Dear Affiliate Marketer,
Did you know that this page was actually made using the Simple Blog Theme… yep thats right… this is something i have been working on since about 2011 when i first got into blogging.
You see… i got into blogging 11 years after i made my first affiliate comission online.
I Hated WordPress… And I Hated Blogging… At First…
Then… since the search engines loved these wordpress blogs and i wanted free traffic and an easy way to build sites (back then i had to use front page 2003, fancy codes that i screwed up all the time, and some clunky ftp software… then when i uploaded everything i had to do the rain dance and cross my fingers that it would actually work) so wordpress and blogging seemed cool… but all the themes were a pain in the ass and did way to many complicated things.
I mean… can’t there just be a simple theme that is designed with CONVERSIONS and SALES in mind.
So… i set out to have my own theme created for my websites that i used in my business’ that get hundreds of millions of visitors… and i am in a business where just a little bit of difference in conversions can mean the difference between making like $100 a day and like $16K a day!
And this was super important.
So i got to work building a simple theme that would make this whole process super easy.
And now… i want you to have the same theme… For FREE!
Yes… this is a fancy sales letter designed to get you to download my Simple Blog Theme For Free…
WHY… because i am so convinced you will love this theme that you will come back and buy my other training programs to help make even more money with affiliate marketing… sound fair enough?
I mean… if i can actually make this theme super simple and save you countless hours of jacking around with different tools… well then i have made your life better and you will probably think… hey that marcus guy is pretty cool and he knows his stuff… i think ill buy one of his courses or join a webinar or something.
And if that sounds fair enough to you… go ahead and fill out the little opt in form below and i will not only send you this theme completely free of charge… but i will also give you a killer video tutorial on how to use it and tons of other cool stuff to help you make money online with affiliate marketing.