CONTENT TEMPLATE Special instructions: please pay attention to the keyword on the article you are writing… this should be the title of the article. focus on prices, calories, fat content, ingredients, healthier options, what diets this is bad for, ect. IMPORTANT: This is not an SEO article. Please don’t focus on keyword density and just write naturally. 1. Before you submit, please use this tool ( to make sure no keyword is over 3% density in the finished article. 2. For this article just focus on the the keywords in your article as the title. here are some example articles: sample links 3. We check for plagiarism using Copyscape- so please keep it unique! Thanks. 4. Make the content as detailed as possible- no filler language or ‘blah’ content. 5. Use headings to organize the content and to ensure broad coverage. 6. Run the content through Grammarly ( a free grammar checking tool to fix common errors.