millions, which makes it outshine other closest competitors. Its popularity is felt across all other social media platforms like unofficial Facebook pages bearing its name.

2. Increased Demand for online learning.

The program has increased the Demand for e-learning, thus increasing the sales opportunities. This is the fact that online education is convenient, efficient, affordable, and flexible. Many students are enrolling in platforms like Udemy to get paid and free courses. This creates potential high conversions rates and commission on sales.

3. Extensive for everyone

Udemy got everyone taken care of with an extensive course catalog where there is always something for everyone. There are thousands of classes and 10+ categories with as many as 100 subcategories. This program gives affiliate many promotional opportunities.

4. Low minimum payout.

This program has a low payout threshold where the affiliate’s networks have a commission threshold as low as $50. Once a user reaches this amount, a commission is applied to your account on the next payment day.

5. Deep linking Available.

This is a practice in which an affiliate creates a link to a given and specific merchant site.This will help you generate more following whereby instead of using the traditional ways of linking the generic homepage affiliate link, you can just link to blog or article relating to your post.creating direct traffics to the pages of choice.

6. Good reporting mechanism.

The program is hosted by Rakuten LinkShare, which offers the users good reporting capabilities enabling them to monitor the activities on a page like the clicks, sales, commission, and impressions.

7. Available creative assets.

There are other benefits you will enjoy as an affiliate with Udemy, like a creative assortment of banners of all sizes. Also, this program is efficient and timely, using banners for seasonal and special events. There are also additional banners available for different categories, like promotional banners used for business courses.

8. Excellent 24/7 support.

In any business environment having a support team to address users’ concerns is key to the success of the business because this will show commitments and quicken customers’ process. The Udemy program support team is always available and quick in responding to publishers’ inquiries, and they have gotten even efficient and better over the years.

Cons of Udemy Program

Low commissions rate.

Udemy is one of the best programs that you can enroll in as an affiliate marketer, but the commission rates aren’t that high. Before, they used to pay commission rates of 40 to 50%, but those days at long gone, and now their rates on the commission were lowered to 15 percent and 12 percent on flexoffere, making the program less enticing than before.

Seven day Cookies period.

This was previously 30 days before Rakuten LinkShare hosted it with a Seven day cookies period some instructors view this program as we win-lose proposition.

Poor landing paged.

The Udemy program affiliate leading pages haven’t been updated for the last three years making It less productive since it misses some key and informative marks.

How much you can earn with the Udemy affiliate program.

Let take a typical example, whereas an affiliate you have 1000 visitors who have a 1% conversion rate. Since the program sales at the range between $9 and 299$ This means since you are given a commission on sale extending 50$ then to get how much you will earn as an affiliate

Number of visitors, conversion rate = The earnings.

1000*1% conversion rate.
When you have atleast 1000 serious visitors in a day or a month, you can earn moderate $200, but the figures are subject to change depending on the niche and the courses you are promoting on the Udemy program.
Alternative affiliate programs to Udemy.

There are also plenty of programs that are offering services similar to Udemy.

-Coursers -45% commission

We can say that the benefit of becoming an Udemy affiliate if you have an website is that you get a 20% commission on each course bought by an Udemy student through your affiliate link, and this is done within seven days after the purchase. The program also has promotional banners and coupon codes that you can use to attract more customers.

When you because affiliate market with the Udemy program, there are a thousand materials that are availed to you in different niches making it easy for you to sell and market.

Some of the tips on becoming successful with the Udemy affiliate program

1. Pick a low competition niche you love.

Some affiliates design websites and promote some of the Top courses from Udemy using promotional coupons regularly. The courses may not be of a particular category from one week to the other. This is a quick way to drive your sales and get a better commission; this may not be a trustworthy way of generating an active audience. Many may follow you, but you may not trust them later. The host of Udemy program Rakuten doesn’t buy the idea of such websites.

It is always a good and ideal idea to build your followers in a specific niche topic that you have a deeper understanding of and knowledge on. This makes it easy to to.differeciate yourself and add some value to your readers’ lives, and this makes you get higher conversions rates for Udemy courses purchased under your affiliate link. After deciding on the niche to work on, do your homework on the sales in that given niche since Udemy list all the sales on each category and subcategories on their website in order of their popularity.

