Two Things That MUST Fit For You To Profit Online

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Everyone Laughed When I Started My “Backgrounds And Layouts” Website… Then the Checks Started Coming In And They Couldn’t Help But Ask… How the Hell Are You Making All This Money?

Snow covered the ground that year… it was 2003 and we were living in Portland Oregon.

Up until now I had been making a great living helping small business owners get more traffic thru free search engine rankings.

It was funny because these business owners would come to me and ask for rankings for stuff like “free cell phones” or “cheap cigarettes” and “mortgage” one guy even wanted to rank for something about parrots.

Now I knew there was no chance in hell I would be able to get these customers rankings for these super competitive words…

There were already (yea in 2003) too many people competing for the little guy to get ahead.

Oh sure maybe I could spend six months working my butt off and probably get a ranking for the parrot guy…

But Mortgages? Free Cell Phones? Cheap Cigarettes?

Forget About It… Those Are Just Way to Competitive and There Is No Way I Am Going to Spend the Next Six Months of My Life TRYING to Get A Top Ranking Only to See It Vanish A Few Months Later.

So instead of ranking for the words the customers originally thought they wanted… what I did was explain to them how search marketing works and…

How I Find Hidden Back Door Keywords For Highly Competitive Niches That Convert EVEN Better Than The Big Ones Everyone Else Is Competing For…

Because the big secret to internet marketing is not about having all the fancy stuff…

You hear it all the time:

  • Gotta have a fancy landing page
  • You really need super good content and lots of it
  • Everything needs to be SEO friendly
  • Or perhaps they say you need backlinks
  • Or some fancy software
  • You need a big list or social media following
  • And on and on they go…

And all that is happening is they are leading you down a rabbit hole with no way to get out… and of course you are stuck with the bill… and nothing to show for it.

I Have Seen People Go Down This Rabit Hole Spending 10, 20, Even 30 thousand dollars or more with no results… back at square one, wondering… what happened.

Now up until this time I was doing pretty good, making a decent living with this search engine marketing stuff… but it was more or less a JOB…

Having to deal with customers, get them rankings, find new people, and do all the work was pretty tiring…

And I had the dream… I wanted to get out of this JOB type work and get into something that created passive income…

I Dreamt Of Having Something That Would Pay Me Over And Over Even When I Was Not Working…

But I Was Scared…

At 23 years old with a 18 month old daughter, a 1 month old daughter, rent, car payments, a wife…

It Seemed Half Hazard To Chase This Dream Of Making Passive Income When I Was Comfortable And Had Something That Was Working.

We were by no means high on the hog… after I paid my taxes and took a vacation… we were pretty much pay check to pay check.

I’m not complaining though… $100,000 a year for a 23 year old who barely made it thru high school wasn’t bad.

And I remember my dad joking about how I am able to stay home and take care of my family all day… which was kinda cool.

We were doing ok, comfortable living in our Oregon apartment… but I knew for a fact there was more out there… I knew there were people absolutely killing it online and I HAD to find out what they were doing so I could duplicate it.

Now I cannot begin to tell you what people said and what I felt when I set out to “do affiliate marketing.”

Here I was about to disrupt a six figure job for some pipe dream, some idea, a “fantasy” as they said.

I was investing lots of money learning this business, some of the stuff was complete and utter junk and useless, some was ok, and some of the stuff was really helping me “get it.”

But I was scared and lost and felt like I was doing something stupid and careless… and I had mental images of me and the kids on the street corner begging for food.

Yea my mind kinda goes to the extreme but needless to say it was the uncertainty that was daunting.

Yet I knew in the back of my mind that there was a way to make this work…

Hell that year alone I noticed I got over 1 million visitors for my little seo clients…

And The Traffic I Got Them ACTUALLY Converted Better Than Super Expensive Traffic They Were Paying For…

That Cell Phone Guy I Mentioned… Yea he was making over $30,000 a month with the free traffic we got him…

The guy with the cheap cigarettes was doing like $6,800 a month…

The Parrot DUDE… was making thousands a month in sales for his parrot book…

And that is just three examples… we had over 60 clients that year from dating sites to health products, to network marketers, you name it…

And They Were All Making RESIDUAL Income Off MY WORK!

And truth be told most of their sites weren’t even that good, they just had the right traffic for the right offer and BAM the magic happened and they took off.

So what gives… why were they able to make all this money of work I was doing while they just sat there and collected the checks.

They had the offer…

I had the traffic…

Which was a match made in heaven!

