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Alright , Your Killer Affiliate Marketing Videos Are On The Way To Your Email Address Right Now… It’ll Be There In About 3 Minutes…

Now… Before we get started there are a few things you should know…

First off…Yes… I Am Trying To Sell You My Simple Sites Big Profits Training Course Because I Believe It Will Save You Time, Money, And Provide The Missing Pieces So You Can Finally Start Making Money Online…
Now that we have that out of the way I am going to give you tons of free content so that you know this is for real and is exactly what you have been missing all along.

You will notice that I will be emailing you killer videos, reports, and other great content to help you make money online… so keep an eye out for emails from “Marcus Campbell” – that’s me :o) this isn’t like the other guys where everyone emails a bunch of stuff hoping you will buy… my emails and videos are carefully constructed to help you learn how to run this business…
They will look something like this…



From time to time I will recommend some things and you may buy them because they will help you make more money but hey, it cost a lot of money and time to run this site and its only fair to receive compensation and promise I will only recommend things that I use personally.

Secondly, you will soon find out that I’m not a fancy “guru” trying to get you to fork over your money for some crappy ebook… I am here to build a team of SERIOUS marketers who want to make money at this business – if you are serious about learning this business and being an affiliate marketer you are welcome to join my team… If you are not serious and really don’t want to do the work it takes to be a success online… please save your time and money and go somewhere else.

Lastly…you will see that I’m actually a pretty laid back, nice guy and I really genuinely care about helping my students… that’s why I actually try to respond to all your emails, that’s why I have a phone number for you to call, and that’s why I encourage your questions.

My whole belief is that there is plenty of money in the affiliate marketing industry to go around.
This is a fun and exciting business that will completely change your life if you are up for it… I for one love being able to make as much as I want, work from home, and enjoy time with my family.

FIRST: Download Your Affiliate Marketing Dude Toolbar

Check Out These Links Too:

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Much Is Starting An Internet Business Really Going to Cost Me?

You Can Get Started With Less Than $100 If You Want…. That’s What I Did!  The key is to invest in yourself… invest in what you can learn and how you can apply what you learn.  Don’t look for the “next big thing” or the “magic bullet” they don’t exist.  Find someone you trust and like learning from… and follow them :o)

Are There Any “Hidden Fees” In Your Program?

The Only Extra Thing You Will Need Is Web Hosting For Your Site (You Can Get This At $9 For Unlimited Sites) Everything Else Is Included… I May Recommend Some Paid Tools (but I have free versions of everything you need)

How Do I Find A Niche That Isn’t Over Saturated With Marketers?

Inside your simple sites program I go over this in detail… there are literally thousands of keywords you can use that other marketers haven’t even begun to saturate… there is a list of 25 of these in your members area… and I have another list of over 5,000 of them on my desk. – If you need help finding your niche, order simple sites, then call me and I will personally help you find your niche so you can start right away.

How Do I Get Paid?

On your simple sites desktop click “top profit centers” that will give you a list of all the companies i work with to get the best offers and the best payouts… they take good care of us.

Can This Really Work For Someone Who Isn’t Internet Savvy?”

Yes! If you are willing to do the work and learn my step by step process.

Can This still Work even if I have very little time?

Yes… there are little things you can do in about 15 minutes a day that can start making money for you right now and get paid the same day in some instances.

Why Is Your Program More Expensive Than The ‘Other Guys’?

This one is easy – from the video at you will see that you truly do get what you pay for.   The other guys programs are just like fast food… you may get full but you do not get what your body needs to survive – and they will always leave you needing to buy ‘JUST ONE MORE THING’ to make it really work.

So if you are really serious about starting an affiliate marketing business or increasing your income then you will join because I offer personal support, tons of video lessons, a members area packed with information on how to get started, personal site evaluations, and much more.  With the 90 days of support you are basically getting everything you need for less than the cost of a fancy cup of coffee a day.  So ask yourself… would I rather have coffee… or learn to print money on demand?

For those who truly cannot afford the program… don’t freak out… stay on the list, watch the free videos, read my emails, and when you are ready let me know.  We have actually had reports of people making money using the free videos alone!

>>> Get Simple Sites Big Profits Here <<<

I’m Looking Forward To Working With You Soon,

Marcus Campbell

PS: I’m a real person and I provide real support.   If you have questions, ask me 707-450-1194

PPS: You should have another email from me by now… go check your inbox for another cool video and some bonuses.

Learn More About How Simple Sites Big Profits And Marcus’ Fanatical Personal Support Will Help You Profit Online