Never choose a niche that you have no idea about even if it is high populated since, as an affiliate on Udemy if you have no background information, you will face extreme difficulty. After selecting the niche, you are interested in checking the course enrollments and all the reviews. Try to figure out of the reviews are legitimate and if they are recent. Also, is the course paid or free? As an affiliate, you will opt for a course that is paid for and not a free course.

2. Build a Website or a social media page.

When applying to be the Udemy affiliate program marketer, they will check if you have the potential to promote its courses effectively. The rule of thumb applies where you must have atleast 5000 visitors on your website monthly. The idea behind this is that the more you increase the visibility of your website, the more audience you will reach when promoting the Udemy courses because online traffic is very important. Create a great blog and website with great content and frequently. To generate more following, then apply tactics like using the inbound marketing techniques and SEO backlinking and google ads for building an audience and generate traffic, this will take a lot of time and needs some patience.

With a great audience, you will be at a position of generating some money and earning revenue through affiliate marketing.

3. Optimize Website landing page

We should all know that affiliate sales all depend on your conversion rate, and this is also a key aspect of inbound marketing. To succeed as an affiliate marketer, make sure that you have a convincing landing page that will make readers click on links.

Key ways to increase Conversion rate

-Create a home page that targets a specific ground of audience will make you use other ways like email campaign and pay per click if you have correctly identified your audience

-Use compelling and interesting images or videos. This will make readers stick to your page and want yo explore the page more and clicking a lot of links.

-Once a visitor visits your page collect their personal information so that you can send additional information to your readers like an eBook or even guide or even Udemy coupons you can use the information later to remarket to your visitors.
-Optimize your page for Seo.when visitors find you by searching on the internet, they will be interested in whatever you are offering, thus increasing your conversion rate.

4. Build and maintain audience trust.

If you want to gain more sales, than make sure that your audience can trust the course you are promoting on the Udemy program so that they can value the 10$ they are paying for a program. When promoting Udemy course, this means you are staking your name if the customers find your recommendation unsatisfactory this will damage your reputation in the future.

Ways to build trust with your audience
-Create a great “about me” on your page where you will put all your personal information on the site where customers can contact you and even locate your physical office if need be.

-Market a specific topic. This will make you have authority on a specific topic and showcasing your experience and knowledge; this will make the audience believe in what you are promoting.

-You can take a course that you have tested and proved it was working for you and proving screenshots as a prove.

– You can also interview an Udemy program instructor course you are promoting this will drive more trust from your audience

5. Take a personal approach not a review approach

There are two ways of presenting yourself as an expert with the Udemy affiliate program. You can take a personal approach where you create the content and make recommendations and put your personal experience to readers; this is a natural way, and it will enable you to sale more. When you take off your personal experience, then readers can lower to your level and connect with you .This is a good marketing technique as the audience can relate and put themselves on your situations

Expert approach.- this is where you review a website. You can google a site and write a review of the same in this way a writer will just come to your site to read and decide which course to purchase, and they will do so through an affiliate link.

It takes time to maintain your customer base and trust using the expert approach as the readers fell more static, and the information may not change often.

6. Monitor Reporting

The Udemy host Rakuten offers good reporting with details which a user can use to predict the next step they can take to increase their affiliate revenues. If you see that your affiliate link is leading to additional course purchases, you can as well check those courses and include then on your affiliate marketing program. You can create a new blog or a website and promote the newfound categories, and this will increase your revenues as well.

You may find out that some of your audience is buying your recommended course at a full price rather than the discounted prices. Do more of what you did or said and view their profile to understand why they are willing to pay full price for the course.

Who can use this Program ?

Individuals from any country
People from different niches
The Udemy instructors who what to increase their sales and review
A marketer who wants to launch product inside and outside of Udemy
Individuals interested in developing skills and online business
People of all ages and abilities.


This is an online learning platform that is developed with an aim of connecting people from different countries with one aim goal.
Udemy has earned a reputation as one of the best programs that aim at educating people.we should also remember this is a corporate entity in a marketplace. As we all know, the market place is there to make money.