Because if you have the right offer and the right traffic it does not matter how good you are at sales or how good your page design skills are or what your order form looks like or anything like that…

Its like this…

If you were trying to sell ice water…

Do you think it would be harder to sell in the dead winter of Portland Oregon with the snow on the ground and the cool air…

Or do you think it would be better to sell to people traveling thru the sahara desert in the middle of summer…

Obviously Its Easier To Sell Something To People Who Know They Need It… And THIS Is Where The MAGIC Happens…

So back to Oregon in the snow…

There I was… I knew I could get traffic cheap or even free for damn near any niche I wanted using my stealthy niche finding tactics I had been using for my little search ranking business.

But it was the offer part that was missing…

If I could just find out how these people are getting paid from my glorious traffic… then I would be set.

Have you ever felt like you are so close to something you can almost taste it… like its right there within your grasp but there is one little secret or tip or bit of knowledge that is stopping you…

Its like you know exactly what you need to do but putting the pieces together is another story… you are right there… you can see the finish line…

AND BAM this big brick wall pops out of no where and stops you every time…

And its not like a cool chilled out brick wall with a door… no this brick wall says “FAILURE” you can’t do it… YOU LOSE… You Are Stupid… or whatever…

And I have seen this brick wall many times in my life and I am going to show you right here right now how to CRASH thru it NOW in your affiliate marketing business.

The way to crash thru this wall is actually quite simple… Its All About Having The Right Niche Market And The Right Offer!

Its funny because when I found that niche market about backgrounds and layouts back in 2003-2004 I saw that there was a bunch of non competitive traffic out there…

But what to offer them…

Its just a bunch of people looking for free backgrounds and layouts for their little free pages online.


How do you make money with a non buyer market?

Well that was the key, that was the secret, and knowing the niche and the offers was worth OVER SEVEN FIGURES to me!

What I did was send them to little downloads.

Had you thought of that market… you would have made that money too… if you acted on it and had the right offer…

Like a friend of mine unethically did… he actually found out about my little layouts and backgrounds site and COPIED IT.

That’s right he copied the niche, the offer, made a little landing page and he too made seven figures…

And guess what… he wasn’t even an internet marketer and he didn’t even learn 1/10th of what I teach my students…

But Still Knowing The Niche And The Offer Was EVERYTHING.

Knowing the niche and offer IS everything.

Now he was a fool and didn’t listen to me… he made millions online and spent it all and because he copied instead of listened he now works a regular job… don’t be him lol

Now that was just one of the examples… another example that comes to mind (because today in the news the lottery is at like 2 billion dollars and people flip out and waste money on tickets when that happens) but the niche I found a few years ago when the lottery was at 600 million…

Sidenote: funny how people will spend hundreds of dollars a year on lottery tickets with a 1/300 million chance of winning but refuse to invest in something that will actually work if they use it.  They actually feel better too… like when I made $94 last week on a ticket I felt like a champ… not remembering the thousands I spent to get it.

And I set up this little site because people didn’t know how to make money on the word lottery… and I got traffic and sent them to a little lottery download…

And BAM $1,300 the first day the site was online.

All because I had the right niche and the right offer.

If you have a good niche but a bad offer its not gonna work and if you have a great offer and no niche that’s not gonna work either…

THESE TWO HAVE TO FIT… You Need The Right Niche And The Right Offer Or You Will Be Spinning Your Wheels Forever And Getting Nowhere And You Will Come To Me Later Saying Marcus… I Should Have Had You Find My Niche For Me…

But I Digress Because I Want To Show You More Niches…

Like when I found out that the word adsense was great for getting people who want to make money blogging

Or when I found out that set up a blog was good for hosting

And when I found the tattoo market which is tough to convert if you don’t have the right offer… but I found the offers that worked.

Heck I even made money on people looking to play the Mario game online… u know the little guy who bashes thru brick walls – kindof fitting isn’t it.

And by now you are seeing that I have a knack for finding these non competitive traffic sources and turning them into massive profit.

So now my question to you is…

What would it be worth to you if I gave you a niche and a market that I know will work?

What was it worth to my friend who copied me, what was it worth to the countless others who have gotten my niches over the years?

And you may be asking… marcus if you have all these niches and you can make money with them WHY in the hell would you ever sell them…

Well if you were to take a look at my domain accounts and hosting accounts you would see that at any given time I run about 60 sites and 60 niches… you would also see that I have almost 900 domain names…

And there is no way possible for one guy to run 900 websites… I could hire a team and put out like 100,000 bucks a month to have them build out the sites for me… and I would probably make a ton of profit.. eventually… but it sounds like a lot of work to me.

And I don’t like working hard… I like working smart.

So what I have been doing is setting my students up with these niche ideas and sites so they can go out and make them work.

And of course I think I profit about $600 on each niche so that is a little incentive as well…

But even more incentive is the $100K a year I made on my silly friend who took my niche…

You see once we set up your niche and website I’m not high on the hog with my $600 or whatever… its probably even less… I’m terrible at accounting…

BUT we also have it set up so we refer you to the affiliate networks we use and get 2-5% kickback on your earnings…

So if you make money… I get paid even more!

Which is a fun little incentive… and I was making $100K a year on my friend so imagine what he was making.

All because he had the right niche and the right offer.

THIS is what you are missing… this is the one step that is stopping you from bashing thru the brick wall of profitability and understanding how this business works.

And I am giving you everything you need right here right now to make that happen.

Because after you signup today you are going to get:

A top level niche market idea from me personally… yes these are hand selected by me using the research methods I have been using for over 18 years to turn little untapped niches into gold

I am also going to give you one of my top level domain names for your niche… according to godaddy some of these domains are worth anywhere from $500 to over $1,800 now I don’t know what you can sell yours for… its just an estimate… but one of mine I sold for $25K and they said it was worth 1,800 so it all depends and that was the only time I sold one for that much so don’t expect anything… its just icing on the cake. And if you do sell it for a lot let me know so I can brag about you to my students.

Then we go thru and give you the offers for your niche so you have BOTH pieces of the puzzle so you can make this work… I hand select these offers for you from my private stash of what I know converts and will work for your niche

After I have all that set up I have my team set up your site with a custom theme, layout, design, and over $700 worth of my custom software plugins

When everything is done (usually 2-3 weeks cause we like to do it right) we hand deliver everything to you with a traffic action plan… so you can either go the free traffic route or ppc route and make it work

On top of all that we give you 90 days support and coaching

AND as if that is not enough… we also give you a guarantee that if you ACTIVELY work your niche and for some reason it will not work because of the niche… we will give you a replacement… but you have to show us what you did because sometimes we can fix it… and if it’s a niche issue we will hook you up with a replacement as long as its in the first year.

Sometimes in life something will sound too good to be true and I have found in those times that you have to rely on what makes sense… not what you feel.

But I want you to feel good right now about this and about my helping you so I am going to help you decide that this makes sense to you.

1st. Remember this is not another training program… while we provide training and the goal is to help you use your niche from me to get results and use it as a stepping stone so you can start making them on your own

2nd. Look at the facts… everyone who fails at internet marketing has one thing in common… they either do not have the right niche or they do not have the right offer… plain and simple and makes sense.

3rd. Look at the worst case scenario… worst case… you end up with a valuable domain name and website you can actually sell.  Best case… you use the domain and website and niche and offers and actually follow the steps to get results.

Now obviously I cannot guarantee you will make anything and sadly most people who get high ticket niches never so much as drive one click to them – mystery to me but hey to each his own.

But I can tell you that if a friend of mine came to me and said marcus what is the best way to make this business work…


SELL! Marcus are you a terrible friend… what is wrong with you?

Yes sell… because I see and know the value of these things and even if a friend came to me I would tell him the same thing so that he GETS the value and makes it work.

If you do not understand the value of a niche and a good offer combination then you should not be in internet marketing…

Its like the old story I heard about a large ship that was having some issues..

It was a huge ship one of the pipes was spouting water everywhere and floding the ship…

So they call in this “expert” and the expert looks around spends about 10 minutes twists a knob and tada all fixed.

He asks for his $10,000 payment and the ship operator says $10,000 but you were not here but 10 minutes and you just twisted a little knob…

So he sends an itemized list:

Twisting knob: $1

Knowing what knob to twist: $9,999

And so you see that knowing the right niche and offer is the key to making this internet business work for you.

Do you want me to pick your offer and niche for you and set up your site?

Go to right now and signup

After you signup make sure you put in the niche request at so we can get a niche that fits you best… we don’t want to stick you with puppy niches if you don’t like puppies (serious though… who doesn’t like puppies) so you have full control of the selection and you even get a choice when we pick the niche to say yes or no till we get you one you want to use… super fair right?

Get A High Ticket Niche From Marcus Here